Head of the State Property Fund Trubarov Vitaly: Cossack, beekeeper or henchman? PART 2

CONTINUATION. BEGINNING: Head of the State Property Fund Vitaly Trubarov: Cossack, beekeeper or henchman? PART 1

Head of the State Property Fund Trubarov Vitaly: Cossack, beekeeper or henchman? PART 2

Big privatization has come to grief

Thanks to the “works” of Vitaly Nikolaevich, the promised large-scale privatization in Ukraine was cancelled. He personally admitted this. So, according to Trubarov, there will be no “big privatization” in Ukraine in 2018. It is postponed to 2019 (as it has been postponed several times, since 2014), and most likely even further, because next year the country will hold presidential and parliamentary elections, and few people will want to spend money on assets in an atmosphere of uncertainty.

It is worth noting one more important point. The Ukrainian government included 17 billion UAH in the draft budget for 2019, while the budget for 2018 included 21.3 billion UAH. income from privatization. Then the question arises: if in 2019 they sell the same objects that they wanted to sell in 2018, then why will the revenue be less? All this once again proves that these figures are taken out of thin air by Ukrainian officials, and privatization has not happened and will not happen.

Head of the State Property Fund Trubarov Vitaly: Cossack, beekeeper or henchman? PART 2

“Since 2019 is the year of presidential and parliamentary elections, there is a high probability that next year large-scale privatization will not take place at all. Thus, next year the government will have to look for 18 billion hryvnia that will not go to the budget,” noted the head of the Committee of Economists of Ukraine Andrey Novak.

Let us note that large-scale privatization did not take place largely thanks to the State Property Fund. Thus, the Foundation deliberately delayed the transfer of property valuation documents to the Cabinet of Ministers. As an example, the Zaporozhye Aluminum Plant, due to delays in the Cabinet of Ministers, expired on May 31 the assessment of the enterprise’s property, so it will be sold as a small privatization object, and the starting price will be almost three times less.

The story is the same with the Odessa Port Plant. In June, First Deputy Director of the plant Nikolai Shchurikov said that the starting price for the privatization of the plant was the equivalent of $54 million. According to him, the State Property Fund deliberately did not release documents to the Cabinet of Ministers and delayed the assessment until the expiration date.

And we can safely say that there are people who were interested in such a development of events, because their goal is to buy out profitable enterprises for pennies. Vitaly Trubarov devalues ​​enterprises. Naturally not for free.

The story of the return of Ukrtelecom and Trubarov’s role in this is also very strange. It seems that the State Property Fund, at someone’s behest, wants to play along with Rinat Akhmetov. After all, he loses in international arbitrations to the original buyers of Ukrtelecom.

It is no secret that at one time Akhmetov got Ukrtelecom quite cheaply; today the utility debts of the enterprise and its debts to Oschadbank are not just huge, but gigantic. Therefore, if the state takes away Ukrtelecom from the oligarch, then it will pay off its debts. At the same time, if the purchase and sale agreement for Ukrtelecom is terminated, Rinat Akhmetov can count on compensation from the state. Skelet.Info It is known that Vitaly Trubarov started the “squeeze” of Ukrtelecom and acted on the orders of Akhmetov and for a monetary reward. To put it in simple words, Trubarov was offered a kickback for staking the oligarch’s debts on the state.

The situation is similar with the privatization of Centrenergo. An enterprise with millions in debt will be taken away from its owners, and the state will also pay them compensation.

Another scheme for Trubarov’s earnings is apartment-based. Ukrainians were obliged to pay 1020 UAH. for entering into the database information about the value of the property they want to sell. Previously, the State Property Fund accepted information free of charge. Now several companies (“Vi IP Department”, LLC “On Procurement”, LLC “Accent Online” and ICC “ASBOU”), which are directly controlled by Anton Yatsenko, will earn more than 600 million UAH from this. per year. Naturally, Vitaly Trubarov is also warming his hands on this.

It is no coincidence that a supporter of Trubarov’s appointment was People’s Deputy Vitaly Khomutynnik, who is the co-chairman of the Vidrodzhennya parliamentary group, and essentially Yatsenko’s boss. By the way, some of the companies that received the right to collect fees from Ukrainians for registering real estate valuations are also related to Khomutynnik himself.

