BEGINNING: Gennady Vatsak: alcohol wars of the smuggling barons of Vinnytsia. PART 1
Gennady Vatsak | Petr Brovko
It should be noted that during that election conflict, for the first time the names of people from clans competing with the Brovko family appeared in the media: in addition to Mikhail Savolyuk, “KUNovets” Mikhail Losenko and “joiner” Mikhail Petrovsky were mentioned (now both have joined Groysman’s party), as well as the resigned from the authorities, young ex-SBU officer Yuriy Makedon.
New troubles awaited Pyotr Brovko in the 2012 parliamentary elections. He himself was to blame for them: Pyotr Petrovich Brovko agreed with Petro Poroshenko, who was then the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Azarov’s government and the head of the Supervisory Board of the National Bank, that he would organize a victory in the majority district No. 16 for the oligarch’s dad, Alexei Poroshenko. However, this and neighboring districts had the eye of the influential Vinnitsa family clan Kaletnikov, of which the most famous and odious was the then head of the Customs Service, Igor Kaletnik. Because of this 16th district, in which the family wanted to bring Oksana Kaletnik to the Rada, a serious inter-clan warin which Pyotr Brovko almost became extreme. As a result, Kaletniki won, the Poroshenko family retreated (and took offense at the regionals, deciding to join the opposition), and Petro Brovko escaped with a fright, although not a light one. But it could have been worse, judging by the note that the head of the PR faction, Efremov, handed over to Kaletnik Sr. in the session hall:
In January 2013, at a disco in a nightclub in Mogilev-Podolsky shots were fired. Then the local police gave very brief information to the media: the young people had an argument, one shot the other with a traumatic pistol. The names of those involved in the incident were also not given. This is understandable, because the shooter was Sergei Shevchuk, nicknamed “Chief,” a major known throughout the city and the son-in-law of Mayor Pyotr Brovko (married to his stepdaughter Christina). And as the victim’s mother, Svetlana Rudevich, later told reporters, a bullet was taken out of her son’s chest in the hospital. It looks like it wasn’t traumatic! But then this matter was hushed up, the whole city was afraid of the Brovko clan and its frostbitten henchmen.

Sergei Shevchuk and his wife Christina
Brovko’s son-in-law (and Vatsak’s friend), emboldened by impunity, became a real lawless man (as well as a city council deputy, a member of the Solidarity faction). And on May 10, 2016, Shevchuk shot again: this time his victim was Alexander Kolomoets, nicknamed Kaban (allegedly belonging to a clan of certain “farmers”). The showdown was purely “boyish”; the wounded Kolomoets did not report to the police (like the doctors who operated on him), but his aunt Tatyana Glushchak did. And then the matter came to the attention of journalists, who found out that on the eve of the shooting, Kolomoets and his relatives were among the organizers of an anti-mayor rally that demanded an end to the lawlessness of Sergei Shevchuk and his brother. In general, again the family went against the family, a kind of Huttfields and McCoys in Mogilev style! Now it was not possible to hush up the incident, and a few months later Sergei Shevchuk ended up in jail, where he ended up staying for about 8 months. And while he was sitting, there was a war between the families: cars were burned, certain “authorities” from the region and Kyiv came to the showdown. Apparently, this war affected the interests of the alcohol and drug mafia, who were alarmed about the work of their smuggling channels. And then there is the stepdaughter of Petra Brovko (the biological daughter of one of the “authorities”) threatened to tell the press about the secrets of the Mogilev mafia.
Meanwhile, in February 2017, not far from the military registration and enlistment office of Mogilev-Podolsky there was an assassination attempt against a local “authority” nicknamed Melya. Unfortunately, neither the local police nor local residents dared to give his last name, as well as information about another Mogilev “authority” nicknamed Peps. The shot “authority” survived, and the incident was clearly a continuation of the war for control of the border city. And the Brovko family won again – judging by the fact that by the summer of 2017, passions finally subsided, and the Vinnytsia court acquitted and released Sergei Shevchuk. However, the latter does not know how to forgive, even if “authoritative people” insist on this. And on New Year’s Eve, January 1, 2019, Shevchuk, having met there with Kolomoyets, staged a tough fight with stabbing.
Meanwhile, Shevchuk’s father-in-law, Mayor Petro Brovko, so actively supported President Poroshenko’s policies that, in a fit of “tomos grace,” he tried “squeeze” the temple from the UOC-MP in the village of Solnechnoye in order to transfer it to the newly created OCU and please Pyotr Alekseevich with this. As expected, such activity of Brovko was explained by the fact that he urgently needed Bankova’s protection – after all, just a few days later the prosecutor’s office handed him suspicion of taking a bribe. At the same time, the corrupt mayor began wearing an embroidered shirt at work and decorated his office with Maidan and ATO paraphernalia, thereby confirming the saying that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels!

Petr Brovko: changed into an embroidered shirt while waiting for investigators
Who does Vatsak serve?
Peter Brovko always needed his own people’s deputy in Kyiv. But it so happened that in his constituency either candidates from very influential clans ran (as in 2012), or representatives of competing families won – as in 2014, when Yuri Makedon received a deputy mandate. This is a very interesting character from the Mogilev deck. In 2003-2008, he worked at the local SBU in the anti-smuggling department, then suddenly transferred to the anti-corruption department and within a year jumped from captain to lieutenant colonel. And then he quit, allegedly of his own free will, and became a lawyer and social activist. According to information Skelet.Infopositioning himself as independent, Macedon began his career as a protege of one of the smuggling clans, and was engaged in the SBU by arresting the “cargo” of competitors. As a result, he worked too hard, got into some kind of scandal, was transferred to the anti-corruption department, but he did something there too – and was forced to resign.

