“Creates an explosive situation”

Tentacles of the Oligarch Roman Trotsenko penetrated into completely unexpected places. How wrote earlier Rucriminal.info, Mr. Trotsenko has a whole bunch of airports, villas and other goods, but there is something else – coal mines. Traditionally, through several hands, Trotsenko owns JSC “VorkutaUgol”. Officially, the company is owned by OOO Group “Russian Energy”, and the beneficial owner of the group is Roman Trotsenko and OOO Holding Company Dominanta.

Roman Trotsenko

VorkutaUgol is the only company in the world engaged in coal mining and enrichment in the conditions of the Far North. VorkutaUgol includes four mines, the Yunyaginsky open-pit coal mine – the only open-pit coal mine in the Arctic in the world – as well as the Pechorskaya Central Enrichment Plant, the Vorkuta Mechanical Plant and Repair Plant, and the Vorkuta Transport Enterprise.

It is not surprising that the multi-profile oligarch Trotsenko also owns coal mines. The catch here is a little different. According to the channel's source, Rostekhnadzor has a huge number of questions for JSC VorkutaUgol. The last straw was that in mid-June, the Pechora Department of Rostekhnadzor suspended the operation of the mine at the Zapolyarnaya-2 coal mine of the Russkaya Energiya Group LLC. It was established that due to poor insulation of the operating mine from the mined-out space, local methane accumulations were allowed that exceeded the maximum permissible values, which created an explosive situation.

The suspension of the mine's operation was preceded by numerous lawsuits and inspections of Rostekhnadzor by the prosecutor's office! To everyone's surprise, the prosecutor's office came to the aid of JSC VorkutaUgol, which, since the end of 2023, has begun to challenge Rostekhnadzor's decisions to bring the enterprise to administrative responsibility on a massive scale.

This position of the prosecutor's office, which takes the side of private companies rather than government agencies, is an exception to the rule. In one of the cases, the court has already refused to satisfy the prosecutor's office's application to recognize the fine as illegal. The evidence in the case materials indicates that Vorkutaugol JSC had the opportunity to comply with industrial safety legislation, for violation of which Part 1 of Article 9.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) provides for administrative liability, but the Company did not take all measures within its power to comply with them.

Rostekhnadzor is very surprised by such behavior of the prosecutor's office, namely, that it is they who are disputing administrative cases, and not the enterprise being inspected, and the prosecutor's office employees have become more frequent with inspections of Rostekhnadzor. If the results of inspections of state bodies are questioned on a massive scale, then trust in them and the effectiveness of the measures they carry out are undermined, and this already puts the industrial safety of the enterprise at risk.
