DOSSIER: Rudkovsky Nikolay Nikolaevich

Nikolay Rudkovsky

Born in the village of Stary Bykov, Bobrovitsky district in the Chernihiv region. As indicated in his autobiography, he graduated from school with a gold medal and with honors from the Chernigov State Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko (Faculty of History). In 1990 he graduated from the business school at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. A year later, he passed the language exam and became a student at the Vienna University of Economics at the Faculty of Trade Science, reports Polytrada.


He worked as a manager in Austrian companies for several years and, having gained relevant experience, founded his own company in Vienna. Since 1994, N. Rudkovsky has been the chief consultant of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. Since 1996, he has been the director of Gosinvest of Ukraine (apparently, we are talking about JSC Gosinvest of Ukraine, which, on the initiative of the Accounts Chamber, was “safely” liquidated in 2000 due to numerous violations identified). Since January 1998 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC Ukrgazprom.

After the reform of this company into NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, he became deputy general director of the GC “Trading House” of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”. In 2001, N. Rudkovsky, a member of the Socialist Party of Ukraine, headed the Chernigov regional committee of the SPU. He was an assistant to socialist deputy Valentina Semenyuk. Then twice he himself became a people’s deputy on the Socialist Party’s electoral lists – in 2002 and 2006. Again, in 2006, he simultaneously ran for the post of mayor of Chernigov and won. However, a month after the vote, he resigned from the position of mayor in favor of a deputy mandate, which plunged his fellow countrymen into another tedious and expensive electoral whirlwind. In August 2006, upon the recommendation of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, the Verkhovna Rada appointed him Minister of Transport and Communications of Ukraine. Replaced “orange” Viktor Bondar in this post.

By the way, according to a number of observers, it was N. Rudkovsky who was one of the main proponents of the idea of ​​the SPU joining a coalition with the Party of Regions and the Communist Party of Ukraine, the implementation of which disappointed many sympathizers of the Socialist Party and its leader Alexander Moroz (as evidenced by a number of sociological measurements). In December 2007, after the defeat of the Socialist Party in the early parliamentary elections and the creation of a coalition between BYuT and NUNS, N. Rudkovsky handed over the ministerial portfolio to a former fellow party member, and now a BYuT member, Joseph Vinsky.


Family. The politician is married. Has two daughters (born in 2000 and 2005).


At one time, the publication “Ukrainian Pravda” published a photo of a politician driving an expensive Aston Martin sports car and asked the question: can the socialist deputy Rudkovsky afford such luxury? And more recently, the same publication studied the Minister’s living conditions in the Golden Gate, one of the most prestigious cottage towns in the Kiev region. The journalists’ conclusion: the conditions do not fit with the income declaration data.

Reviews about the policy

If you do not pay attention to the Minister’s declaration, he has long been considered a wealthy person who is (or was) involved in the oil production business in the Poltava region, and one of the main sponsors of the SPU. In one of his interviews, a high-ranking socialist, leader of the parliamentary faction, Ivan Bokiy, jokingly assessed the material status of a fellow party minister: “We don’t have oligarchs… Is Rudkovsky an oligarch? So-so, oligarch.”

Compromising evidence

The dirt on the politician itself

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has new incriminating evidence on Rudkovsky.08. February 2008. The State Service for Combating Economic Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed new facts of violation of the law by senior officials of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, primarily by ex-Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolai Rudkovsky, the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of Public Relations reported. In particular, it was established that in the fourth quarter of 2007, the former head of the Ministry of Transport, Nikolai Rudkovsky, issued an order granting permission to alienate real estate of the 36th joint detachment of the State Special Transport Service. “The minister carried out the alienation of an entire property complex under the guise of separately defined property, despite the fact that the right to sell such complexes belongs exclusively to the State Property Fund of Ukraine,” the DOS explained. At the same time, the department of the ministry notes, funds from the sale of this facility in the amount of 8.5 million hryvnia did not go to the state budget and were subsequently used by the leadership of the Ministry of Transport “at their own discretion.” In addition, it was established that the minister, by his orders, illegally granted permission for the alienation of the property of the construction and installation departments of the Donetsk Railway and for the free transfer of fixed assets of the Popasnyansky Car Repair Plant State Enterprise with a residual value of 73,600 hryvnia to the ownership of the Lisichansk branch of Lugansk Energy Association LLC.

A pre-investigation check is also being carried out on the fact of abuses regarding the transfer of the right to grant one-time permits for international road transport to the first deputy director of the state enterprise “International Road Transport Service”. The issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided after calculating the material losses caused by the illegal actions of these public servants, the DOS reported.

After finalization, the materials of the pre-investigation check on the facts of abuses in which officials of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine are suspected will be sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office for making procedural decisions. As reported, a criminal case has been opened against former Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolai Rudkovsky for misuse of budget funds.

