Gazprom has no other Karabanov for Elektrogaz

Andsource Contractors go for money to the partner of the head of VIS. Another creditor announced the court. Associated with Gazstroyprom, Elektrogaz is under threat of bankruptcy. The intention to file a lawsuit with the court at the moment was announced by another contractor, who had previously won a dispute for tens of millions against a Gazprom asset. At the same time, analyzing the performance of Elektrogaz for the previous year, analysts come to the conclusion about the “critical state” and the likelihood of breach of obligations in the short term. Experts draw attention to a multiple drop in revenue, losses of hundreds of millions of rubles and a negative value of net assets. At the same time, this year Elektrogaz was headed by the ex-director of another notorious Gazprom asset, Energogaz, which acted as a subgeneral contractor for the Punginskoye UGS facility expansion project in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. As a result, Energogaz was declared bankrupt, and billions of dollars were revealed in the process. In addition, the ex-director of Energogaz, Alexander Karabanov, was noted for a criminal case involving tax evasion, which was “curtailed” only after compensation for damages. In the current situation, industry representatives recall the judgments about allegedly “targeted bankruptcy” of Energogaz and Karabanov’s ties with the family of the ex-head of Gazprom Tsentrremont, and now the general director of the VIS group, Dmitry Doev. Given these factors, the chances of a positive outcome for Elektrogaz, which served Gazprom's subsidiaries in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YaNAO, are considered by observers to be scanty.

Construction Technologies LLC (“STROYTECH”; declared bankrupt) announced its intention to apply to the court for the recognition of Elektrogaz JSC (the main owner, according to the information disclosure service, Gazstroyprom JSC, Gazprom PJSC) financially insolvent .

To clarify, Gazstroyprom is the general contractor for the construction of Gazprom's facilities. The company was created with the participation of organizations associated with the gas monopoly, while the federal media directly called it an asset of the state company.

Currently, there are no data on the owners of Gazstroyprom in open sources, meanwhile, the organization's management, together with representatives of other Gazprom subsidiaries, recently participated in a conference call, which was held by Alexei Miller, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom.

In the case of STROYTECH, apparently, we are talking about claims in the amount of more than 40 million rubles. At the beginning of this year, the corresponding funds were collected from Elektrogaz in favor of the company by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court. Let us add that earlier, LLC Neryungristroyizyskaniya and LLC ETK also announced their intention to file lawsuits for bankruptcy of the Gazstroyprom asset at Fedresurs.

At the same time, based on the available reporting, Elektrogaz is really going through, as market participants say, “frankly not the best of times.” So, according to Kontur.Fokus, the revenue of Gazprom's asset collapsed from 9.49 billion in 2017 to 3.92 billion at the end of 2021.

“The main reasons for the decrease in revenue and production costs for 2021 compared to 2020 are a decrease in the volume of products manufactured by the Afipelektrogaz branch, as well as a decrease in the scope of design and survey work of the Elektrogazproekt branch,” follows from the reporting of Elektrogaz. At the same time, in 2021, Elektrogaz showed a loss of 282.3 million rubles, and in 2020 – a negative financial result of 852 million.

“… the financial situation is characterized as critical; financial results for the year – as very poor. On the basis of these two assessments, the final rating assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise was obtained, which was D – critical condition. <…> Most financial indicators are significantly worse than the norm. There is a high probability of bankruptcy of the organization already in the short term (probability of default),” follows from the financial analysis in “Kontur.Focus” based on the results of 2021.

At the same time, in 2022, Elektrogaz continues to face major financial conflicts. So, in December alone, the court satisfied the claims against the asset of Gazstroyprom from LLC Uralenergoservice for 75 and 35 million rubles. In general, according to the system, claims were filed against Elektrogaz for 12 months in the amount of about 430 million rubles.

In this regard, industry specialists draw attention to the fact that in 2022 Elektrogaz was headed by Aleksandr Dmitrievich Karabanov, the ex-director of another notorious Gazprom asset, Energogaz LLC (according to Kontur.Focus data) , the participants are Centerenergogaz JSC (99.99%) and Alexander Karabanov (0.01%), who acted as a subgeneral contractor for the Punginskoye UGS facility expansion project in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

“This situation looks very ironic in the light of the fact that the participants in the Energogaz case spoke about the likelihood of deliberate bankruptcy, recalling the connections of Dmitry Doev (the current general director of the VIS group, and earlier the head of Gazprom Tsentrremont. – Approx. Ed.) , in particular, with representatives of PJSC “Seligdar”, – says the interlocutor of the publication on the market.

Let us add that Alexander Karabanov was also marked by a criminal case initiated against him, involving tax evasion, which, however, was closed after compensation for damages. Earlier, Pravda UrFO reported in detail about the tax scandal around Energogaz and hundreds of millions of schemes revealed in Gazprom's assets.

At the same time, market participants call Alexander Karabanov a partner of Dmitry Doev, pointing, among other things, to connections through the former assets of Anna Berkovich, who was called the founder of the Alibra School network of foreign language schools and also Doev's wife. So, according to Kontur.Fokus, Alexander Karabanov, moreover, is listed as the head and participant of such structures as Summa Technologies LLC, Alibra Sever LLC and New Technologies LLC. Anna Arkadievna Berkovich also appeared in all of them.

An earlier publication also talked about the resonance caused by the information that a certain Anna Berkovich became the director of Alibra International Language School Limited, “registered in hostile London.”

Other relationships look no less interesting. So, the representative of the Electrogas Management Company was Raushkin Yuri Vladimirovich, whom the interlocutors of the publication also associate with Doev. At the same time, later Raushkin was listed as the head of VIS Production Company LLC (VIS PF, part of the VIS group of Igor Snegurov). : “personnel tested by bankruptcies” from Gazprom to VIS, as well as Doev’s connections with Snegurov, speaking of which market participants inevitably come to discuss multibillion-dollar conflicts and “losses of a state-owned company”.