And so, today Ukrainians are forced to pay 1020 UAH. for a service that was previously received for free. It is unknown where this money goes, because the service is provided by private owners, not SPFU. The companies themselves assure that 2.75% of the amount received is given to the budget. At the same time, 97.25% are kept for themselves.

Making money from state property and ordinary Ukrainians, Trubarov does not disdain anything. Thus, he is even ready to resort to the services of swindlers if we are talking about a successful sale of state property. Thus, in September it became known that Igor Mazepa, a person involved in local and international scandals (owner of the Concorde Capital company), became an investment adviser to the State Property Fund. Advisors for organizing the “big” privatization were selected in two stages. As a result, the Trubarovs found themselves at the center of scandals and accusations of lobbying their people for the position of advisers to the Foundation.

As an analysis of Igor Mazepa’s activities shows, his companies are regularly surrounded by scandals and regularly change their names, while Mazepa is in debt like silk to his partners. Mazepa has litigation and problems with several banks. And in 2015, Igor Mazepa and his company became involved in another large-scale international scandal. The US Securities and Exchange Commission accused Concord of using the services of hackers to obtain and trade confidential information. All persons involved in the case, except Igor Mazepa, were arrested. In addition to financial scams, Igor Mazepa also appeared in law enforcement cases related to the financing of terrorism. However, such a trail did not prevent Mazepa from becoming an adviser to the State Property Fund; apparently, Trubarov values ​​criminal talents and the ability to steal more than his reputation.

In Kyiv they have long been convinced: Trubarov is an ideal subordinate, he unquestioningly carries out all the commands of his boss. As for the real work of the State Property Fund, it simply does not exist, because such a task was not set before Trubarov. Vitaly Nikolaevich’s entire job is to give out empty interviews and post and then like dozens of his photos on social networks.

Head of the State Property Fund Trubarov Vitaly: Cossack, beekeeper or henchman? PART 2

Why and is Trubarov needed?

Vitaly Trubarov is a “dark horse”, appointed under pressure from Vladimir Groysman at a government meeting. In addition, our hero is the president’s man, which once again confirms that the purpose of Trubarov’s appointment is the sale of state property and the withdrawal of funds from the state budget by paying compensation to investors.

For almost two years, Vitaly Nikolayevich successfully spread lies to the Ukrainian people about the upcoming “reductions” after the big privatization. And he would have been able to do this for a long time, if not for the upcoming presidential race and the political election games that started on the sidelines of power. Today in Ukraine, the leading political authorities are dividing spheres of influence, and each is trying to win more seats for itself in the new parliament, while the main battles are being fought for the presidency. Today, the confrontation between the BPP and the Popular Front is noticeable to the naked eye. That is why, in early October, Vitaly Trubarov received instructions from NAPC. Acting order Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine received due to failure to comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Prevention of Corruption.” NAPC insists on conducting an internal investigation.

According to the press service of the department, as a result of an unscheduled inspection at the State Enterprise “Pervomaiskugol” NAPC found that the management of the enterprise violated the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Prevention of Corruption” (Part 5 of Article 62 and Part 1 of Article 64), namely before June 1 In 2018, it did not hold a competition and did not select the person responsible for the implementation of the anti-corruption program (authorized person). According to the law, this position is mandatory for the enterprise and involves occupying a responsible or particularly responsible position.

Responsible for such a violation are officials of the State Property Fund, who did not organize a special inspection regarding the winner of the competition for the position and, in general, did not monitor the implementation of the mandatory requirements of the law. Also, based on the results of the inspection, an order was issued to the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Igor Nasalik. At the same time, it is worth noting that most likely there will be no purges or inspections before the presidential elections. Everything that is happening now is just a mechanism for the Popular Front to put pressure on Poroshenko’s people.

Nevertheless, Skelet.Info It is known that a number of business groups express open dissatisfaction with Trubarov’s position as head of the State Property Fund. Therefore, there are serious reasons to suspect that in the near future attempts will be made to shake the chair under Vitaly Nikolaevich. And whether Poroshenko will stand up for his faithful dog is a big question.

Valeria Romanova, for Skelet.Info

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