The President fired four deputy defense ministers: the first deputy Ruslana Tsalikovachief financier Tatiana ShevtsovaSecretary of State Nikolai Pankov and responsible for IT and science Pavel Popova. How and where did their families live?
Palace on Rublyovka
State Advisor 1st class (equal to a general) – 67-year-old Ruslan Tsalikov – worked as deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a dozen years, and as deputy head of the Ministry of Defense for ten. In the military department, he coordinated a wide range of issues: from capital construction and financial audit to work with the media.

Members of the Tsalikova family enjoyed a palace in the Rublyovsky village of Razdory, huge even by local standards, with tennis courts and guest houses (up to two billion rubles), as well as a more modest country house in neighboring Barvikha (cost up to 500 million) and apartments in a historic house on Patriarch's Ponds (cost – up to 50 million).

Residences for Deputy Minister of Finance Tatyana Shevtsova
State Advisor 1st Class – 54-year-old Tatyana Shevtsova – was in charge of finance and social security at the Ministry of Defense and monitored government orders.
She was appointed to the post by the former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, before she was his deputy at the Federal Tax Service. After the boss’s disgrace, Shevtsova was one of the few who remained at her post.

The first elite housing of the general’s family was a three-ruble apartment with views of the Moika River in the Golden Triangle of St. Petersburg (cost up to 70 million rubles), the next was a cottage in the respectable St. Petersburg suburb of Pargolovo (up to 100 million). The most expensive asset where Shevtsova’s relatives appeared was a residence near the Arkhangelskoye estate on the banks of the oxbow lake of the Moscow River (worth up to two billion).

Where did the relatives of IT General Popov live?
Army General – 67 years old Pavel Popov — served as deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for a long time. When he went to work at the Ministry of Defense, he was entrusted with the entire innovative direction: research activities, the robotics center and the development of information and telecommunications technologies.

Pavel Popov's family occupied apartments in the prestigious residential complex “Smolenskaya Zastava” in the capital's Khamovniki (up to 75 million rubles), a brick mansion in the closed cottage village “Mashkin Hills” in Novogorsk (up to 200 million), a five-room apartment in a townhouse in environmentally friendly Kurkino (up to 50 million) and home ownership on the banks of the Yenisei in the forest belt of Krasnoyarsk (up to 50 million).

How did the family of HR chief Nikolai Pankov live?
Army General – 69 years old Nikolay Pankov — served as Deputy Minister of Defense for two decades. Worked under the supervision Anatoly Serdyukov And Sergei Ivanov. All this time, he was in charge of personnel management, educational work, physical education, universities and colleges.

Members of the general’s family used a four-room apartment in the residential complex “House of Administrative Offices of the President of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)” on Krasnaya Presnya worth up to 80 million rubles. There is 24-hour security and video surveillance, outside the window is the December Uprising Park. The Pankovs also lived in a constructivist house on Bolshoy Karetny near the Hermitage garden (the price of similar housing is 30 million).