Eremina Gorka: Is the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources preparing a protected natural area for sale?
While land is being confiscated from respectable owners in favor of the Krasnaya Gorka protected area, in the Kuban by the regional Ministry of Natural Resources, the income of the family of Minister Sergei Eremin continues to grow.
More than 100 owners of households and businesses in the Anapa district of the Krasnodar Territory, with a slight movement of the hand of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory, headed by former prosecutor Sergei Eremin, were deprived of the right to dispose of their property. Their plots, previously owned for several decades, fell within the boundaries of the Krasnaya Gorka PA, and now environmental authorities interpret almost any action as violations.
The problem has not been a single year, but the local authorities seem to have gone deaf and do not hear people. A correspondent in the Krasnodar Territory tried to figure out the situation.
The editorial office received a letter from the village of Kuban about the next “exploits” of the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, Sergei Eremin, which our readers can remember from the story of the mysterious circumstances of the death of a huntsman in vip-lands or in a criminal case of fraud against the former deputy head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory Nikolai Zakharchuk. As a whole, the former prosecutor of the region, ex-prosecutor of the Astrakhan region Eremin managed to leave a legacy in the Kuban. Especially bright scandals, where his name appeared, became after his appointment to the post of Minister of Natural Resources in 2015, where he came from the post of deputy head of the Federal Registration Service.
The story shared by our reader has been going on for several years, and all these years the owners of farms and businesses in the Anapa region have not been able to achieve justice.
The author of the letter notes that, contrary to laws and common sense, 1,200 hectares of land belonging to owners with a registration certificate were included in the boundaries of the Krasnaya Gorka PA, without restrictions and encumbrances, and without their consent, and without court decisions. These boundaries included vineyards, orchards of agricultural crops of intensive cultivation. Also, according to the informant, a limestone deposit with a license issued by Nerudma LLC and a gas deposit fell within the boundaries of the protected area.
At the same time, such a move was “legalized”, as the author of the letter said, through an environmental review, which, in his opinion, was carried out in favor of the Minister of Natural Resources, and the public council under the governor of the Krasnodar Territory (loyal to the authorities) accepted this review. To the examination itself, our reader also has many questions. From what also unpleasantly surprised the residents, public hearings on the protected areas were held not on the territory of the Gostagaevsky district, where Krasnaya Gorka is geographically located, but in the village of Anapskaya. Is the population more loyal there?
But the matter did not end with the creation of protected areas with a bunch of shortcomings. According to the author of the appeal, not everyone, as it turned out, is forbidden to build protected areas on the territory. Apparently, everyone is equal, but some are more equal.
Here’s what our writer had to say:
“In 2018, Nerudma LLC was declared a “black digger” and banned from working (license until 2030), and in the same year, the rapid construction of buildings, structures, laying roads and power lines to the facility began. Preparatory work from the quarry of Nerudma LLC “About 4,000 m3 of rock mass was stolen.”
The reader believes that such a private construction of a palace “for the boyars” with the laying of power lines and deforestation could not take place without the knowledge of the local huntsman, and even more so of Eremin’s department. Is the status of protected areas really just a cover for land trade for our own people and those who pay more?
According to the author of the letter, everyone is aware of the problem with protected areas – the governor, the prosecutor’s office, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, since about a dozen prosecutorial proposals have been issued to eliminate these violations, which are not being implemented. A hereditary Cossack, who turned to the editorial office, asks what else should happen so that Eremin, who has an ambiguous reputation, is finally fired?
He also reported this situation to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. Perhaps they will pay attention?
Photo: provided by the author of the appeal to the editors of The Moscow Post
Background: how “Krasnaya Gorka” passed to the authorities
“Krasnaya Gorka” in the vicinity of Anapa has existed as a hunting ground since the 80s. Land on its territory was received, among other things, by employees of the Gostagaevsky state farm, and already in the 90s the shares began to be privatized, the boundaries of these shares (plots) were determined. Until 2012, Krasnaya Gorka was federally owned and the owners of the land had no problems. They could fully use their lands, formalized property rights, in which no encumbrances were registered.
But in April 2011, the territory was transferred to the jurisdiction of the regional authorities, today the departmental subordination of the protected areas is the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory. It was from this period that the problems began.
Decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated February 15, 2012 No. 150 established the regime of economic use and zoning of the territory, which established many prohibitions.
Photo: Gorka
Photo: Gorka
Even then, the rights of citizens and businesses suffered from the actions of the authorities.
In 2014, the Nerudma company, which also found itself a hostage to the situation, went to court, trying to challenge the governor’s decision.
