As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and found out, for more than a year a very interesting situation has been developing in the structure of the FKR of Moscow. The General Director of the Moscow Capital Repair Fund, Artur Keskinov, considered a protege and distant relative of Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov (responsible for housing and communal services and the improvement of the capital), was subjected to severe criticism in the period of 2022. The reason is that the Moscow FCR did not cope well with its responsibilities: constant complaints from people about the quality of repair work; selectivity in choosing contractors (the most interesting objects were given to affiliated companies); failure to complete work on time, etc. All this led to a number of criminal cases, and after several news reports on ORT, Bastrykin personally demanded that the district investigative committee report on the problems, initiate criminal cases and bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible (he even put materials and criminal cases under PERSONAL CONTROL). According to the laws of the genre, then there should be landings, investigations and news with thanks to the residents for their quick response and help… But that was not the case.
Keskinov, realizing that investigations of such cases can lead to a stir, the identification of affiliated companies (almost every deputy has pocket companies), agreements when concluding government contracts, receiving bribes and kickbacks, and this can lead to his removal from office, on the recommendation of “seniors comrades” appoints to the position of his deputy the former prosecutor of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow [Georgia Chekhoev](, which has serious connections (was part of the team of former environmental prosecutor Marat Duraev) in the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office, in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, and also has close friendly relations with immigrants from the Investigative Committee from the South-Western Administrative District, who now occupy senior positions in the Investigative Committee of Moscow (Deputy Investigative Committee of Moscow – General Saksin Vitaliy, Colonel Menshov Kirill). After this purpose, as if by the wave of a magic wand, criminal cases cease to be investigated both in the Main Directorate of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the UK …
Materials for excitement to the investigating authorities are not transmitted and become refusal materials, which the prosecutors’ employees are happy and smile. And even the “great” Bastrykin, who put all the cases and materials on the complaints of citizens to personal control, simply switched to another topic- migrants, forgetting about the complaints of people who were in trouble and living with leaky and cold roofs, Chinese wiring (and sometimes even in general Without her), broken and forgotten houses. So the real resource and acquaintance “on Earth” of the prosecutor overpowered the power of the apparatus not only of the IC of Russia, but also the General Prosecutor’s Office, since the complaints of citizens to the FKR Moscow continue to go there constantly, but they go down to the ground and “die” there.
Any serious resource costs serious money, therefore, in his activities, Chekhov raised kickbacks to 20 % to the transfer of objects to affiliated contracting organizations, not forgetting to bring his people to the FCR who monitor cash flows and distribution of objects in Moscow.