Ex-head of the Oryol UGIBDD arrested for abuse of power, illegal business and “fake” teaching at a university

Alexander Korshunov was taken to a pre-trial detention center

The Basmanny District Court sent the head of the Oryol UGIBDD UMVD, who is under investigation, into custody Alexandra Korshunova. The preventive measure was chosen for a period of almost 2 months.

Alexander Korshunov

Mr. Korshunov is accused of abuse of power (part 1 of article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), fraud (part 3 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and illegal participation in business activities (article 289 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In February, the regional Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee announced the completion of the preliminary investigation. Since August last year, the man was under subscription.

In March, the case was transferred to the Main Investigation Department of the TFR. According to court documents, the investigation believes that Alexander Korshunov, being already accused, continued to engage in criminal activities. In addition, he has connections and skills, as well as financial opportunities to influence the participants in the case. Moscow investigators believe that the investigation should continue to establish the man’s involvement in other crimes, but he can influence witnesses to testify in his favor.

The defense of Alexander Korshunov insisted on a preventive measure not related to detention, since the court did not provide evidence of Mr. Korshunov’s involvement in the crimes and his intention to hide.

According to investigators, the defendant took an active part in the management of six firms for almost 12 years. Thanks to his position, he provided them with benefits and patronage. In 2011-2012, traffic police units were located in the premises that belonged to organizations controlled by him, under a lease agreement. Moreover, video advertisements of his companies were broadcast in the divisions.

The man also ordered that students of the Avtostandart-Plus driving school controlled by him could take exams as a matter of priority. According to the investigators, the head of the department was also involved in creating “discriminatory conditions for the competitors of this driving school.”

According to the investigation, in 2010-2022, Korshunov abused his official powers, that is, he personally and through his authorized representative took an active part in the management of commercial organizations: Lestorg LLC, Avtopotok LLC, Avtostandart LLC, Avtostandart- Plus, OOO Avtoznak and OOO Okhotkhozyaystvo Kudinovskoe. Investigators believe that he provided them with benefits and benefits, and also patronized them in their activities.
In 2011-2012, Korshunov took measures to place the traffic police units in Livny and Orel in the same buildings with business companies created on his instructions, with the subsequent payment of rent to them. […] Also, according to the investigation, in 2017-2019, Korshunov, holding the position of a part-time associate professor at one of the departments of the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, “misled the leadership of this higher educational institution” and did not conduct all types of training sessions in accordance with the schedule for a number of educational disciplines, and also did not check and did not evaluate the knowledge of cadets (listeners), and did not fulfill other labor duties assigned to him. […] The head of the UGIBDD himself, earlier, commenting on the cases, declaredthat “I have never broken the law in my life” and expressed confidence that law enforcement agencies will sort everything out.

In addition, the investigation believes that the defendant provided favorable conditions for the conclusion of 16 contracts for 55 million rubles by firms controlled by him with KU OO Oreltranssignal.

In 2016, Korshunov’s son-in-law – at that time 25-year-old Egor Zalyginheaded Eagletranssignal. The company is responsible for the operation of the system of photo and video recording of traffic violations, the installation of road signs, and also issues taxi permits. The media saw this as a corruption component, but there were no consequences for either Korshunov or Zalygin. The latter continues to manage Oreltranssignal.

He is also accused of not fulfilling his official duties, holding the position of associate professor at the Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and thereby stole more than 260 thousand rubles from the university. removal of the accused from the performance of official duties. If the guilt of the specified person is confirmed, he will be punished in the manner prescribed by law, the department added.

Alexander Korshunov was born on December 12, 1968 in the city of Orel. In 1991, he successfully graduated from the Oryol secondary special police school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. After graduating from the police school, he was appointed to the position of inspector for administrative practice of the traffic police department of the Dolzhansky district. In the period from 1992 to 2001, he headed the department of the traffic police of the Dolzhansky district.
Since 2001, he has consistently held the positions of deputy chief and chief of the Public Security Police of the Dolzhansky district of the Oryol region. In 2005, an experienced manager moved to the position of Deputy Head – Head of the Criminal Police of the Dolzhansky District. Further, the officer served as the head of the ROVD of the above district.
Subsequently, in 2008, Korshunov Alexander Yuryevich was appointed to the post of head of the Department of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Oryol Region. Police Colonel. Marked with state awards and distinctions.
