Boris Lozhkin, being the head of the Presidential Administration, supports the traditions of this structure as the most closed, “shadow” and not revealing any information about itself. If you can read about the Cabinet of Ministers, the Verkhovna Rada and even individual financial and industrial groups in the headlines of the leading media, then about the presidential administration and its boss you have to look for information bit by bit. And often there is not a word about his swing at all.
So, “Who is Mr. Lozhkin? The head of the presidential chancellery, a former professional media manager, is probably the most experienced and advanced in our country. In principle, the president needs such a specialist. Against the backdrop of high-profile failures on all fronts, it is necessary to maintain a positive image of the country’s leader. As a result, only Poroshenko’s PR works “excellently”. Professionals in this field highly appreciate the trick with “Dill” and the excellent move with “Cynical Bandera”. Another leader of the country would have been “thrown off” for lesser sins, but Pyotr Alekseevich is holding on to nothing. It holds on despite complete failures in the economy, reforms, warfare, and foreign policy. Despite the fact that, contrary to promises, he never sold his assets… So, apparently, it is good public relations that keep people from the third Maidan. And, apparently, the current government cannot do without the help of a professional media professional at the head of the AP.
Lozhkin – former owner and president of Ukrainian Media Holding. He sold his structure, which at various times included about 77 media resources, to a young oligarch, who was called “the wallet of the Yanukovych family,” Sergei Kurchenko. It’s strange, but while giving a negative assessment of the Yanukovych regime and Kurchenko himself, no one said a word about the negative consequences of the sale of such a huge media asset, which was considered a “stronghold of freedom of speech” to the criminal “Family”. There were timid hints from journalists that supposedly if Lozhkin had not sold this asset, it would have been squeezed out. However, firstly, this does not make the ex-president of the holding any more moral and ethical. And secondly, after the Maidan and the departure of the “Family” from the political arena, no one filed a lawsuit for the sale of an asset under pressure. Why?
Maybe because the “Family” didn’t go anywhere? Only its most prominent figures were removed. In a number of cases, “shadow people” still remained in the power structures of Ukraine, and in a number of cases, the people of the “Family” were simply changed, placing their own people in the same schemes. And where should they work, if not in the most closed of power structures? Don’t believe me? Well, let’s see what kind of people Boris Evgenievich works as deputies.
Kovalchuk Vitaly Anatolievich. First Deputy Head of the Administration. Politician. During the years of “criminal power” he was deputy head of the Goloseevskaya Regional State Administration and head of the commission for the effective use and rental of property of the above-mentioned district administration. The position, you see, is quite lucrative. During the last elections, he oversaw the headquarters of Vitaliy Klitschka’s UDAR. He became famous for dissolving the regional headquarters of this political force and throwing money at regional activists. According to another version, the dissolution of these headquarters was a forced measure, since the party’s treasury was stolen. They say that Kovalchuk is the link between Vitali Klitschko and the Firtash-Levochkin group. And also that it was he who persuaded Vitali Klitschko not to run for president and to give way to Petro Poroshenko. Judging by Kovalchuk’s position and influence, both of these rumors are similar to the truth.
Filatov Alexey ValerievichDeputy Head of the Administration. Lawyer. Former managing partner of Vasil Kisil and Partners. He is a very good lawyer; at one time he helped Boris Lozhkin sell UMH. And they put him in place of another very good lawyer Andrei Portnov (more about him in the article Andrey Portnov: raider history). And they gave him the same functions that his predecessor had. That is, he became the “decider” between the AP and the judiciary. And the first case that he “solves” is the case of the Latvian company Reverta, which is suing Ukrainian citizens. According to Sergei Sushko from the National Bureau of Investigation, Filatov was involved in this case while he was working in a law firm. As a result, this case, rejected by a number of Latvian and Ukrainian courts as absurd, is decided by the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine. By the way, the Reverta company is the legal heir of Parex Banka, the same one that is associated with the “Boyka towers” and the helipad on Park Alley. So much for your connection with the old, “anti-people” government. People’s Deputy Oleg Lyashko has repeatedly stated that the deputy head of the administration is following “in the footsteps” of Portnikov and is monopolizing the High Council of Justice.
Dneprov Alexey SergeevichDeputy Head of the Administration. Also a lawyer. Former deputy of the odious Minister of Science and Education Dmitry Tabachnik. In this position, he got involved in at least two corruption scandals. The first of these was the creation of an electronic Education Management Information System (EMIS), into which schools entered information about students. And when such a database was created by a private structure, all schools received a letter from the ministry “On the submission of mandatory statistical reporting by secondary educational institutions and regional education departments” signed by Alexey Dneprov. In this document, heads of all educational institutions and managers are strongly recommended to submit statistical reports “using the “Ukraine” software package. EMIS Information System”. And since this service is not free, all schools in Ukraine were forced to pay this commercial structure money for using the system. The second corruption story is connected with PJSC “Subsidiary Bank of Sberbank of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)”, where, by order of the same Dneprov, all salary projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine were sent. As you know, such decisions are not made free of charge, and the order bears the signature of Alexey Sergeevich.
Andrey Ivanovich TaranovDeputy Head of the Administration. Military, general. He was not involved in corruption scandals, but according to unofficial data, during his time as a military attache in Israel, he “surrendered” to the intelligence service of this country the entire intelligence network of Ukrainian intelligence officers working in neighboring countries. Moreover, they say that Andrei Ivanovich personally brought these intelligence officers for interrogation to the Amana unit – military intelligence under the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces.
Well, in addition, in the AP, in quite high positions, at the level of department head or department head, there were such “under-illustrated” officials as, for example: Natalya Valentinovna Annenkova in the AP since 2006, Svetlana Georgievna Kondzelya in the AP since 2009, Alexander Alexandrovich Goncharuk in AP since 2000, Stasenko Igor Viktorovich in the AP since 2005, Kilevaya Anna Alekseevna in the AP since 2010, Tikhonyuk Svetlana Andreevna in the AP since 2011, Tyrus Bogdan Yurievich in the AP since 2006, Elena Nikolaevna Remen in the AP since 2011. That is, the key positions are occupied by officials who served not only the criminal regime of Yanukovych,” but many also served the “criminal regime of Kuchma.” What can we say about officials of a lower rank… No, it is of course wonderful that the new government attracts “professionals,” but I would like to remind you that these guys went to the elections under the slogans of it, the government, of renewal.
Denis Ivanov for SKELET-info