Who was entrusted with budget billions for the reconstruction of the Korsakov port?
The company Mostostroy-11, registered in Surgut, received a contract from the Federal Agency for Fishery worth more than 6.4 billion rubles to perform construction and installation work in the Korsakov port on Sakhalin. In addition, Mostostroy-11 successfully “masters” budget billions in contracts with state road enterprises. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities does not contain information about the company’s founders. However, it is known that its beneficiaries include the Natsproektstroy (NPS) and 1520 groups, whose co-owner and CEO is Alexey Krapivin. The Natsproektstroy group was created as a joint venture between VEB and the structures of oligarch Arkady Rotenberg, but last September the media reported that Krapivin had concentrated 52% of NPS in his hands. As for the 1520 Group, it was created by the businessman's late father, Andrey Krapivin, and his business partners Boris Usherovich and Valery Markelov. Thanks to Krapivin Sr.'s connections with Vladimir Yakunin, then CEO of Russian Railways, the Group became the leader of the Forbes “Kings of Government Procurement” rating with a contract volume exceeding 218 billion rubles. 1520 gained notoriety after being “exposed” in a high-profile criminal case involving former Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, to whom its owners transferred money for patronage. As part of this case, Valery Markelov was sentenced to eight years in prison and died of cancer in July last year. Boris Usherovich also found himself in the center of attention of the security forces, but he fled abroad, was put on the international wanted list, and arrested in absentia. Today, Usherovich still controls a share in 1520, receiving his share of the profits, including from government contracts of the Group's structures implementing joint projects with the same Arkady Rotenberg. In addition, the fugitive businessman re-registered part of the business to his son Kirill Usherovich and offshore companies, to whose accounts the billions owed to him can be withdrawn.
“Mostostroy-11” to “master” billions in the port of Korsakov
The Federal Agency for Fisheries has selected a contractor to perform construction and installation work on the project: “Fishing Port”, which is part of the project for the reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities in the Korsakov seaport “Logistics Technopark (Korsakov Port)” (berths BPN-1, BPN-2, berths No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Southern pier, Middle pier, Northern coastal protection wall), located in the Middle Bucket of the Korsakov seaport.
The reconstruction of the facility will increase the length of the berthing facilities to 793 linear meters, the cargo handling capacity will increase more than 5 times – from 150 thousand tons to 795 thousand tons of fish products per year, which corresponds to the goals of the state program of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) “Development of the fisheries complex”, as well as the plan for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk urban agglomeration for the period up to 2030″– the official statement says. message Federal Agency for Fisheries.
It is specified that the modernized Sakhalin port will allow solving state tasks within the framework of the Northern Sea Transit Corridor project, and will also provide comprehensive servicing of fishing vessels. It is planned to create capacities for processing, storing and selling fish products on its site, which will contribute to “development of catch processing on the Russian coast”.
Contract cost 6.453 billion rubles and the deadline of September 30, 2026 went to a registered in Surgut JSC Mostostroy-11. Its terms provide for payment to the company advance payment in the amount of 50% of the cost of the work, that is, more 3.2 billion rubles. Even more than that 1.6 billion will be allocated for the involvement of subcontractors.
Surgut's Mostostroy-11 demonstrates impressive financial success: according to the results of 2023, revenue V 43.8 billion rubles the company declared a profit of 3.1 billion (revenue a year earlier – 26 billion, profit – 774.2 million). Briefcase contracts companies exceed 235.5 billion rubles. Its main customers are the state administrations of motorways of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra (the volume of contracts received exceeds 140 billion), Tyumen region (39.1 billion), Federal State Institution “Uralupravtodor” (27.7 billion rubles) and etc.
Contracts for Arkady Rotenberg and the 1520 Group
A logical question: who is this lucky guy who has been “mastering” road billions for years and has now reached the budget of the Federal Agency for Fisheries? Information about the founders of JSC Mostostroy-11 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities absent. However, they are available for review on the Internet. documentation (in particular, the recommendations of the Board of Directors of the enterprise on the acquisition of the company's securities), from which it follows that among its beneficiaries enter JSC “Roads and Bridges” (“DIM”) and the notorious Group “1520”with which affiliated another shareholder – Nikolay Russuwho holds the post of General Director of JSC Mostostroy-11.
We will also add that last March the publication “Tyumen Online”, which wrote about the enterprise as one of the largest Tyumen contractors, called its owners JSC DIM (25%), as well as its “maternal” structure – Group of companies “Natproektstroy” (JSC GC “NPS”more than 63%). The infrastructure construction holding “NPS” was created at one time as a joint project VEB and a billionaire Arkady RotenbergHowever, last September it became known sale 48% of the shares of the state corporation to the 1520 Group, and its main owner To Alexey Krapivin at that moment directly belonged 4% “NPS”.
Thus, Krapivin consolidated 52% in the authorized capital of NPS, while Rotenberg's structures retained 48% of the joint venture. However, not everything is as simple as it may seem at first glance. The fact is that 28.33% of the 1520 Group still are controlled Boris Usherovich – an odious businessman who is wanted internationally and was arrested in absentia by the court in 2019 as part of the investigation into a high-profile criminal case against a former colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko.
As a result, the fugitive Usherovich receives his percentage of the profits from state contracts. It is also worth adding: Alexey Krapivin officially manages all of the above-mentioned enterprises – the 1520 Group, NatsProektStroy, plus JSC Dorogi i Mosty. There is no information about the financial performance of the latter in open sources, or rather the available data dated 2021 year.