As follows from the materials of the case, in July 2010 the Department of Construction of the Territory issued a license KRD N 80215 to Nerudma LLC with the intended purpose and types of work – limestone mining at the Gostagaevsky deposit. At the same time, the site had the status of a mining allotment, and in the appendix to the license there was no information about the presence of specially protected natural areas within the boundaries of the licensed site, areas of limited and prohibited land use. It was the contested document that included the site within the boundaries of the protected area, which violated the rights of the subsoil user. Moreover, according to the plaintiff, there was no documentary confirmation of the agreement on the inclusion of a land plot into the boundaries of the Krasnaya Gorka reserve with its owner, that is, the municipality of the resort city of Anapa, as well as with Nerudma LLC.
Photo: Gorka
The LLC lost the lawsuit, and the prosecutor sided with the authorities in this case. Prosecutor Nemykina N.V. in her opinion, she indicated that she considered the governor’s decision to be lawful.
The example of the Nerudma company has become one of many. In total, according to open data, the relevant ministry created problems for more than 100 people.
After the transfer of the territory to the jurisdiction of local authorities, it was necessary to clarify the boundaries. In July 2017, a certain decree of the head of the regional administration No. 549 “On approval of the scheme for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas of the Krasnodar Territory” was issued, which also mentions the Krasnaya Gorka PA. Here’s just a nuance: for some reason, the document of the head of the administration was signed not by him, but by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory O.V. Solenov.
Further more.
In 2018, public hearings are being held on the materials of a certain complex environmental survey of Krasnaya Gorka, the purpose of which was to change the boundaries, the mode of use. The developer was called the Research Institute of Applied and Experimental Ecology FGBOU VO KubGAU. The report itself caused a negative reaction from the owners, but no one heard them. In June 2018, by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, the results of the state environmental review of the environmental survey of the Krasnaya Gorka State Zoological Reserve were approved.
And what about the prosecutor’s office, you ask? According to various sources, in 2019, the first deputy regional prosecutor, Vladislav Malkin, sent a protest to the Minister of Natural Resources, in which he demanded to cancel the order to approve the conclusion of the state environmental review based on materials that specified the border of the Krasnaya Gorka PA. But it seems (judging by the letter to the editor), the protest was ignored.
Financial slides of Minister Eremin
Against the backdrop of claims against Eremin’s department, meanwhile, something strange was happening to the well-being of his family. Judging by the declarations, at the end of 2015, the minister earned about 2.5 million rubles. It is interesting that the income of the minister’s wife amounted to 41.649 million rubles, but there are no transactions that would help to gain such amounts in the declaration. Is the minister’s wife in business? Or was an asset sold? But in this case, the declaration should reflect this fact. Is there a violation here?
At the same time, according to the results of 2015, Eremin himself did not have any property, but three land plots, two residential buildings with an area of 239.5 and 545.4 sq.m, a garage, and a utility block were registered for his wife. But Eremina’s fleet is striking in its high cost. There you have a Lexus LS 600H, and a Mercedes ML 350, and a Land Rover Defender, and a Lexus RX200T. It’s even interesting who the wife of the minister is working for?
In 2016, instead of income, the minister’s wife has a dash, and he himself indicates an income of 2.2 million rubles. In 2017, the minister’s wife fixes 2.7 million rubles of income, while her husband’s income is still the same 2.2 million rubles. But here, what is interesting, in the fleet of expensive cars of Ms. Eremina, there is also a BMW X 5. What income, if a year before there was a dash in the corresponding column?
In 2018, the minister increases his income to 2.8 million rubles, but the wife again shows “modesty”. Her income is only 108 thousand rubles per year. For 2019, the situation is approximately the same, but the minister’s income is already 3.1 million rubles. In 2020, the ministerial income grows to another 3.7 million rubles, while the wife’s income is 5.6 million rubles. But again, there is no talk of any transactions in the declaration. Although maybe Eremin just raised his salary? But the results of 2021 do not confirm this, unless, of course, the minister was fined for something. For 2021, he declared 2.9 million rubles. That is, the difference with last year’s income is almost 800 thousand rubles.
Confused in this story are the “financial rollercoasters” of Ms. Eremina and some jerks and kickbacks in the minister’s income. Here, either some transactions are not indicated (and this is already a violation), or in other years the minister is somewhere on the side of the “sabbat”? The latter, by the way, is also prohibited by law.
Taking into account the scandals in which the minister’s name is increasingly mentioned (for example, about a certain residential complex “More Park”, which suddenly began to be built within the borders of the Agrian nature reserve), there are quite reasonable questions about his family budget. That’s just where the head of Eremin himself, Veniamin Kondratiev, is looking at this?
