General Pankov is an example of how Russian army generals can play to the benefit of Ukraine

“Leaks” and “bribes” of generals of the Russian Ministry of Defense will end the ATO in a few days. Example – General Nikolai Pankov

Having received certain insider information and analyzed what is publicly available, we have compiled the following picture for ourselves. We present it to your attention in the form of an article.

General Nikolai Pankov

General Pankov – the fifth column in the Russian army or our chance for victory

The anti-terrorist operation hangs heavily over Ukraine. Almost every day we receive reports about losses in the ranks of our heroes; the daily cost of maintaining the army in these conditions is about 95 million hryvnia – Yatsenyuk on the daily costs of war l And there is no end in sight. On the one hand, we will never come to terms with the loss of Donbass, and on the other, the separatists, with the support of the Russian army, are not giving up their positions. Now the 6th stage of mobilization is underway. Which one will be the last?

The key word here is with the support of the Russian army. The separatists themselves are unlikely to hold out for at least a week.

Of course, considerable efforts are being made to neutralize the Russian army. This includes the powerful international support that Ukraine managed to achieve in its just war against the Russian occupiers, and the valiant actions of our troops. However, our special services seem to have overlooked an excellent opportunity to disintegrate the Russian army from the inside. It is common knowledge that Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) is in a deep systemic crisis; it is plagued by large-scale corruption, especially in the highest echelons of power, which is also widespread in the army. That is, the task is to find a key figure in the highest echelons of the army who would cooperate with Ukraine and bring the Russian army into a state that would not allow it to provide significant support to the separatists.

We analyzed the Russian information space and found such a person. In fact, they did the work of the SBU. He is little known among us, and yet he occupies a very important post in the army.

This is Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Army General Nikolai Pankov. The person in charge of (drum roll) the deployment of personnel in the army. Involved in a number of corruption scandals and now (drum roll again) clearly in need of a large sum of money. In fact, an ideal target for recruitment. Let’s talk about it in detail.

Nikolai Pankov is a career KGB officer. In the Russian army since the beginning of the 2000s. He has held his current position for more than 10 years. The chief of army personnel – all appointments go through him, and routine work is carried out by his immediate subordinate head of the main personnel department, Colonel General Viktor Goremykin, a general personally devoted to Pankov, a personnel officer with great capabilities, but still not as influential as Pankov. FLB: Anatoly Serdyukov is just the tip of the iceberg. Everything is much more dangerous.

Pankov’s entire military career, as the Russian publication Vek writes, took place within the walls of one building – the Ministry of Defense itself – Is Cabinet General Pankov a bomb for Minister Shoigu? He is a typical “parquet general” who has never served a day in the army, and it is not surprising that at a certain stage he came into conflict with the “combat generals.” In essence, he purged the Russian army of military generals who were at least somewhat professional in their field. The list of these generals is given by The Moscow Post – State Secretary General Pankov could not deceive Minister Shoigu. In fact, even then he did something useful for modern Ukraine. Unfortunately, then, after Shoigu’s appointment, many of them returned to service.

The construction of a radar station near Anapa, which was dubbed “Pankov’s dacha radar,” caused a lot of noise in the Russian media. In 2009, the Ministry of Defense made a request to deputies of the Anapa City Council to allocate land in the Bolshoi Utrish Nature Reserve in order to build a radar station in this area. At first, the deputies were in no hurry to transfer almost one hundred acres of land on the seashore to the defense department, so General Pankov came to Anapa, explaining at a meeting of the City Council that the new station was needed in connection with the partial transfer of some services of the Black Sea Fleet to Russian territory. He convinced me – and a plot of land at the address Krasnodar region, Bolshoi Utrish village, Naberezhnaya street, 1a was allocated for the benefit of the Motherland. And then a reception house with an area of ​​600 square meters with a swimming pool, a boathouse for yachts and other attributes of luxurious life were built on this site. Only there is nothing related to the radar station there… Pankov later told the investigation that he knew nothing about such construction, and “knocked out” the land specifically for the radar station on the instructions of Serdyukov, and that he did not pursue any personal gain. But it was at this time that Pankov received from Serdyukov several hectares of expensive land in the Krasnodar Territory as personal property THE INVESTIGATION “FIED” STATE SECRETARY PANKOV

However, Pankov somehow managed to hush up this matter, but here is a new, modern and not yet finished matter. The case of the relocation of the Central Navy Museum in St. Petersburg. In 2010, it was decided to move this museum to new premises. Almost a billion rubles were allocated for this. In December of the same year, the Ministry of Defense entered into an agreement with Neviss-Komplekt LLC to carry out a set of measures to move funds and exhibits from the Exchange building on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island to the Kryukov barracks on Truda Square. A total of 980 million rubles were transferred to the accounts of this company. In December 2012, when the entire exhibition was supposed to move, Pankov signed an act to complete all work on a turnkey basis. However, most of the exhibits at that time were still in the same place. It was then that the GVSU became interested in this case. It quickly became clear that about 400 million of public money had disappeared in an unknown direction.