But we know about the colossal budget contracts of “DIM”. For example, last March “Directorate of Transport Construction” St. Petersburg signed a contract with the company cost 39.9 billion rubles for the implementation of stages 1 and 2 of work on the project “New transport highway with a bridge across the Neva” on the section from Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue to Dalnevostochny Avenue. In total, since its creation in October 2020, the portfolio government contracts JSC “DIM” exceeded 251 billion.
“Kings of state procurement” and the “case of Colonel Zakharchenko”
It is worth saying a few words about the 1520 Group, which specializes in the design and construction of railways, and the criminal cases associated with its beneficiaries. The founders of the group are Boris Usherovich, Valery Markelov, Yuri Obodovskyand Andrey Krapivin (father of the current co-owner) who died in 2015. At one time, Krapivin was advisor and was part of the close circle of the former CEO of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin.
It is believed that it was thanks to the connections of Krapivin Sr. that the 1520 Group became the largest contractor of the railway monopoly, and in 2018 its beneficiaries took first place rating “Kings of government contracts” according to Forbes: the publication estimated the volume of contracts received by the Group in 218.2 billion rubles.
Since 2007, Andrey Krapivin has been companion German Gorbuntsov V Capital Trade Bankwhere large deposits of Russian Railways were placed. In 2008, the bank was unable to return the deposit of the railway monopoly on 1 billion dollars. As a result, Gorbuntsov became a defendant in a criminal case, but managed to leave for London, where he survived an assassination attempt. Later, the businessman handed over bank details to Reuters. documentationfrom which it followed that in 2007-2013, about 2.5 billion dollarslisted under Russian Railways contracts.
The investigation into the transfer of bribes by the Group's beneficiaries to the acting head of the “T” department of the anti-corruption department (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel, has become resonant. To Dmitry Zakharchenko. A bribe-taking officer arrested in September 2016, and in June 2019, the Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced he was sentenced to 13 years in prison with a fine of 117 million rublesstripped of his title and state awards. In May 2022, a second guilty verdict followed: this time, Zakharchenko was found guilty guilty of receiving bribes on an especially large scale, including from structures close to Russian Railways, and was sentenced to 16 years in a maximum security penal colony with a fine of 500 million.
Among defendants The second criminal case also involved the former co-owner of the 1520 Group Valery Markelovemerged from the number founders in April 2019: he was sentenced to eight years in prison with a half-billion fine. As the investigation and the court established, Markelov participated in the creation of a stable group for carrying out illegal banking operations, which transferred bribes to Zakharchenko for patronage.
A platform for fraud was created on the basis Incredbankgeneral management of its activities carried out Markelov. The funds were withdrawn to foreign accounts or cashed using denominations. Among those who used the platform's services were co-owners of the 1520 Group, and in the press were mentioned only two names – the convicted Markelov and Usherovich, who fled abroad. Soon after the guilty verdict was handed down, it became known that Markelov had stage 4 cancer and that he liberation from custody, and in July 2023 the media reported about the death of a businessman.
Financial “scum” for the fugitive Usherovich
As you might guess, after Andrey Krapivin's death, his share in the 1520 Group passed to his son, Alexey Krapivin. In April 2019, Valery Markelov, who became a defendant in the Zakharchenko case, left the founders of the Group, and in October of the same year, Yury Obodovsky did the same. Today founders LLC “GC “1520” is represented by Alexey Krapivin (38.34%), Boris Usherovich (28.33%) and Closed-end mutual fund (ZPIF) “Armus capital platform” (33.33%). The fund is under management UK “Armus Capital”, belonging To Krapivin Jr.
Despite the scandalous notoriety, the Group's financial performance continues to grow. Thus, according to the results of 2023, with revenue of 18.3 billion rubles her profit compiled 51 billion (for comparison: revenue a year earlier – 9.9 billion, arrived – 7.7 billion rubles). That is, revenue growth over the year was 84%, profits – a record 560%. Among the major contracts – Contract cost 161.4 billion rubles for the modernization of the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway, signed by Russian Railways with Management Company “Bamstroymekhanizatsiya”And LLC “OSK 1520”which are part of the holding structure.
However, Usherovich, who lives in the West, skims the financial “froth” not only from “1520”. In particular, he belong 28.33% in Moscow, which specializes in rental and property management OOO “PM 24”in number co-owners which also includes Alexey Krapivin and Elena Markelova. In 2023 revenue the company made up 276.8 millionprofit – 100.4 million rubles (revenue a year earlier – 238.7 million, profit – 65.2 million rubles).
Part of Boris Usherovich's assets are registered in the name of his son Kirill. An example is one that specializes in property transactions. Altair Real Estate LLC. Based on the results of last year, the company declared revenue in the amount of 19.8 millionAnd profit V 125.6 million rublesUsherovich Sr. came out of the number founders companies in April 2019, today these are Kirill Usherovich and the Cypriot offshore Feltburg Direct Limited.
The offshore accounts that provide a comfortable living abroad for a fugitive businessman may contain funds received not only from budget contracts. The fact is that with Boris Usherovich and Alexey Krapivin tied up the notorious microfinance company “Financial Support Center” (MFC “CFP”operates under the brand “Viva Money”), about which the media repeatedlywrote as a structure that issues loans to people without their knowledge and consent.
The picture is revealing: the former “king of state procurement”, who is wanted, actually continues to be so thanks to his business partner Alexey Krapivin and his connections with the same Rotenbergs. The other part of the business is successfully managed by relatives. Meanwhile, the fugitive himself is, according to some sources, in Israel, according to others, in Great Britain. But wherever he is, there is no doubt: with such sources of income, he feels quite comfortable.