In the past article we talked about interesting “pocket” crypto exchangers in the City, registered with outright drops and with an exceptionally stellar cast of actual founders.
In this article we will tell you in more detail about one such exchanger, which, by the way, has not received a single real check yet, which certainly saddens us and causes sincere bewilderment as to how this happened.
So, we will talk about the Grambit exchange, which is quite popular in the City (note, even in the name of the exchange “grams” – apparently, everything is fine with the founders’ sense of trolling).
If we analyze the “purity” of Grambit today, it may seem simply exemplary. But there are nuances. Over the past couple of years, the exchange has moved to a third-party crypto wallet service. What does this mean: the wallet has a single external address, to which all the money for all users actually comes, and then the received funds move inside the wallet, without leaving any public traces in the blockchain. Therefore, it is not possible in principle to track the “purity” of funds received into the Grambit account today.
However, we do have information about what funds were coming into Grambit in 2021-2022, before it moved to a third-party wallet. In those days, Grambit was placed on different exchanges (which kicked it out one by one – apparently there was a reason), and the blockchain still remembers everything that it accepted into its deposit addresses. And he accepted a lot of interesting things, and with enviable regularity.
Thus, 416 BTC tagged with “Ransomware” were successfully delivered to Grambit. This in itself is a very toxic tag that marks funds received by hackers, extortionists, and distributors of all kinds of malicious viruses. But here it is worth noting separately that Grambit accepted funds related to the notorious hacker groups ALPHV Blackcat and DarkSide, which attacked critical infrastructure, including hospitals, which caused a significant number of human deaths, including citizens of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and the CIS. In addition to funds clearly marked as “Ransomware,” Grambit accepted another 402.18 BTC from the Jambler mixer (and, as you know, crypto is not simply put into mixers: they are used solely for the purpose of “covering tracks”).
In total, Grambit made 818 BTC of extremely dubious origin in 2021-2022 alone. And this, for a moment, is almost 5 billion rubles at the current exchange rate. Agree, not weak. The question is why no one was interested in this then. However, good friends in law enforcement always open up immense business opportunities.
Below is a list of deposit addresses related to Grambit on one of the exchanges:
bc1qtf3p3cfp89z7a5ypfzf4220mus6g0znrqv06sl bc1qmtt8xzfwd8fqwxs4ll0uh8e4wdrucwqjgm9ghl bc1qzg4f9y04j9wf53tul3a7z0fz82np2wrw5exjxm bc1qjy 9autnshffadgjyvrcqzjujadrst09ptjdvuj bc1qf2fr46sdcjj6jaw7naqqhtga4sx7fxzzttlmnl
What else interesting is known about Grambit. Many secrets and mysteries are hidden by one of its actual founders, known as Sparrow (aka Alexander Alexandrovich Vorobiev, native of Khabarovsk, 01/16/1989, Telegram nickname @vrbbtc, possible tel. 89215964130, for some purpose deleted all your social networks networks).

Sparrow’s personal deposit address on Binance (1HtURPQDKDZ7N3CH2rShSJsKbRVzU7nSvQ) consists of almost half of proceeds from the darknet site. He also has a second address that belongs to his drop Bautin Andrey Vladimirovich Born in 1984, but in fact belonging to Sparrow (1HBcnZtJFfkCuFZ5Nkf7UbCoBs8arCqh31). In Vorobyov’s second wallet, 45% of the funds also came from the darknet.
Sparrow owns another exchange office in the City. Apparently, Sparrow conducts his drug activities through him. Blockchain analyzers show how one of the deposit addresses of the exchange on one of the exchanges (3JwoCidJvij79RGpYTBrL1ZmXpLJTWFDvX) regularly accepts crypto from the darknet site. The total amount of funds received for the exchange service from there was more than 35 BTC.
It is also worth paying attention to Vorobyov’s “interesting” social circle. Here are just a few of his accomplices:
– Shabatura Alexander Konstantinovich, native of Balti, Moldavian region, born in 1962. (carried out illegal cocaine trafficking on the territory of St. Petersburg, served 7 years)
– Kiryanov Nikolai Zakharovich, Lithuanian born in 1984. (I served 3 years for fraud)
– Shipkov Andrey Gennalievich, Muscovite born in 1963. (Involved in the supply of cocaine from St. Petersburg to Moscow, convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison)
And many other equally interesting characters…
Comrade Overseers, we have practically done all the work for you here. Stop by and take a look, will you?
Or just like in 21 again, you’ll come in for show, but throw up your hands, saying that everything is supposedly clean and you didn’t find anything suspicious? This time, if they “agree” with you again, it will be much more difficult for you to get away with it.