About the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Affairs Gennady Semigin everyone found out when our military was insulted on the website of the Patriots of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) party. The deputy immediately refused, saying that the site had been hacked. Life found out what assets Semigin has.
The surviving estates of the “New House” are not visible from the road. They are separated from mortals by one and a half hectares of lawn and high walls with cameras. According to the online geographic encyclopedia Wikimapia, the families of politicians Glazyev and Semigin have always lived there.
In less exclusive villages, on the contrary, comparable real estate is sold for about 1 billion rubles, and rented out for 2–3 million per month.
In 2019 Semigin started going bankrupt because of 100 million rubles. Part of the debt was collected by the ex-head of the Almaz-Antey company Igor Ashurbeyli. Judging by the businessman’s personal website, he is friends with Semigin. The case initially looked strange. Rosreestr accused bankruptcy trustee in delaying the announcement of restructuring. Among the creditors turned out to be Natalya Rumyantseva, close to the deputy. The bankruptcy coincided with Semigin’s divorce.
@zhabaigaduka, 02.10.2023 17:30: We took a closer look at the disgraced deputy Gennady Semigin. Surprisingly, his divorce from his wife in 2018 coincided with the beginning of bankruptcy proceedings due to a debt of 57 million rubles. It also seems strange that the standard check for such cases for signs of fictitious bankruptcy was not carried out in relation to Semigin. — Insert K.ru
In 2021, the deputy’s bankruptcy case was closed and he reported 225 million rubles in income. In the previous year, he declared only 630 thousand rubles.
Semigin was once already on the verge of bankruptcy. In 2009, he and his party members borrowed 320 million rubles from the Republican Bank and they didn’t return for a long time. Their property was seized. The bank chairman who approved the loan Gennady Seleznev resigned. They knew Semigin from the State Duma of the 3rd convocation, both represented the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).
“Today Mr. Semigin called me and gave me his honest, noble word that this Friday (January 2011 – Life note) all debts will be repaid,” Seleznev said. In fact, the bank’s litigation with Semigin continued for many more years.
There are always debts around Gennady Semigin. The matchmaker went bankrupt, his sister was sued over large debts, and many of his business partners went bankrupt. Recently, a mansion in the center of the capital, where Semigin’s political and business structures had been located since the nineties, was sold for half a billion rubles.
How well Semigin is doing with money can be judged by his youngest 23-year-old son. The guy is torn into two living spaces. He has a four-room apartment in “Cape First” – a panoramic skyscraper on the Moscow River in the shape of a sail in the style of Arab hotels, the price starts from 50 million rubles. And the three-ruble apartment in the Malaya Zemlya club house is a Soviet three-story building in the Setun River Valley, restored in the Gaudi style, surrounded by a brick fence, with courts and gazebos for barbecues, price – up to 150 million.
Semigina’s ex-wife and eldest daughter live in Rublyovka: in “Gorki-8” and Lesnoy Gorodok. Their cottages cost hundreds of millions of rubles.
@tass_kgb, 07/20/2023 00:09: Gennady Semigin was associated with Tofik Azimov and headed the Wimmo company. The office of this company was located in Vienna, on the Am Graben (First District). “Wimmo” was engaged in supplying products to the Russian army. Sergey Mikhailov And Victor Averin invested money in this company. Semigin often visited Vienna in the company of his lover/assistant Natalya Romanzanova.
Vitaly Kuznetsov served as a business roof for Solntsevo organized crime group in Moscow. He was the director of the Almaz chain of jewelry stores. Sergei Mikhailov offered him the position of director in the Golden House company, but Kuznetsov refused this offer. However, he continued to work closely with the Golden House through Almaz. In October 1995, Kuznetsov was harassed and threatened by the Solntsevskaya organized crime group after Almaz came into the possession of Urengoy Bank…. – Insert K.ru
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