Former deputy general director and head of Aeroflot’s legal department, Davydova, went to jail for embezzling 250 million rubles. on fake outsourcing

Vladimir Alexandrov

Deputy General Director of Aeroflot Airlines Vladimir Alexandrov sentenced to seven years in prison in the case of fraud for 250 million rubles, RBC was told in the press service of the court. Sentence handed down by the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow. Alexandrov was also fined 900 thousand rubles. “We will appeal this decision,” Alexandrov’s lawyer Maria Korchagina told RBC.

investigative committee presented Aleksandrov was charged in October 2019 under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale), together with him in the case were the former director of the legal department of Aeroflot Tatyana Davydova and lawyers Alexander Slivko and Dina Kibets. Then they were arrested.

Tatyana Davydova

Davydova was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison and a fine of 700 thousand rubles, Slivko – to 6.5 years and a fine of 650 thousand rubles, Kibets – to 6 years and a fine of 600 thousand rubles.

According to investigators, in 2015-2016 Aleksandrov and his accomplices organized the conclusion of contracts for the provision of legal services. According to the documents, Slivko and Kibets were the executors, but in reality, all the work was carried out by employees of the legal department of Aeroflot.

At least 250 million rubles were later transferred to the lawyers’ accounts. on the basis of documents prepared by Slivko and Kibets, which contained incorrect information about the amount of work performed.

Neither Alexandrov nor the other suspects in the case pleaded guilty.

Alexander Slivko
Dina Kibets

The prosecution believes that there was no need to conclude contracts, since the interests of Aeroflot were represented in the courts by employees of the airline’s legal department, and not by hired lawyers. — Inset

IA “Interfax”, 07/08/2022, “Deputy head of Aeroflot received 7 years in prison for embezzlement of 250 million rubles.”: “In pursuance of the agreements, in the period 2016-2018, Alexandrov and Davydova ensured the unreasonable transfer to the accounts of the bar association of at least 250 million rubles on the basis of acts prepared by Slivko and Kibets containing deliberately unreliable information about the volume of services provided. As a result of illegal actions by PJSC ” Aeroflot “was stolen at least 250 million rubles. The members of the organized group disposed of the funds received at their own discretion,” Interfax was informed by the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. — Inset