Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, classmate of the President Irina Podnosovawhich is called a likely successor Vyacheslav Lebedev, submitted documents to participate in the competition for the position of Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). Participants in arbitration proceedings note on the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and a serious connection with the decision Irina Podnosova – her son is a lawyer Egor Podnosov. Previously, he worked in the law firm “Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners”, created by another classmate of Putin (*international criminal) Nikolai Egorov.
However, then the Cheka-OGPU wrote about a gigantic thing: the intermediary transferred funds in the amount of 60 million rubles for the cancellation by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Podnosova of judicial acts on the recovery from the subsidiary of Surgutneftegaz PJSC – LLC SO Tvernefteprodukt – funds in the amount 130 million rubles.

Having lost all the courts up to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), lawyer of Tvernefteprodukt LLC Kira Koruma, who is publicly known as “Chubais’ lawyer” or “budget vampire”, promised her client to “resolve the issue” through the firm “Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners” (EPAM), in which the son of the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Irina Podnosova, Egor Podnosov, then worked.
Koruma reported that through Yegor Podnosov it is possible to “resolve the issue” for 60 million rubles.
After this story, Egor Podnosov is no longer on the list of the Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners team. But he became a partner of the St. Petersburg law firm Prombusinessconsulting, which positions itself as “a bureau that specializes in supporting enterprises in the field of military-industrial complex and protecting businesses when criminal legal problems arise.” The founder of the bureau, Alexander Gukanov, previously defended a large number of former and current employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).

It is known that Vyacheslav Lebedev did not like Podnosova, who was appointed to the Armed Forces, bypassing his opinion, and closely watched her activities as long as her health allowed. Now there is no such “brake” anymore. has prepared a selection of stories that took place after Podnosova joined the Supreme Court.
At one time, a source of the Cheka-OGPU said that the then chairman of the Second Cassation Court Anatoly Bondar For a long time I could not get over the shock due to the fact that the president’s classmate Irina Podnosova was appointed to the place of deputy chairman of the Supreme Court and head of the board for economic disputes. This position was in Bondar’s pocket. A few days before the meeting of the High Qualification Board of Judges, Bondar, who had passed all the approvals, accepted congratulations on his upcoming appointment. And right at the flag, the president intervened in the situation and his candidate, Podnosova, appeared. This was especially offensive for Bondar due to the fact that he had previously withdrawn his application for the post of Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) – Chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases, which he previously held Vasily Nechaev. Bondar did this, making sure that the sweet spot (the head of the board for economic disputes) was in his pocket.
Chairman of the Russian Armed Forces Vyacheslav Lebedev was no less shocked. Previously, he had one uncontrollable deputy Oleg Sviridenko, who headed the board for economic disputes. When negotiations were held with the Administration of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) about the possibility of Sviridenko’s resignation, Lebedev agreed to a certain exchange: together with Sviridenko, Nechaev (Lebedev’s best friend) would also leave the Armed Forces. Lebedev hoped that, as a result of the “behind-the-scenes war,” both boards would be headed by people personally devoted to him, including Bondar. And the president decided that the boards would be headed by people loyal to him, and not to Lebedev.
Having taken a high post in the Armed Forces, Podnosova got into a corruption scandal. The Cheka-OGPU have repeatedly written about the bankruptcy of the Moscow company Terminal Service, in which cash-out schemes through gas stations were highlighted Alexander KlinovskyTvernefteprodukt, Tatneft-AZS-Zapad and Neftmagistral.
When the scheme was discovered, the gas stations wanted to negotiate quietly, in the judges’ offices. The arbitrariness of the judges was stopped by the Moscow Cassation, and then the interested parties from Neftmagistral transferred an amount of 50 to 100 million rubles to the deputy chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, G.A. Karpova. for the final resolution of the issue in their favor. Karpova got involved with such a sum with enthusiasm and forgot about all confidentiality measures.
After her reappointment as deputy chairman of the Moscow Cassation, Karpova was engaged in open “chess”: she took on any issues, summoned judges and gave them illegal instructions. Karpova often gave instructions on how to solve a case on behalf of the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Podnosova. The interesting thing here is that, according to an informal complaint from Judge A.N. Nagornaya. the fact of transfer of funds (50 million rubles) from one French retailer was documented, in which Karpova once again intervened and put pressure on Nagornaya.
Podnosova was also involved in the raider takeover of two enterprises producing unique fertilizers by the Kremlin propagandist Aram Gabrelyanov, who, having forged corporate documents, gained control over the enterprises OJSC Melor and OJSC Promtseolite, part of TsEOMAX LLC.
TSEOMAX LLC has been making efforts for many years to return stolen enterprises to the rightful owner. In 2021, OJSC “Melor” and OJSC “Promzeolite” were returned back to LLC “CEOMAX”, and the company “TiG”, due to illegal actions and causing damage, was excluded from the list of participants of LLC “CEOMAX” (case No. A48- 7233/2018).
Claims for damages amounting to more than 1 billion rubles have been filed against Aram Gabrelyanov, his son Ashot, Mushkin, Tarasov and other persons. During the trials, the lawyers representing the interests of persons associated with Gabrelyanov were replaced by lawyers from the EPAM bureau, after which the courts took the side of TIG in several trials.
In April 2023, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court Podnosova reinstated the deadline for consideration of TIG’s complaint against the decision to expel TsEOMAX LLC by more than 10 months and requested the case for consideration in the Supreme Court. At the same time, an identical complaint from the TIG company had already been considered by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court and the complaint was rejected. Repeated filing of the same complaint is not permitted by law. That is, the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court “cancelled” the previously made decision that there were no grounds for revision.
At the same time, if at the first consideration and refusal to satisfy the complaint of the TIG company, the deputy chairman of the Supreme Court took almost two months, then for the second consideration and satisfaction of the same complaint of the TIG company, four (!) days were enough for the judge. Due to the discrepancy between these actions of the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court and the norms of the law, representatives of TsEOMAX LLC appealed to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).
The fact that Lebedev did not like Podnosov was told by many sources of, but here is a “touch” to this.
“Thanks to” the applicant for the post of Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, Advisor to the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Stanislav Fedorov, the editors had at their disposal a very interesting document, namely the seating arrangement of persons invited to the reception on behalf of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) V.M. Lebedeva.
If we look at the seating arrangement of the invited persons at the tables, we will see that table No. 1 is occupied by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) V.M. Lebedev. And Podnosova was sent to the very “gallery” away from the chairman, to table No. 4.