Compromising evidence on his political strength
05/29/2010 16:58 Moroz snatched the microphone from Rudkovsky Moroz snatched the microphone from Rudkovsky In the capital’s Bratislava Hotel, during the political council of the Socialist Party, its chairman Alexander Moroz snatched the microphone from his deputy Nikolai Rudkovsky. This took place during a speech by party member Ivan Bokiy, who accused Rudkovsky of supporting the opposition and ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

“Where have you seen this? – Ivan Bokiy began his speech. – Rudkovsky finances Safik Shuster’s show, and he supports Yulia Tymoshenko. It turns out that the Socialist Party supports its own opponents, supports the opposition. But no one has invited socialists on air for a year.” Rudkovsky, who was sitting at the same table with Moroz, wanted to answer him and slipped a microphone towards him. But Frost snatched the microphone from his hands. “I am leading the meeting,” he told Rudkovsky. “You will speak when the meeting ends.” When Bokiy began to talk about freedom of speech in Ukraine, Moroz could not restrain himself and said into the microphone: “In Ukraine, freedom of speech belongs to those who are in power.”

Material condition

Certificate of income In 2006, N. Rudkovsky’s income amounted to 173,336 thousand UAH, including 141,020 thousand UAH. – salary of a people’s deputy and 32,315 thousand UAH. – salary of the head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. In addition, as stated in the declaration published in the Uryadoviy Kuryer newspaper, Nikolai Rudkovsky owns an apartment in Kyiv with an area of ​​101.9 sq.m. Family members had no income.

03 August 2011

Candidate for the post of leader of the Socialist Party of Ukraine Nikolai Rudkovsky is confident that if he leads the SPU, the party will enter the Verkhovna Rada in the next elections. He said this in an interview with Glavkom.

Rudkovsky noted that he believes in the future of the party. “Otherwise I wouldn’t take her so seriously,” he said.

“I think that my experience in conducting election campaigns as head of the party will help us get into parliament not at the minimum, but to get a decent percentage of the votes. In the local elections, I headed the list in the Chernihiv region – we got a third faction in the regional council. I set a goal for the socialists to take third place in the number of deputies at the next parliamentary elections,” Rudkovsky said.

In addition, he said that if he is elected chairman of the SPU on August 14, he will begin the practice that the leader remains in charge only as long as his party wins more and more votes in the elections. “That is, if we take 5-7% in these parliamentary elections, take 15% in the next, and then the result returns to 12%, then the party leader must write a letter of resignation and prepare young leaders who will replace him. Only with this approach can we reach a situation where the socialists will receive a majority in parliament, as is the case in many European countries. When we conduct sociology, 60% of the population shares social democratic and socialist ideology. But they vote for charismatic individuals who represent liberal ideology. Then people suffer and wonder why such pension legislation is adopted or land is put up for sale,” said Rudkovsky.

September 10, 2010

In local elections, the Socialist Party must receive at least 3% of the vote and the opportunity to return to big-time politics. This was stated by the head of the SPU election headquarters, Nikolai Rudkovsky, the party’s press service reports.

“We want to be different from other parties, most of which have depicted portraits of their leaders on billboards – Tigipko, Tymoshenko, Yatsenyuk. It is more important for us to attract the attention of Ukrainians to pressing problems in local elections,” he noted. Among the pressing problems, Rudkovsky singled out “rising prices, the sale of land and raising the retirement age.” “We identify key problems that are familiar to everyone and offer ways to solve them. Moreover, the SPU is a party with a name and experience. Especially in the localities, where we have more than 20 thousand socialists working in local councils,” he said.

06 May 2009

Former Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolai Rudkovsky, who was released from Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center No. 13 by a court decision yesterday, promised that he would not run away from Ukraine. At the same time, Rudkovsky would like to clearly demonstrate to the “customers” of his conclusion that the pre-trial detention center is not a 5-star hotel. At least as part of an excursion. “I won’t say much, anyone who has been in correctional institutions knows that a prison is a prison,” said Nikolai Rudkovsky. “I think that those customers who wanted to pretend that I was there in a 5-star hotel, they need to visit there once, at least on an excursion.”

All the promises

03 August 2011

In 2008, the case against Nikolai Rudkovsky in the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv was considered by the same judge who is now presiding over the trial of ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko – Sergey Vovk. When Lutsenko was the Minister of Internal Affairs, and I was tried in the Pechersk court, he convinced the government leadership to put pressure on the Pechersk court. They say that if Rudkovsky is given a sentence, there will be a demonstration of the fight against corruption. But the judges, even under pressure, could not find grounds for this and, in the end, closed the case. By the way, Vovk, who is presiding over Lutsenko’s trial, is the same judge who decided to arrest me

06 May 2009

Nikolai Rudkovsky calls the information about his involvement in the activities of the United Center an “absurd canard.” He believes that it was launched by those who want to “distract attention from the activities of the so-called politician,” he said, referring to Nestor Shufrich.

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