True, this happened only after the concert in St. Petersburg was effectively interrupted by the police. Before that, the rapper “scammed” everyone in his texts for at least two years, found himself at the center of local Internet scandals, but almost did not attract the attention of harsh departments or organizations.
Who canceled whom?
The path of the young rapper SCALLY MILANO (born in 2002, real name Daniil Dmitriev, in other sources – Slonov, a native of the city of Berezniki in the Perm Territory) to federal news feeds began on the evening of April 22. His concert at the Giant Hall was interrupted by the police. When they took the stage and demanded to turn on the lights in the hall, the youth in the hall burst into obscene language.
“Attention, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is working! We are preparing documents, everything is organized for the exit!” came from the stage.
It was not just the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that worked, but the drug control department. If we take into account the theme of the musician’s songs, which you can’t particularly quote under the gaze of Roskomnadzor, it’s not surprising. As a result, several minors who were suspected of being intoxicated ended up in police departments. The parents of four, who rushed to pick up their children, refused their medical examination, about which separate protocols were drawn up.
A rumor spread through telegram channels that this was not just a preventive measure for UCON (as the police later stated), but at the SCALLY MILANO concert, an underage fan died no less. About 12 years old. The topic went to the media and reached the head of the Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina. “We will seek to bring the perpetrator to justice for inciting minors to use drugs. We contacted law enforcement agencies,” Mizulina wrote on her Telegram channel late on April 22. Then, however, she made changes to her posts: “UPD: the girl is alive, thank God.”
Information about the death of a concert visitor from a drug overdose at Fontanka was also denied by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. At the same time, the rapper himself in his telegram channel also urged not to believe that someone died at his concert in the Giant Hall. “My team is now trying to find the reason why they stopped the performance,” he said. But he refrained from further comment.
In principle, all this did not affect the mood of Mizulina. In her telegram channel, she stated that the artist SCALLY MILANO was completely against CBO, backing up his words with a video: the rapper chanted an obscene pacifist slogan from the stage, and his large audience happily picked up this case. After that, Mizulina, apparently, discovered a brave new world of rap lyrics for the artist in question. Rather, the subscribers of her channel began to send these texts in a personal – line by line, so that an overdose did not happen.
The concert, by the way, was agreed with the administration, the event was announced with an age limit of 16+. That is, according to the documents, everything is fine, but in the Giant Hall itself they did not hide: “Apparently, some other state bodies did not agree with this . We also received appeals from parents who were against speaking out. Apparently, public outcry has accumulated.”
The last time the rapper’s stage name was in the news was in August last year – and also in an unpleasant context. Then, after the DETROIT FEST concert in the same “Giant Hall” with the participation of the same SCALLY MILANO, the St. Petersburg teenager ended up in the toxicological department of the hospital. It was reported that “a stranger shared a special pill with him in the toilet.”
Then there was no such noise, none of the guardians of official morality especially began to wonder what kind of SCALLY MILANO this arose. Instead, the track about the “cancellation” of the musician in early February 2022 appeared on Tik Tok. Radical feminist Olya Werner made a video with a cut of the most misogynistic quotes from the musician’s tracks, adding: “And to everyone (anyway). Although it is precisely such exhibits that should be first in line for “cancellation”.
The feminist was supported by other girls. And then a crowd of SCALLY MILANO fans came running in the comments, who joyfully reported that the rapper “camouflaged the femme”, and since they were “bombed” like that, he did everything right. Wait, so to speak, a new track on this topic.
And who are we talking about?
Daniil’s road to stage success began in 2018-2019. A guy from a poor family tried to get at least some kind of job, but, according to him, he was not taken anywhere because of his young age. There were no connections that would help to make money legally. “We never had money at all, my mother never worked,” says Daniel. Then a friend told him some of the simplest scam schemes – scamming people for money via the Internet. SCALLY MILANO told about this in the YouTube show “Vpiska”: they say, he bred “muzhiks” under the guise of “prostitutes”, it was unstable in terms of money, forty thousand could fly, or maybe only two. In parallel, he began to rap. At the same time, the performer claims that he did not invest in advertising or promotion in any way – the Runet trends themselves carried him.