The director of the museum, Andrei Lyalin, was arrested. The facts collected by the investigation against Lyalin were so obvious that he, wanting to ease his fate, entered into an agreement on pre-trial cooperation and began to hand over his accomplices, as they say, “without giblets.” In particular, he testified that he was forced to sign the work acceptance certificates by representatives of Nikolai Pankov. “Andrey Lyalin pleaded guilty to mediation in the transfer of a bribe of 15 million rubles. He received this money from Shvirikasov (director of Neviss-Komplekt LLC) and transferred it to the senior officer for work with personnel of the Ministry of Defense Masyutenko (a subordinate of Nikolai Pankov),” said the defendant’s lawyer Alexander Afanasyev.

The investigation conducted a series of confrontations, in which Lyalin, Shvirikasov and Matyusenko took part. During their course, Lyalin testified that it was Masyutenko who ordered him to transfer 10% of the amount of the government contract allocated for the relocation of the museum in 2011 – 980 million rubles. Moreover, Masyutenko told Lyalin that this money was intended to be transferred “up,” that is, directly to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense during the “reign of Serdyukov.” Lyalin, of course, informed Shvirikasov that a kickback in this amount was required, and he, in turn, prepared 15 million rubles for Masyutenko. At the same time, Masyutenko knew that the funds remaining after the rollback would not be enough to complete all the work on time. However, soon the acts of acceptance and transfer of work were signed – of course, fake ones – for the transportation of the museum’s property in 2011.

Lyalin told all this during interrogation, but Matyusenko – the direct “representative of the Ministry of Defense” – in this case in every possible way denied his guilt. It is curious, however, that Shvirikasov, in a confrontation, said that he gave Lyalin 56 million rubles, while Lyalin claimed that he received only 15 million rubles from Shvirikasov. Thus, the difference in readings amounted to 41 million rubles. Apparently, 15 million rubles. “they got their hands on” Lyalin and Matyusenko, and 41 million rubles. the latter handed it “up” to his immediate superior – Nikolai Pankov – The investigation “investigated” State Secretary Pankov

To this day, Pankov has not been able to hush up this matter, especially since at its height he lost his Kremlin patron – Presidential Advisor on Anti-Corruption and Civil Service and Personnel Issues Sergei Dubik – Dubik, Pankov and Fridinsky figured it out for three

According to Russian laws, if he does not reimburse 400 million rubles, then even he and his gold shoulder straps will have to move to the bunk. Pankov has always loved money, but now he is especially feverishly looking for it, and the amount is unaffordable for him, despite all his corrupt dealings. Even if he finds and pays this amount, he will still want to compensate himself for the loss of hard-earned money acquired through back-breaking labor.

This thief is still not in prison, which means that the rumors that Pankov managed to find a new high patron were correct. But no one removed the debt from him.

And although he always gives out many positions in the army for money, it is not easy to collect such an amount; he will have to increase the number of general positions for sale, even if the position is occupied by someone. Removing a general, vacating his position and replacing him with someone else is not a problem for him and this is a very good chance for us. Pankov can become a strategic investment that will pay off not only in money, but also in the lives of our guys.

The reliability of investments in Pankov is also good because the chief military prosecutor Fridinsky is still in force. The Russians write that Fridinsky, in the interests of Pankov, is removing generals from positions that need to be vacated. Due to this, it is possible not only to appoint the right people to important positions, but also to remove those who cause damage to Ukraine.

Of course, we painted a completely unattractive image of Pankov – but that’s what makes him good for us. Simply an ideal target for recruitment. Dishonest, thieving, in conflict with racist jingoists, and even in need of money. Well, it’s not really quilted jackets to recruit jingoistic patriots… How long can the SBU be involved in protecting prostitutes, customs and business when the country is at war with the aggressor? Let them do something truly useful for Ukraine and the entire democratic world.

If you put the people Ukraine needs to lead the Russian army, Puilo can give any orders he wants, and they will be executed in our favor. Of course, the people we have appointed will have to somehow account for their positions, and we must allow them to win small victories. Let them receive medals and promotions due to this. The more of our people occupy important positions, the better. Tactical victories and strategic defeat of our enemy are our goal. And we are closer to it today than ever before.

And if you think about it, the price of the issue is a little more than just 1-2 days of maintaining the ATO. And the effect can be simply stunning.

Is it really so difficult for the SBU to find this kind of money? Let him shock our oligarchs – after all, they don’t have to profit from the war, they could do something useful for the country.

The enemy’s shortcomings and vices must be used to one’s advantage. Perhaps the main flaw of the Putin (*criminal) system is its corruption and venality. And this can play very well for us. Pankov is far from alone.

Think there, in the SBU…