Could the missing Viktor Trukhin be removed for withdrawing billions of rubles?

Could the missing Viktor Trukhin be removed for withdrawing billions of rubles?

General Director of FSUE Spbniivs FMBA of Russia Viktor Trukhin has not been in touch since September 3rd.

FSUE “St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums and Enterprise for the Production of Bacterial Preparations” FMBA, led by Viktor Trukhin in 2021 with revenue of 2.9 billion rubles. suffered a loss of 472 million rubles, although a year earlier it had a profit of 694 million rubles. The loss in 2022 could be even greater, but the institute’s financial results for that year are hidden. And this is no coincidence.

The main customers of FSUE Spbniivs are the Nacimbio company, owned by Sergei Chemezov’s Rostec, with contracts worth 2.5 billion rubles, FSUE NPO Microgen of the Russian Ministry of Health (186 million rubles) and FIBA ​​Russia (171 million rubles), which in 2020 is led by the former head of the Ministry of Health Veronika Skvortsova, she is considered Sergei Chemezov’s person.

FSUE Spbniivs acted as a customer in government contracts worth 19.3 billion rubles, but if we sum up the contracts of the institute’s contractors, this amount does not reach. The reason is the concealment of contractors to whom billions of government rubles could have been siphoned off. In August alone, 35 contracts were concluded with unknown persons. The two largest contracts amount to 900 million rubles.

These contracts could have been the reason for the disappearance of Viktor Trukhin. Unfortunately, no one will investigate the activities of the FMBA and Veronica Skvortsova. Therefore, there is a suspicion that Viktor Trukhin will not be found.

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