Former Deputy Chairman of the RF Armed Forces – Deputy Minister of Justice Oleg Sviridenkohaving lost the battle for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Court, began to shake the judicial vertical through the media.

Recently, a number of publications published on behalf of the company – owner of the Royal Zenit motel in Serebryany Bor a message that the Supreme Court intends to terminate the lease agreement and deprive this motel of an elite registration, creating neither more nor less – “a state of legal uncertainty in the state” .
It would seem that there is nothing special – the usual lamentations of a participant in an unremarkable legal dispute, the likes of which are considered by hundreds of arbitration courts. If it were not for one piquant circumstance, the real owner of the interesting motel is considered to be O.M. Sviridenko, former Deputy Chairman of the RF Armed Forces, and now Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). And these events are given a special piquancy by the recent collapse of Sviridenko’s dream to head the Supreme Court, or the Economic Collegium as a consolation prize…
Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU wrote that the Royal Zenit motel belongs to MANFS Zenit-Inter LLC, which is managed Yuri Volikov, carrying out the most delicate orders of his senior comrade Oleg Sviridenko – from organizing intimate leisure and personal accounting to building a hotel in sunny Alanya. And Sviridenko does not remain in debt: he diverts inspections from the joint business and pushes through the necessary decisions in the courts. Now such help is needed more than ever – Royal Zenit is mired in litigation due to the unlawful use of city property, numerous violations of sanitary standards, fire safety and environmental legislation, which have not been eliminated for many years.