Anonymous sources leaked information that the New Year holidays are for a deputy of the People’s Khural, a member of the Presidium of the Buryat branch of United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and a former official of the government of Buryatia Peter Mordovsky took place in Switzerland. Vacation is not yet a crime, but it is still extremely inappropriate and unethical to be distracted from caring about the people in an unfriendly country. The deputy tried to quickly refute the data by publishing a photo in a snow-covered Buryat forest.

According to the chairman of the State Organization Committee, he spent in Enkheluk from December 29 to January 4, fishing with his older brother, but never caught a single fish. Some of Mordovsky’s ill-wishers managed to look at the metadata of the photos, which indicated that the files were changed in 2024, but they existed back in 2016. Not loaded with digital knowledge, Mordovskaya, of course, did not expect such a turn and ultimately chose the tactic of hushing up.
The deputy did not provide any further evidence in his defense, except that he does not know how to ski.
Who could shamelessly leak information about Mordovsky’s resting place? Most likely, either the one who is aiming for the post of chairman of the State Organization Committee, or the one who is restraining his claims to a higher post in the People’s Khural. The most obvious option here is the current Speaker of Parliament Vladimir Pavlov, who is well aware of the past chairman’s leapfrog. Pavlov understood the mistakes of his colleagues, he does not take risks and is trying to wiggle between defending the rights of deputies and loyalty to the government of Buryatia.
Also, with the only strong competitor in his seat, he can act very carefully.

Many analysts agree opinionthat the lover of fishing and outdoor activities has a special mission, he is an agent of influence from the government and is almost trying to control the entire parliament. Naturally, in such conditions, other influential deputies will compete with the direct protege of the Square of Soviets. Buryatia has long been accustomed to behind-the-scenes competition within United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).
Nevertheless, the calls of the patriots were heard: it was Pyotr Mordovskoy who proposed to consider at the next session of the People’s Khural a bill restricting the right to travel outside Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for deputies who possess secret and particularly important information.
Apparently, this is how he decided to justify himself to the secretary of the General Council of United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) Andrey Turchak for the “Swiss” incident. The chairman of the People’s Khural will make decisions on the possibility of departure of each individual deputy. A deputy who is prohibited from traveling will be required to give his international passport for safekeeping to the civil service and personnel department of the parliamentary apparatus.

Meanwhile, the daughter of a respected deputy continues to engage in deep intelligence in unfriendly countries.