Did the head of the Central Election Commission Okhendovsky go to Kolomoisky’s office?

Mikhail Okhendovsky

On the air of the TSN Tizhden program on November 9, an interesting video was shown in which Mikhail Okhendovsky, head of the Central Election Commission, visited one of the capital’s offices. Observer journalists claim that this office belongs to Igor Kolomoisky.

In a program on the 1+1 TV channel, the head of the Central Election Commission, Okhendovsky, was accused of demanding a bribe for the “correct” counting of votes. The 1+1 TV channel promised to present this scandalous video a little later.

According to the head of the Central Election Commission himself, he is under strong pressure from the oligarch governor Igor Kolomoisky.

Kolomoisky commented on the scandalous video and the scandal that flared up as follows: “Regarding Mr. Okhendovsky’s hints that I allegedly expressed dissatisfaction with the election results in a number of problem districts, I would like to start by asking him: was he in one last weekend? from elite office buildings on Vladimirskaya Street in Kyiv late in the evening, and how often he had been there before, how he ended up there in the first place, who he met there and for what purpose. After receiving answers to these questions, I am ready for further comments… For now I will limit myself to the well-known folk saying – “the thief’s cap burns.” As soon as reports appeared in the press that an investigation was underway into the activities of Mr. Ochendovsky, this immediately caused an unjustifiably violent reaction from him.”

The current elections clearly did not benefit Okhendovsky’s image – there were problems with counting votes at many polling stations, and then there was the visit of the head of the Central Election Commission to the oligarch’s office and accusations of bribery.

At a minimum, Mr. Ochendovsky must give an explanation regarding the video recording made public. And ideally, it is better for the current head of the Central Election Commission to resign altogether in order to maintain at least minimal confidence in the body he heads.