While there is a seizure of land from respectable owners in favor of the protected area “Krasnaya Gorka” in the Kuban by the regional Ministry of Natural Resources, the income of the family of Minister Sergei Eremin continues to grow.
More than 100 owners of households and businesses in the Anapa district of the Krasnodar Territory, with a slight movement of the hand of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory, headed by former prosecutor Sergei Eremin, were deprived of the right to dispose of their property. Their plots, previously owned for several decades, fell within the boundaries of the Krasnaya Gorka PA, and now environmental authorities interpret almost any action as violations.
The problem has not been a single year, but the local authorities seem to have gone deaf and do not hear people. A correspondent in the Krasnodar Territory tried to figure out the situation.
The editorial office received a letter from the village of Kuban about the next “exploits” of the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, Sergei Eremin, which our readers can remember from the story of the mysterious circumstances of the death of a huntsman in vip-lands or in a criminal case of fraud against the former deputy head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory Nikolai Zakharchuk. The former prosecutor of the region, the ex-prosecutor of the Astrakhan region, Eremin, as a whole, had a lot to trace in the Kuban. Especially bright scandals, where his name appeared, became after his appointment to the post of Minister of Natural Resources in 2015, where he came from the post of deputy head of the Federal Registration Service.
The story shared by our reader has been going on for several years, and all these years the owners of farms and businesses in the Anapa region have not been able to achieve justice.
The author of the letter notes that, contrary to laws and common sense, 1,200 hectares of land belonging to owners with a registration certificate were included in the boundaries of the Krasnaya Gorka PA, without restrictions and encumbrances, and without their consent, and without court decisions. These boundaries included vineyards, orchards of agricultural crops of intensive cultivation. Also, according to the informant, a limestone deposit with a license issued by Nerudma LLC and a gas deposit fell within the boundaries of the protected area.
At the same time, such a move was “legalized”, as the author of the letter said, through an environmental review, which, in his opinion, was carried out in favor of the Minister of Natural Resources, and the public council under the governor of the Krasnodar Territory (loyal to the authorities) accepted this review. To the examination itself, our reader also has many questions. From what also unpleasantly surprised the residents, public hearings on the protected areas were held not on the territory of the Gostagaevsky district, where Krasnaya Gorka is geographically located, but in the village of Anapskaya. Is the population more loyal there?
But the matter did not end with the creation of protected areas with a bunch of shortcomings. According to the author of the appeal, not everyone, as it turned out, is forbidden to build protected areas on the territory. Apparently, everyone is equal, but some are more equal.
Here’s what our writer had to say:
“In 2018, Nerudma LLC was declared a “black digger” and banned from working (license until 2030), and in the same year, the rapid construction of buildings, structures, laying roads and power lines to the facility began. Preparatory work from the quarry of Nerudma LLC “About 4,000 m3 of rock mass was stolen.”
The reader believes that such a private construction of a palace “for the boyars” with the laying of power lines and deforestation could not take place without the knowledge of the local huntsman, and even more so of Eremin’s department. Is the status of protected areas really just a cover for land trade for our own people and those who pay more?
According to the author of the letter, everyone is aware of the problem with protected areas – the governor, the prosecutor’s office, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, since about a dozen prosecutorial proposals have been issued to eliminate these violations, which are not being implemented. A hereditary Cossack, who turned to the editorial office, asks what else should happen so that Eremin, who has an ambiguous reputation, is finally fired?
He also reported this situation to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. Perhaps they will pay attention?
Photo: provided by the author of the appeal to the editors of The Moscow Post
Background: how “Krasnaya Gorka” passed to the authorities
“Krasnaya Gorka” in the vicinity of Anapa has existed as a hunting ground since the 80s. Land on its territory was received, among other things, by employees of the Gostagaevsky state farm, and already in the 90s the shares began to be privatized, the boundaries of these shares (plots) were determined. Until 2012, Krasnaya Gorka was federally owned and the owners of the land had no problems. They could fully use their lands, formalized property rights, in which no encumbrances were registered.
But in April 2011, the territory was transferred to the jurisdiction of the regional authorities, today the departmental subordination of the protected areas is the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory. It was from this period that the problems began.
Decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated February 15, 2012 No. 150 established the regime of economic use and zoning of the territory, which established many prohibitions.
Photo: Gorka
Photo: Gorka
Even then, the rights of citizens and businesses suffered from the actions of the authorities.
In 2014, the Nerudma company, which also found itself a hostage to the situation, went to court, trying to challenge the governor’s decision.
