Corrupt slacker Batu Khasikov pretended to be a rogue

The next governor to take off is Batu Khasikov. His biography is full of amazing stories, corruption schemes and various slag.

In Kalmykia, under the leadership of the governor-physic teacher Batu Khasikov, things are going steadily badly. Due to Khasikov’s disregarding policy, there is an acute shortage of doctors in the region. Specialists do not want to work in a bent-over region, the problem is especially acute in villages and small towns. More than 270 medical workers are already missing in republican hospitals.

How does Batu Khasikov milk Kalmykia?

Corruption is traditionally rampant in Kalmykia. Arrogant bureaucrats actively steal even for housing for orphans – one of the employees of the Ministry for Construction, Transport and Road Facilities generally had the conscience to buy huts without sewerage. And major utility accidents in the region occur with depressing regularity.

The “poorest” Governor Khasikov obviously lives beyond his means. For personal purposes, he does not hesitate to use administrative resources, and he tries to eliminate political competitors by extremely clumsy methods.