Both here and there a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region Konstantin Antonov manages to take part. A very active uncle tries to create the appearance of progressive work. Monitoring the fulfillment of obligations – that's what Antonov does. But there is no benefit from these observations. No one argues, he quickly creates scandals around objects, but what next?
Repair of Uritskogo street
The repair of Uritskogo Street is taking place under the close supervision of residents of the capital of Siberia and the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region Konstantin Antonov. Earlier, a meeting of residents identified the need for repairs to the street. Four years after this conversation, budget funds were finally allocated. The competition was won by the company “Stroysiti” (OGRN 1045400527765). It was this company that was supposed to carry out all the work on the first stage on Uritskogo Street from April 1 to July 26. But, as usually happens in Novosibirsk, everything did not go according to plan.
It is noteworthy that Antonov claims that he monitored the entire process of work on the site from the very beginning. He claims that he personally responded to every complaint received. Therefore, residents slept peacefully, firmly knowing that the well-being of their district was in the strong hands of deputy Antonov. But, apparently, his hands were not so reliable. When the deadline for the completion of the work began to approach, a representative commission arrived on the site with the participation of the federal state institution “Sibupravavtodor”.
Where do the violations come from?
And what was discovered? The inspection revealed a host of violations. Among them were a pedestrian crossing that abutted a pole, problems with road signs, asphalt subsidence and destruction, puddles (due to violation of levels), sunken sewer manholes. And one of the lanes at the intersection with Lenin Street requires elimination altogether. All the shortcomings were recorded, and no one will be able to get out of it.
It is clear that all claims will go to the contractor. But Antonov stated that he closely monitored the work. How could he monitor it if so many violations were discovered? The deputy could not think of anything better than to call on citizens to monitor the execution of the work. Apparently, he himself lacks eyesight, or maybe something else.
There is a scandal, but no sense
The second stage of work is scheduled for the period from July 27 to August 30. What's the point if you couldn't even finish the first one properly? How did you, Mr. Antonov, monitor the facility if about a hundred violations were found during the inspection? What's the point of demagoguery now and calling for something if so many shortcomings were overlooked? Also tell me that the residents didn't tell you about the existing violations. Or maybe everything just appeared on its own in the last few days?
Why then even talk about Uritsky Street if you didn’t put the slightest effort into the successful completion of the work?
Sadly, this is not the first time the deputy has caused such scenes. A similar situation occurred earlier on Yeltsovskaya Street in the Central District of Novosibirsk. There, the contractor brazenly ignored the contract requirements and basic construction standards. Everything is as usual: he replaced the materials and violated the technology.
As a result, the mayor's office was forced to terminate the contract with IP Gasanov and re-announce the competition. In any case, Antonov could only run around and express his indignation, but nothing more. There is a scandal – no use. Apparently, Antonov wants to do the same with Uritskogo Street. Now the repairs will be finished, the work will be accepted, and then he will declare that this is his merit. And the fact that he supervised this repair from the very beginning and did not discover anything himself is just the cost of the profession. Babr will continue to monitor antics the work of deputy Konstantin Antonov.