As follows from the materials of the case, in July 2010 the Department of Construction of the Territory issued a license KRD N 80215 to Nerudma LLC with the intended purpose and types of work – limestone mining at the Gostagaevsky deposit. At the same time, the site had the status of a mining allotment, and in the appendix to the license there was no information about the presence of specially protected natural areas within the boundaries of the licensed site, areas of limited and prohibited land use. It was the contested document that included the site within the boundaries of the protected area, which violated the rights of the subsoil user. Moreover, according to the plaintiff, there was no documentary confirmation of the agreement on the inclusion of a land plot into the boundaries of the Krasnaya Gorka reserve with its owner, that is, the municipality of the resort city of Anapa, as well as with Nerudma LLC.
Photo: Gorka
The LLC lost the lawsuit, and the prosecutor sided with the authorities in this case. Prosecutor Nemykina N.V. in her opinion, she indicated that she considered the governor’s decision to be lawful.
The example of the Nerudma company has become one of many. In total, according to open data, the relevant ministry created problems for more than 100 people.
After the transfer of the territory to the jurisdiction of local authorities, it was necessary to clarify the boundaries. In July 2017, a certain decree of the head of the regional administration No. 549 “On approval of the scheme for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas of the Krasnodar Territory” was issued, which also mentions the Krasnaya Gorka PA. Here’s just a nuance: for some reason, the document of the head of the administration was signed not by him, but by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory O.V. Solenov.
Further more.
In 2018, public hearings are being held on the materials of a certain complex environmental survey of Krasnaya Gorka, the purpose of which was to change the boundaries, the mode of use. The developer was called the Research Institute of Applied and Experimental Ecology FGBOU VO KubGAU. The report itself caused a negative reaction from the owners, but no one heard them. In June 2018, by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory, the results of the state environmental review of the environmental survey of the Krasnaya Gorka State Zoological Reserve were approved.
And what about the prosecutor’s office, you ask? According to various sources, in 2019, the first deputy regional prosecutor, Vladislav Malkin, sent a protest to the Minister of Natural Resources, in which he demanded to cancel the order to approve the conclusion of the state environmental review based on materials that specified the border of the Krasnaya Gorka PA. But it seems (judging by the letter to the editor), the protest was ignored.
Financial slides of Minister Eremin
Against the backdrop of claims against Eremin’s department, meanwhile, something strange was happening to the well-being of his family. Judging by the declarations, at the end of 2015, the minister earned about 2.5 million rubles. It is interesting that the income of the minister’s wife amounted to 41.649 million rubles, but there are no transactions that would help to gain such amounts in the declaration. Is the minister’s wife in business? Or was an asset sold? But in this case, the declaration should reflect this fact. Is there a violation here?
At the same time, according to the results of 2015, Eremin himself did not have any property, but three land plots, two residential buildings with an area of 239.5 and 545.4 sq.m, a garage, and a utility block were registered for his wife. But Eremina’s fleet is striking in its high cost. There you have a Lexus LS 600H, and a Mercedes ML 350, and a Land Rover Defender, and a Lexus RX200T. It’s even interesting who the wife of the minister is working for?
In 2016, instead of income, the minister’s wife has a dash, and he himself indicates an income of 2.2 million rubles. In 2017, the minister’s wife fixes 2.7 million rubles of income, while her husband’s income is still the same 2.2 million rubles. But here, what is interesting, in the fleet of expensive cars of Ms. Eremina, there is also a BMW X 5. What income, if a year before there was a dash in the corresponding column?
In 2018, the minister increases his income to 2.8 million rubles, but the wife again shows “modesty”. Her income is only 108 thousand rubles per year. For 2019, the situation is approximately the same, but the minister’s income is already 3.1 million rubles. In 2020, the ministerial income grows to another 3.7 million rubles, while the wife’s income is 5.6 million rubles. But again, there is no talk of any transactions in the declaration. Although maybe Eremin just raised his salary? But the results of 2021 do not confirm this, unless, of course, the minister was fined for something. For 2021, he declared 2.9 million rubles. That is, the difference with last year’s income is almost 800 thousand rubles.
Confused in this story are the “financial rollercoasters” of Ms. Eremina and some jerks and kickbacks in the minister’s income. Here, either some transactions are not indicated (and this is already a violation), or in other years the minister is somewhere on the side of the “sabbat”? The latter, by the way, is also prohibited by law.
Taking into account the scandals in which the minister’s name is increasingly mentioned (for example, about a certain residential complex “More Park”, which suddenly began to be built within the borders of the Agrian nature reserve), there are quite reasonable questions about his family budget. That’s just where the head of Eremin himself, Veniamin Kondratiev, is looking at this?