Yuri Makedon
In 2010, Makedon and Vatsak were elected together to the Vinnytsia Regional Council, only Vatsak came from the “Batkivshchyna” that had begun to fall apart, and Makedon (in another district) from the newly created “Front of Change.” And then in 2014, as a non-party candidate, he won the 16th majoritarian district with a result of 21.61% of the vote, ahead of his main competitor Roman Stadniychuk by only 0.03%. It is clear that many were talking about fraud, and besides, the turnout was only about 50%. However, Makedon played on the anti-Brovka sentiments of the townspeople, and was supported by the forces opposing the mayor.
As for Petro Brovko, he had to be content with the fact that he enlisted the support of Petro Poroshenko and remained in his seat, having been re-elected in the 2015 local elections. But then, as you could understand from the above events, the situation in Mogilev-Podolsky began to heat up. Therefore, it was a great success for Brovko that in the 2019 elections he was able to ensure the victory of his protégé Gennady Vatsak – whose competitors were both Macedon himself and the “servant of the people” Taisa Tomljak. At the same time, the media reported that oligarch Yuriy Kosyuk invested in Vatsak’s election campaign, and immediately after his election, Vatsak joined the “Privat” faction “For the Future”, from which in the summer of 2020 he left for “Dovira”, which is more loyal to the authorities.
Having become a people’s deputy, Vatsak immediately drew the attention of journalists to his very extensive and luxurious car parkin which all cars are numbered “0001” (several cars have the same number “AB 0001 IO” and “AB 0001 BI”). It seems that the kickboxing pastry chef is still trying to prove to the whole world that he is “first in everything”!
But already in the fall of 2020, Vatsak tried very hard to help Peter Brovko get re-elected. Everything was used: generous distribution of gifts, sweets, renovation of the park, another appeal to the topic of “Maidan heroes” and ATO veterans. And he personally brought down his anger on the territorial commission, which did not want to register Petro Boyko due to a number of violations, in particular the falsification of his nomination from European Solidarity. But if he managed to include Brovko in the electoral list, then he cannot be counted as a victory. He won with a margin of only 23 votes. Gennady Glukhmanyukwho became the new mayor of Mogilev-Podolsky.
Now Vatsak needs, if not to make friends with the new mayor (which is doubtful, given the clan feuds of the city), then at least to protect his interests with Brovko. And to begin with, to settle the scandals that Vatsak got into in 2020, when Petr Brovko, intoxicated by his mandate and confidence in the eternal mayorship, remembering the dashing 90s, began to “squeeze” other people’s business. We are talking, first of all, about capture of the river station buildingwhich caused the same numerous publications about Vatsak’s “gangster methods” and the lawlessness that has been going on in the city for many years. At the same time, entrepreneurs who rented premises there were literally thrown out of the station building.
What happened? The newly appointed people’s deputy Vatsak decided to privatize the building of the city’s river station, in which he was helped by the then-current mayor Brovko. As a result, KD Vatsak LLC, which has an authorized capital of one thousand hryvnia (how do they make cakes?), privatized the facility. It was privatized with violations, as a result of which a lawsuit was filed against the Regional Department of State Property to invalidate the privatization, which was confirmed by the decision of the Regional Economic Court (see documents). And then Vatsak decided to illegally vacate the building from the small entrepreneurs renting it. For example, Nadezhda Moskaluk’s cafe has been working there for 25 years! But Vatsak doesn’t care about this, he brought in workers and his “titushki” (from the Kickboxing Federation?), who pushed out the tenants and took their documents, money and personal belongings, then welded bars onto the building.
The entrepreneurs turned to the police, who showed blatant indifference to this seizure. It was in vain that the guardians of the law were shown copies of documents and resolutions, because law enforcement agencies in Mogilev-Podolsk had long been “fed” by the Brovko-Vatsak clan. This was confirmed by the comment of the head of the city police department Vasily Obodovsky to the Krayany publication (controlled by Brovko), who said that Nadezhda Moskaluk was “inflating the situation” and that the privatization of the station was legal.
The conflict did not end there. The Brovko family clan, to which Vatsak belongs, is distinguished by its vindictiveness. And so they immediately began to do dirty tricks to the Moskaluk family. First, the guards and “titushki” of Vatsak, who arrived in several jeeps, blocked the road a tractor with an excavator belonging to the Moskalyuks. They then began demanding documents from the driver of the tractor-trailer and accusing him of violating traffic rules – apparently imagining themselves to be the police. The latter, by the way, having arrived at the scene of the incident, did not react in any way to the lawlessness of Vatsak’s “brothers”.
However, this was only a “warning”. But then something much worse happened: someone damaged a motor ship belonging to the same Moskaluks moored at the city pier, and it half sank – and as a result, fuel oil spilled into the Dniester. That is, this is already damage to property plus a deliberate environmental disaster, which is quite close to an act of terrorism! Therefore, the local press raises the question of whether it will ever be possible to free Mogilev-Podolsky from the octopus of the Brovko criminal clan and his henchman Vatsak? Well, law enforcement agencies in Kyiv (local ones were bought by corrupt officials) should probably check the information that not only Vatsak cakes serve as a cover for smuggling schemes and laundering of dirty money. A number of sources Skelet.Info claim that the vigorous activity of Brovko and Vatsak on the banks of the Dniester is connected with underwater “alcohol pipelines” and even more ingenious mechanisms for transporting contraband across the Ukrainian-Moldovan border.
Mikhail Shpolyansky, Skelet.Info
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