Before the head Markova Tatyana Makarevich an unsolvable dilemma arose: to follow in the footsteps of the predecessor Galina Shumikhina and get a real verdict or once again show impeccable political flexibility and do it for your own good, but to the detriment of the inhabitants of “their” settlement.
The court ordered the second. Next move: Tatyana Makarevich. Are we betting?
The legal proceedings between the Markov administration and the infamous construction company Nord-West (OGRN 1173850008584), which was resolved in January of this year, are rooted in the year 2011. Then the administration of the settlement issued the developer a permit to build 262 residential buildings, which had to be built before 2016. But what is called: did not arrive all at once.
The license has been amended several times over the past decade. With each amendment made, the deadline for the delivery of long-awaited houses shifted further and further, and the number of construction projects inexplicably decreased.
The administration refused.
The solution is predictable and unexpected at the same time.
“Nord-West” is almost a household name in the construction business. Company actually owned the Gusev family, throughout its history, “pleases” buyers with cheap and paradoxically low-quality housing. Especially in this epic story about the work “in a slipshod manner”, the residents of the Berezovy microdistrict suffer, which is built up everywhere by the “Nord-West”.
It is built up, which is important, precisely with residential apartment buildings without any appropriate infrastructure. So, “Nord-West” desperately ignores all the obligations laid down in the projects to provide parking spaces in the local area, disrupted the construction of the school promised to the residents of Berezovy, and repeatedly “twisted” the norms of urban planning legislation.

In 2020, the administration of the Irkutsk region finally took care of the issue of controlling the company’s ugly style of work. Based on the results of the audit, the prosecutor’s office ruled in favor of the administration, and Nord-West was forced to pay a fine of 100 thousand rubles – a ridiculous figure for a construction corporation. It should be noted that the organization did not suspend its activities for a day.
And already in January last year, the court ordered the administration of the Markovsky municipality to put into operation residential buildings in the Berezovoy microdistrict. Those same sixteen unfortunate “long-term construction”.
There are several reasons for the stubborn unwillingness of the municipality to accept the “engineering genius” from Nord-West into operation. Firstly, in the initial project, the houses were supposed to be built with underground parking lots, which were not included in the final “product”. This is a primitive violation of the obligations of the contractor, which at the first inspection will entail serious problems for the municipality. criminal nature.
In addition, another ugly brainchild of Nord-West is distinguished by a paradoxically low quality of construction. The situation as a whole is familiar to Berezovy, but this does not mean at all that it is normal.
Therefore, the Markov administration explains its unwillingness to take part in a blatant scam to cover up the money laundered by Nord-West (quite legally) by the discrepancy between the money raised houses constructions to the established construction requirements, in particular, the town-planning plan of the land plot, as well as the lack of title documents.
Free time-tested advice to Mrs. Mayor: pull the “rubber” to the last. The houses from Nord-West are of such poor quality that in a couple of years any inspection will not recognize them as living space. They probably won’t exist anymore – they will fall apart, as the whole long-suffering Berezovy is falling apart.
For many years, Nord-West presented low-quality buildings as a product of its activities, frankly cheated with construction projects, and sold crumbling “huts” instead of comfortable new buildings to the residents of Berezovoe. Always with the tacit connivance of the executive branch.
Every rare attempt to influence them was and is perceived as an attempt to “earn points” by politicians of various stripes. Demonstrate active attention to an acute problem, but in the end it is traditional to let everything go on the brakes and come to terms with politics half-measures: a small fine and, as it were, a general censure. But the work, still disgusting by any engineering and moral standards, will continue.
Now Tatiana Makarevich faced this choice. Initially an ambiguous character in the history of the Markovsky municipality. Who came to the post of head immediately after Galina Shumikhina, dispersed the administration and managed to “quarrel with the whole world” in almost a year as mayor, but at the same time did absolutely nothing meaningful and promised mountains of gold to everyone and everyone – a brief and capacious description of the managerial potential Tatyana Makarevich.

At this pace, Markova will soon catch up with Ust-Ilimsk in terms of the number of mayors who have become defendants in criminal cases. Although, taking into account the new trend, this fate looms on the horizon in many cities and regions.
A difficult choice between two equally unsatisfactory possibilities. One certainty: from the Gusev “Nord-West” everything again, that water is off the goose.