At one time, the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU reported on the wanted list and arrest in absentia of the former owner of the SU-155 holding – Mikhail Balakin. According to a source, director of distressed assets of Dom.RF bank Alexandra Ivanova, who “saws in the morning and stings in the evening”, managed to check in on this problematic track. Ivanov coordinated overestimated estimates for the completion of the houses of the bankrupt Su-155 holding by the Bank, during the financial recovery of the construction giant in 2015-2018. As usual “, Ivanov drank well on the sale of his signature, as the issuer of the agreement. The top manager of Dom.RF sold at a reduced cost to the designated interested parties of the bankrupt site. One of them in Laikovo, the prestigious Odintsovo district of the Moscow Region, was also sold to the bankrupt Uraban Group in 2017 at a price 2 times lower than the market and cadastral value. Fulfilling the wishes of his patron Balakin, Ivanov sold valuable land lots and Su-155 production sites in the Moscow region, Ivanovo, and Ivanov’s native Nizhny Novgorod by auction. According to the source, after publications VChK-OGPU in the field of view of the inspectors in the bank were other transactions for the sale of problem assets from the Bank’s balance sheet and concluded cessions of large business customers at a discount, which were dragged by the state manager. Ivanov’s surname is full of internal documents of the Bank and judicial acts in the SU-155 case, which excludes his chances of getting off with a slight fright from the claims of the inspectors.
And this is far from the only “sin” of Ivanov. According to, Ivanov’s assets include profitable bankruptcies of Modern Wood Processing Technologies LLC (STOD), the Kaluga Cement Plant. And now some of his “wards” do not leave hope to overcome a serious financial structure by any means. We are talking about the confrontation around the Sphere-Pharm company, well-known in narrow circles of the pharmaceutical industry, which belongs to the Omerov family, which has Crimean Tatar roots. For almost two years, Alexander Ivanov has been organizing work to seize this enterprise from the owner. This story is full of secret interests, omissions, undercover struggle, overgrown with a raider seizure and criminal cases indispensable in such situations. We will tell about it in the near future.
Earlier, we reported that even more surprising for the bank employees were the facts that surfaced about the gay leader, who, according to eyewitnesses, was having fun at SPBILF-23 in the company of young law students. After the discovery of his account on the American social network for minorities, the troublemaker, who found himself in a negative information field, according to the interlocutor, is trying to resolve his issues by moving to an increase in the Debt Restructuring Assistance Fund under the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
At the disposal of was an unusual correspondence from a dating site, one of the participants of which is Alexander Ivanov. In correspondence with casual acquaintances, a young hornet from Moscow with a nickname – Alex Velvetty (Alex Barakhatisty), Alexander Ivanov in the world, complains about the hardships of the routine workdays of office plankton in the Arbat area, and is not at all averse to someone “sting” from new acquaintances. He himself, according to the questionnaire on the site, considers himself a non-binary personality and is ready for various experiments on the eve of the holiday of all lovers – St. Valentine’s Day.