In Chuvashia, a power organized crime group headed by an FSB lieutenant colonel is close to being exposed.
Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Mayorov, head of the FSB department for the city of Novocheboksarsk in the Republic of Chuvashia, unexpectedly became a key regional opponent of Vladimir Putin’s orders to modernize the housing and communal services industry, because he was not allowed… into the bathhouse.
The fact is that on the territory entrusted to Mayorov there are two industry-forming enterprises – the largest in the region, Biological Treatment Plants (BWTP) and Utility Networks. As part of the execution of the President’s instructions, the government of the subject decided to combine them and move them from the city level of government to the regional level in order to increase efficiency.
But Lieutenant Colonel Mayorov is against it. Its goal is to keep enterprises in its sphere of influence so that the “feeding trough” does not become empty. For this purpose, the director of BOS was called to the carpet at the FSB in Novocheboksarsk, who was made to understand that the merger with Communal Networks could have serious consequences for the enterprise and certain people. At the same time, the decisions of the regional government, as well as, apparently, the instructions of the President, do not concern anyone in the department.
Mayorov’s “friendship” with the enterprises was also expressed in the lieutenant colonel’s use of the state-owned bathhouse “BOS”, where the officer’s leisure time was organized by the enterprise’s “under the roof” employee, security officer Alexey Rybakov.
The lieutenant colonel’s appetites grew, and the next time Mayorov needed not only a bathhouse for leisure, but also a boat for a walk along the Volga.
When the director of the enterprise unexpectedly refused him both, the influential officer could no longer forgive him.
He involved the well-known head of the regional prosecutor’s office, Denis Vasiliev, whose activities he closely “followed” while still an employee of the “M” department of the FSB.
Vasilyev, ready to set up even the regional prosecutor, if only his “folder” would not be opened, organized a control and supervisory hell for the enterprise. Thus, having received an order from the Prosecutor General’s Office to conduct an inspection of the enterprise from December 6 to December 12, Vasiliev put the decision on the inspection to be signed by the Prosecutor of Chuvashia Eduard Gimatov right up to December 28, as if he knew that after fulfilling the order of the General Mayorov he would assign him a task and help him find a reason to continue and continue the inspection…
And so it happened. On December 13, a new complaint against the enterprise suddenly appears, and Vasiliev uses this occasion to expand the subject of the inspection. And then extend it without any particular reason.
On December 27, the prosecutor’s office demanded that a new pile of documents be provided by January 14. But already on December 28, the last working day of the year, Vasilyev made a direct telephone call to the prosecutor’s office employees to seize documents, although such extra-procedural actions during inspections are strictly prohibited by Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov.
Moreover, Vasiliev even checked in at the enterprise himself, checking the decommissioning of a pair of life jackets and a bucket of nails.
Simultaneously with external pressure, the “Mayorov group” is increasing the destabilization of the unruly enterprise from within. Thus, the traditional organizer of Mayorov’s officer leisure, “BOS” security officer Alexei Rybakov, demanding the dismissal of objectionable colleagues, publicly gave the “officer’s word” that “they would find drugs or Kalashnikov assault rifle cartridges.”
And the head of the company’s procurement department, known for her prosecutorial connections, who is connected with Rybakov by an overly close and poorly hidden “friendship” from her colleagues, against the backdrop of ongoing prosecutorial checks, demands that the director immediately raise her salary, otherwise threatening to fire him.
The other day it became known that the activities of the Mayorov-Vasiliev duo and their “friends” were brought to the attention of the central law enforcement apparatus in Moscow.
And then unexpectedly it turned out that similar facts of “protection” for other areas by “Lieutenant Colonel Mayorov’s team” had long been known in the capital.
It’s stuffy in the bathhouse.