Donbass coal is used not only by Akhmetov, but also by Prigodsky. But everyone is silent about him

Anton Prigodsky

As it became known from the article SKELET-infoAnton Prigodsky, one of Rinat Akhmetov’s partners and the first “gray cardinal” of Yanukovych, has been successfully trading alcohol and coal with ORDLO over the past years.

In particular, the company Embrol Holding Ltd, which belongs to him, is one way or another a participant in PJSC Koksolit and PJSC Slobozhansky Coke Plant (formerly Kharkov Coke Plant LLC and PJSC Termolife, which were “laundered” through the Russian Sberbank for the withdrawal of assets). Over the past years, these enterprises have received raw materials (coal) from the territory of ORDLO.

Apparently, Prigodsky’s business activities are covered by the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov (read about him in the article Dolce vita by ARSEN AVAKOV: ITALIAN BUSINESS AND OFFSHORE (documents)). Back in 2015, he and his advisor Anton Gerashchenko (more about him – Anton Gerashchenko: freelance herald, realtor and promising smuggler) were approached by the environmental organization Ecocid.Net. The appeal emphasized that Kharkov Koksokhim purchases coal in the territory of ORDLO, making payments through Sberbank, and also threatens the environment with its waste. However, there was no reaction from the minister and the adviser.

At the moment, Prigodsky’s factories are facing a shutdown due to the blockade of railway tracks. And he is no less interested than Akhmetov in resuming coal supplies to his enterprises, making every effort to combat the blockade.


Read more about the main character in the article Anton Prigodsky: Yanukovych’s first “gray cardinal”