Deputy control. “Green” Golovkin is a poor deputy on the third attempt

In 2023 Ivan Rostislavovich was elected to the Krasnoyarsk City Council from the Green party. However, many residents know the deputy as the general director of the local controversial Channel 8.

According to information from the election commission website, the newly elected deputy graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Technical School of Railway Transport. In other sources, the place of study is listed as the Siberian State Technological University, from which Golovkin was supposed to graduate in 2018.

But as for work activity, Ivan Rostislavovich managed to work in a lot of places.

He began his career back in 2003 as an engineer at SibTransTeleCom CJSC. In 2007-2011, he rose from manager to director of Norilsk-Telecom CJSC, and at the same time worked as a department head and director at RusInterCom LLC.

In 2018-2019, he was an adviser to the head of Krasnoyarsk. In 2011, he became director of SvyazTechnology LLC. And in 2013, he also headed the television company “Channel 8 Krasnoyarsk Territory”.

Since 2017, he has been an assistant to a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. And in September 2023, he himself was elected as a deputy of the Krasnoyarsk City Council. Member of the commissions:
• on urban planning and road transport infrastructure;
• for urban services;
• on budget, property and economic politics.

It is worth noting that several years ago Ivan Golovkin was a member of the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) party. And in 2013 he participated in the elections of city council deputies. But in 2016, he applied for the seat of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly from the Communist Party. Golovkin was lucky only with the “Greens”.

According to information from NGS24, among the newly elected deputies, Ivan Rostislavovich turned out to be the poorest. Officially, in 2022 he earned a little more than 173 thousand rubles. At the same time, he owns two apartments, non-residential premises, Range Rover Sport and Range Rover cars, a GAZ truck, IZH and Honda motorcycles, and a US-Yama jet ski.
By the way, Golovkin is the head of nine organizations and the founder of ten:

As befits a decent deputy, Ivan Rostislavovich has an assistant who was previously convicted of bribery and fraud ex-city council deputy Arkady Volkov.

In 2018, Volkov was accused of receiving a bribe from KrasTEK and fraud with the Comfort Management Company. He took money from these organizations for his social project “Machine of Good Deeds,” which involved free repairs for the poor.

Volkov admitted his guilt, he was sentenced to seven years of strict regime, but the term was reduced for turning himself in. He served three and a half years, and was released on parole in November 2022.

Introducing his assistant, of course, Golovkin kept silent about his past. However, he wrote that “his life experience and knowledge will allow him to work productively for the benefit of our city of Krasnoyarsk.”

Ivan Golovkin himself is also involved in murky matters.

Thus, several years ago, the corruption of Krasnoyarsk television workers in the struggle for government contracts was revealed. Then a conflict occurred between the association of television broadcasters, television producers and the director of Channel 8. The Association spoke on behalf of Irina Dolgushina.

Let us recall that Dolgushina complained against Golovkin, accusing him of putting pressure on all regional television. According to her, Golovkin ordered that all television channels supply him with journalistic materials. In response to Dolgushina’s protest, Golovkin threatened to have connections in the administration. But it turned out that Dolgushina herself can boast of such.

You can recall the recent scandal between Channel 8 and Roskomnadzor.

Television workers insisted that the supervisory authority regularly holds the channel accountable for alleged violations of the law.

The channel’s management stated that the channel is under political pressure because it is extremely inconvenient for the authorities.

Members of the Union of Journalists were invited as “independent” experts, who found a violation of journalistic ethics in television stories and called on Channel 8 to be guided by established standards. They also asked the conflicting parties to conduct a constructive dialogue and not make work disputes public.

By the way, Golovkin himself participated in the discussions, although he is the founder of Channel 8, and according to the law on mass media, the founder has no right to interfere in the activities of the media.

But let’s return to Ivan Rostislavovich’s parliamentary activities. Judging by the information from the City Council website, Golovkin is not particularly active. After report of the Krasnoyarsk mayor Loginov he, for example, discussed the openness of executive authorities:

“I noted for myself the openness and communication skills of the executive authorities both with the townspeople and with the deputy corps. I have not seen such an open dialogue for a long time – and I have something to compare with, including with the leadership of other cities in the region and other regions in the current situation. The issues that I raised – about the integrated development of territories, hot school meals – are not of a private nature, but carry a strategic format for the life of the city. Therefore, of course, there cannot be immediate solutions. In general, I am satisfied with the answers – the work is underway. As for school meals, we understand that it is impossible to completely return to the Soviet system, when each school had its own kitchen where food was prepared, however, I think that as planned, gradually we will strive to take the most useful things from that system.”

By the way, here’s what Vladislav Loginov answered:

“The head of the city said that the implementation of the CRT on Shakhterov Street is planned for the near future. At the expense of the investor, a kindergarten will be built in this area and a plot of land will be allocated for a school. The investor is also transferring 20 residential premises into municipal ownership, which will be used in the program for relocation from dilapidated housing. Regarding school meals, the mayor noted that not all parents and students like the existing system. The most optimal solution would be the independence of the catering departments of institutions, where a team of cooks would work who knows the preferences of children.”

One of the latest was Golovkin’s initiative to begin all meetings with the playing of the national anthem. What could be more important, right?

Well, just recently, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Denis Terekhov visited Ivan Rostislavovich. Or rather, he gave an interview to Channel 8. Against the backdrop of a subsided scandal with insulting journalists.

Apparently, now the hatchet is buried, which is why polite conversations are being held with shit eaters journalists.

“After the interview, Channel 8 General Director Ivan Golovkin and Denis Terekhov discussed a number of pressing topics over a cup of tea, resolving all past misunderstandings that existed between the channel’s journalists and the deputy.”

Who benefits from this reunion more? Haypovoy Denis Eduardovichwho is for any kipish other than a hunger strike, or Ivan Rostislavovich, who is interested in the seat of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly?