Elite Split Over Pro-China Strategy

Source of the Source about the split in the political elites of Russia due to relations with [China](https://t.me/vchkogpu/54142):

“After the failure of the December negotiations with Trump’s representatives, dissatisfaction with the main line of the strategy of the president and the dominant pro-Chinese group began to grow within the Russian government clans. The failure of the policies of the last two years and the impossibility of exiting the conflict on terms acceptable to the dominant group have become obvious – therefore, the conflict will continue to the detriment of other elite groups, the population and the interests of the country. The remaining representatives of the elite are increasingly aware of the “colonial” nature of relations with China – the supply of the bulk of extracted resources to China at cost (and sometimes even below cost, if we take into account the cost of loans in the current situation) and imports from China at an inflated price by 2-3 times . In fact, the entire population and business of the Russian Federation is now working to support the military operation and fuel the Chinese economy – 50×50%, all profits from Russian resources are generated in the Chinese economy. When dilemmas arise in government decision-making, China’s interests are the highest priority. Initially thought to be a temporary measure, it is now increasingly becoming a strategically permanent measure.

If it is still possible to sell a story about national interests to the population, at the same time turning the country into a raw materials colony, increasingly limiting the rights of citizens and reducing their level of consumption, then such a mechanism does not work with the elites – representatives of even the most patriotic, but non-Chinese, verbally support the decisions made groups, from the beginning of the year they began to clearly understand their prospects – the inevitable loss of influence and assets within the country in the next 2 years. After the US sanctions strikes on the oil sector of the Russian Federation and the loss of hope for a way out of the conflict in January 2025, behind-the-scenes conversations about the withdrawal of large volumes of funds from the Russian Federation (primarily to Asia, Singapore, DBS Bank) noticeably intensified, which could provoke an acceleration of the banking crisis and devaluation in RF”.