Sergei Sobyanin’s officials are not relocating people from a 105-year-old house that is collapsing in the heart of Moscow. Behind the beautiful words about the renovation, the capital’s officials doomed people to a real nightmare.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin loves to keep his telegram and report to citizens. Either a metro line will be opened, or a house will be built. Directly “the mayor-sun”. And his former deputy Marat Khusnullin, who is now Deputy Prime Minister in the Government, offers to transfer Moscow’s experience in renovation to other regions of the country. Oh, the inhabitants of the Russian hinterland do not know what they may encounter if, God forbid, their house is not built during the “Khrushchev thaw”, but tsarism itself.
Which of the native Muscovites would not dream of living on Bolshaya Sadovaya or on 2nd Yamskaya? And on Tsvetnoy Boulevard?
But the native Muscovite Natalya Volkova passionately dreams of finally leaving home 21, building 1 along Tsvetnoy Boulevard forever, because the old building is falling apart. These are the so-called Malyushin houses, they occupy a whole yard. And the people call this place “Malyushinka”, Vladimir Vysotsky also figuratively wrote about this place.
6 (six) beacons have already been installed in Natalya Leonidovna’s apartment on the sprawling walls, the ceiling of the kitchen in the very center is supported by a huge wooden pole, similar to part of the mast of an old ship.
You can’t look at the shabby ceilings without tears… The floors go down and go down somewhere.
In general, next to the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, there is another “circus”, but with a sad set of circus programs, but the “clown festival”, like the “aerial flight of acrobats under the dome”, as well as the “circus with horses” are not the first year is present in this extensive “entertainment” program. And it seems that the officials really like this program, since the residents are screaming about problems, but they don’t even blow their heads, but go to their emergency rooms in collapsing apartments as if they were fun performances!
What is the government of the Tverskoy district doing, in particular? What is the “Housing of the Tverskoy District” busy with? Why do requests from the inhabitants of the sprawling house No. 21/1 only get replies?
Why does the Moscow government, along with the mayor, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, remain on the sidelines? In the old, dangerous house, which is 106 years old (and it is really falling apart), people live!
SOS the apartment
Malyushinka, which is located between Bolshoy Karetny Lane and Tsvetnoy Boulevard, was also sung by Vladimir Gilyarovsky. Once this site was built up with tenement houses that belonged to Fyodor Malyushin. He was a famous merchant, owner of the tea trade and tenement houses. The area, like the surroundings, was popularly called Malyushinka.
Not far from this place, Vladimir Vysotsky also spent his youth. He dedicated the lines to Malyushinka: “They are rich from Malyushinka, there they have taken off the spatula, there the gold coins are crumpled, there the Tick stabbed me …”
Well, now from poetry – to the prose of life.
We, journalists, know that it is good to hear 100 times, but it is better to see once, so we accept the invitation of Natalya Leonidovna Volkova and go to the indicated yard, to Malyushinka.
Indeed, Yuri Nikulin’s Circus is within easy reach. Metro “Tsvetnoy Bulvar” – exactly 1 minute to the entrance of the house 21/1.
This is a three-story house, as some documents show, with wear and tear of 66.2%. But apparently, whoever drew this figure was not in apartment No. 5, where Natalya Volkova’s family lives.
There are all 95! %
And here, in all seriousness, the question arises: how, on what basis, the diligent officials of Sergei Sobyanin decide who to “execute”, who to “pardon”: to relocate from dangerous buildings that are dying of their last breath? And who to marinate for years?
Or is everything decided by a “fat lamb” in an oiled paper? Otherwise, why do officials lose their temper when the residents of the house once again pester with questions: “When will the resettlement from this hell begin?”

The document was sent by the author of the letter to the Editor
How long has the Volkova family been living in this beautiful house?
Over 25 years…
And appeals go and go all these years!

The document was sent by the author of the letter to the Editor
In 2020, apartment No. 5 in the house 21/1 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard was declared emergency. There is a conclusion of technical expertise.

The document was sent by the author of the letter to the Editor
But at the end of 2022, repairs began in the basement of the house with the demolition of supporting structures, which made the SOS condition of the apartment even more depressing!

The document was sent by the author of the letter to the Editor
“Interior doors stopped closing due to skew,” says Natalya Leonidovna, “cracks appeared in the walls, as evidenced by bursting beacons that were installed after a technical examination.

Author’s photo
The floors, which previously had various deviations, began to fail even more! Top floors with a sag of more than 70 cm sank even lower!”
According to Natalya Leonidovna, the management company has relieved itself of any responsibility for the SOS condition of the internal parts of the building built in 1917, except for the facade.

The document was sent by the author of the letter to the Editor
“Both I and other residents have repeatedly applied to various authorities with a request for help in such a difficult situation, but received nothing but replies,” Natalya Volkova continues our conversation.

Author’s photo
No action was taken, up to and including checking the repair work in the basement for permission to demolish the load-bearing structures.
But there is no movement! And all letters – appeals go in a circle.
What else can surprise you?
The family of Natalia Volkova lives on the second floor of the “fading” building.
Tsvetnoy boulevard. View from above. Photo:
And, since crushed stone, then lime from the third floor were constantly falling on their heads, the authorities resettled the third floor.
And they blocked it!
The management company is not a management company at all
Thus, living in house number 21/1 became simply life-threatening.
But who cares?
Both the Administration of the Tverskoy District and the Zhilischnik branch of the State Budgetary Institution in the Tverskoy District simply equidistant from the troubled house. Why break your head?

Author’s photo
There are many tenants in the house 21/1, there are cafes on the ground floor, even the first offices appeared in this wonderful house.
A certain businessman made an excellent renovation on the second floor of this “antique” house. At the same time, the entrance was also repaired …
And when you enter this front entrance, you completely lose your vigilance: since the entrance is so good, can it really be otherwise in apartments?

The document was sent by the author of the letter to the Editor

The head of the Tverskoy district council, Eduard Khanakhyan, apparently believes that the residents of the troubled house cast a shadow on the fence.

Edward Khanakhyan.
In any case, no help can be expected from the administration of the Tverskoy district, as well as from Mr. Khanakhyan. But how is it possible to repair the basement in this “antique” building with the demolition of supporting structures?
And the residents of the house 21/1 continue to walk in circles through various authorities.
Renovation program – by
Natalya Leonidovna showed how the most emergency compartment in apartment No. 5 looks like.
It’s a kitchen. And for 15 years now, since 2007, the ceiling in the kitchen has been supported by almost a lamppost, fixed in a peculiar way in the center of the room …

Author’s photo
But aren’t these theatrical performances from officials who were obliged to either make a serious overhaul, although, we recall, the house is 106 years old, or relocate the unfortunate people from the crumbling structure?
It remains to add that the house 21/1 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard was not included in the Renovation Program, although the residents asked the Moscow government about it, in particular, they turned to the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin. And not just once.
Apparently, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin has hearing problems: but this shaky building has been humming for 106 years …
How long will the inhuman experiments with the inhabitants of the house 21/1 continue?
Well, isn’t it a circus in its full glory with “clowns”, “tight-rope walkers” and “acrobats”?