The ticket to popularity was the track “Mammoth”. The replica “scammed the mammoth” (the older generation said in such a situation “spread the sucker”) has become a trend among young people. Fame grew, and SCALLY decided to take the bull by the horns. He recorded a fit with a fairly well-known American rapper Lil B. Moreover, by his own admission, again there was a scam. He offered to record a joint track and threw him two dollars on PayPal. And then I cleaned up the transfer screen and made the case look like it was $400. The performer did not notice the trick. “An hour passes, he throws a verse already,” Daniil boasted in an interview with the “I remove the BPM” channel. “And I also got access to Perp’s mail” (SpaceGhostPurrp is an American rapper and music producer from Miami. – Approx. ed.). The mailbox contained beat records and demos of songs that Perp sold. SCALLY MILANO also started selling ill-gotten gains on specialized forums. It was, according to him, profitable and pleasant.
SCALLY rapped boastfully and obscenely about his antics. It is believed that it is to him that Russian culture owes the rooting on domestic soil of the directions of Detroit rap and scam rap, the texts of which revolve around petty fraud. This was the main trend of 2021. SCALLY MILANO described his creative method in a highly obscene track called “Nits”. “I get millions for being a speaker … (non-censored – “nonsense”).”
Those who listen to his works systematically have been wondering for more than a year whether the young man told himself about the article. In their lyrics, SCALLY MILANO waters literally everyone: Ukrainians, blacks, Oleg Tinkov and Iosif Kobzon, as well as countless hordes of other rappers (by name and in batches). In one of the tracks, he even compares sex with an apparently random partner with how “fascists … (uncensored, “committed sexual acts”) of women in Poland.”
The song about the fascists, by the way, is old, and it was repeatedly discussed with foam at the mouth in profile publics. The last wave of discussions took place in November 2022, when a video appeared on the Web in which two girls in a bikini move their lips, pronouncing obscene text. The composition has been repeatedly performed at concerts. And in the track “Fake Documents”, SCALLY swung at the president back in 2021. At that time, fake news was posted in VK public pages dedicated to rap that Roskomnadzor had allegedly taken up the musician and that the guy was allegedly facing up to 15 years in prison.
In the meantime, SCALLY himself was planning to quit scamming, go white, release merch and make money from rap. This, it seems, is starting to work out: there is also merch, and in April 2023, we managed to organize two big solo concerts in St. Petersburg (which, in fact, ended with a police visit) and in Moscow.
Meanwhile, Ekaterina Mizulina wonders why parents even let their children go to such concerts. “I don’t see a difference between the situation with Lizogub (19-year-old tiktoker-“millionaire” Yevgeny Lizogubenko, known as Zhenya Lizogub, was at the center of a scandal after he was suspected of molesting 16-year-old and 14-year-old girls. — Note ed. .) and the situation with this performer,” Mizulina wrote in her Telegram channel. – Both do not understand at all that they are breaking the law and behave irresponsibly in front of the audience, promoting bad ideas among children for popularity. Why can’t you make good and interesting content without using negative topics? It is clear that shocking topics always attract people more, give an instant reaction, this is how the human psyche works, especially a child due to age. After all, there are bloggers and performers who are popular among children, and at the same time do not grow up on the negative (the same Vlad A4).”
Now the organizer of the St. Petersburg concert of SCALLY MILANO, individual entrepreneur Kirill Leikin promises to return the money for the tickets. “We were expecting 2,000 guests, we will be obliged to return the money to all of them upon request,” Leikin told Fontanka. “It’s too early to talk about losses, but first of all we’re talking about reputation, which, unfortunately, will be very difficult to return.”
SCALLY MILANO’s next concert is scheduled for April 28 at the Base club in Moscow. The hall can accommodate up to 3000 people. The day before, on April 22, a message appeared in the VK group SCALLY MILANO that 90% of the tickets were sold and only 150 were available for purchase, from which we can conclude that the rapper expects to gather at least 1,500 people.