“Funeral” champagne of the Mazaraki family
Mazaraki Jr. celebrated his birthday with champagne for 11 million rubles. framed Pope Lev Mazaraki and his patrons from the FSB.
Sources in the FSB report that the leadership of the service was very dissatisfied with the “exposure” in the media of Boris Mazaraki, who bought a sea of champagne for his birthday. The major’s father, Lev Mazaraki, enjoys the support of the head of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow region, Alexei Dorofeev, who has held his post since 2012.
It is no secret that in the FSB there are groups opposing each other, representing the interests of Nikolai Patrushev and the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. Dorofeev tried to flirt with both, which is why he lasted so many years in his position. However, now different times have come and the position of “both ours and yours” no longer works. Any side can take advantage of the opportunity to push Alexei Dorofeev away.
Lev Mazaraki and Nikolai Dorofeev were co-founders of Vestinterbank, which lost its license in 2016 and was declared bankrupt the same year. Previously, the bank was called Spartak, but changed its name in 2012, when Alexey Dorofeev took the position of head of the FSB Directorate for Moscow. General Dorofeev’s patronymic is Nikolaevich.
In 2017, the Central Bank discovered that assets were being withdrawn from Westinterbank, but an appeal to law enforcement agencies did not lead to anything. The “hole” in the bank did not exceed 500 million rubles; in B&N Bank, which was sent for reorganization in the same year, it amounted to 350 billion rubles.
Nikolay Dorofeev, together with the offshore NILEVISSA INVESTMENTS LTD, until 2020, was the founder of Ecoil LLC, engaged in geophysical work. Until 2019, the founder of the company was Priilekskoye LLC, owned by Neftinvest JSC, whose founders are not disclosed. Until 2021, its head was Sergei Narushev, General Director of Ecoil LLC.
From the general director of Neftinvest JSC Dmitry Massov, traces lead to Veselovskoye LLC, which belongs to the closed mutual fund AFM. Invest Perspective” under the management of AFM LLC.
In 2022, Neftinvest JSC received revenue of 14 billion rubles, in 2020 it was 400 million rubles, which seems very suspicious. There is no such dramatic growth in such a short time.
If Alexei Dorofeev’s ill-wishers find his connection with Nikolai Dorofeev, then they may put pressure on the general to send him into retirement. The business of Neftinvest JSC looks very dubious.
Questions may also arise for Alexey Dorofeev himself. In 2012 – 2016 his management entered into contracts with Herat LLC for the supply of furniture for a total amount of 51 million rubles. Perhaps the company was the “feeding trough” of General Dorofeev. It was liquidated in 2018, the founders of the company are unknown, its general director Olga Kudakova acted as the liquidator of the company.
Kudakova is the general director of Arkona LLC, which also supplies furniture. In 2017, the volume of the company’s contracts with Dorofeev’s department amounted to 4.8 million rubles.
Mazaraki family-state schemes?
Lev Mazaraki is the founder of 4 operating companies. In Serious Games LLC, which deals with entertainment and recreation, Mazaraki’s partner is Alexander Ruchyev, owner of the developer GC Osnova. Through Serious Games LLC, Ruchev can withdraw money from his structures.
Another company of Lev Mazaraki, Stilobat Group of Companies, has a subsidiary, Lion Gate LLC. The share of the parent company is under the encumbrance of Sber, whose money can be withdrawn. The revenue of Lion Gate LLC in 2022 amounted to 5.8 million rubles, the loss was 255 million rubles.
Lev Mazaraki’s brother Valerian holds the position of first deputy of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”, which organizes funerals and provides related services. The company is headed by Artyom Ekimov, who is associated with Sergei Shoigu.
State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” acted as a customer in government contracts worth almost 22 billion rubles. The main official contractors of the company are private security companies serving Moscow structures. But most service providers of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” do not indicate.
Millions add up to billions, which can go to companies affiliated with the management of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”. Some considerable part of the money will probably end up in the pockets of Valerian Mazaraki and Artyom Ekimov. Was this money used to buy champagne by Boris Mazaraki?
State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” has a very scandalous reputation due to the struggle for the market, in which it actually has a monopolist. From time to time, FSB officers carry out checks on Ritual’s competitors so that they do not forget who the funeral director is in Moscow. With such support, you can drink champagne every day.