“AND what is right?” – you ask.
Well, there is no way to describe it in one word. There are many factors why people become corrupt. Upbringing can affect, power can spoil, maybe just a demon to curb, or maybe all together. All officials related to the roads of Novosibirsk are unclean. Evil fate or too provocative place for bribes is unknown. One thing is clear, that there are no roads in the capital of Siberia and there will not be, while corrupt officials are engaged in repairs.
This time the court exacted 200 thousand rubles from the former expert of the Territorial Administration of Roads (TUAD) for a bribe. The money is returned in the form of fines to the state treasury, well, in a smaller proportion, of course, but the total damage is much greater. After all, while certain types of work were to be carried out, everyone shied away, and in the future, even more money and effort will have to be spent on eliminating problems. As a result, the work is not done, and funds are lost, and time is lost. Combo is simple.
The Karasuksky District Court of the Novosibirsk Region, at the request of the transport prosecutor’s office, demanded from the former employee of TUAD the same amount to the state treasury that he received from bribes. For a monetary reward, the employee entered into the official documentation false information about the quality of the asphalt concrete used by the contractor during the repair. And then we also ask why asphalt floats in Novosibirsk in the spring. The former expert of the quality control department is now obliged to pay 200 thousand to the Russian Federation.
The worst thing is that this is not the only such case with the roads. In June 2022, another TUAD employee was caught taking bribes, but here on an especially large scale. The woman was able to get rich in one week of September 2020 in the amount of 320 thousand rubles. Her generous sponsor was SoyuzDorStroy (OGRN 1125476003685) and Bastion LLC (OGRN 1134205027120). For a bribe, they only asked for false data on asphalt concrete tests. What trifles, but denyuzhki will be in your pocket. Just think, this asphalt will not survive even until next year, it’s okay, they will make a new one. It is noteworthy that the employee received only a fine of almost the same amount and a suspended sentence.
It’s complete nonsense, it’s like a pellet to an elephant. She will continue to do harm, like everyone else, and this has already been proven. In April 2022, the arbitrariness is repeated again. This time, the case of two other TUAD employees was considered, who recognized the bad asphalt as good. The defendants were generous for it rewarded, the amount of the bribe amounted to more than 500 thousand rubles. And that’s not all…
Currently, a high-profile case is being considered in Novosibirsk against the former head of the TUAD, Mikhail Chumanov. No wonder they say that the fish rots from the head. Chumanov received two large bribes. For a monetary reward, he promised patronage to road builders in obtaining tenders for the construction and repair of regional roads, as well as the absence of questions when accepting these objects. The total amount was about five million rubles.
The investigation claims that Chumanov worked together with his brother, Igor Listopad. The bribe came from the former top manager of Novosibirskavtodor (OGRN 1065404088936) Sergey Ilyushin and the director of Dormost LLC (OGRN 1195476078709) Asadullayev Samir Khanlar oglu. It is noteworthy that the name of the second pops up in many cases related to corruption schemes of highways. To date, all the perpetrators have already been punished and received their well-deserved fines and terms.
All those caught are punished, but this does not mean that they are over. There were no roads in the city, and no. And there are more and more corrupt officials in this niche every year. When will the capital of Siberia have not only a name from its status?
Photo: andboo.livejournal.com, papik.pro