Comrade Stalin is returning?

How Georgian “reformers” are building Bolshevik Ukraine

To begin with, the question is: why is the election of the President of Ukraine in the first round a testament to the high literacy and integrity of the citizens of Ukraine, and why among these same millions of Ukrainians there were no literate and uncorrupt patriots capable of leading ministries, law enforcement, and other central departments?

And related questions:

– Who and why humiliates Ukrainians by imposing “Varangians” on them?

– Are foreign “reformers” really a blessing for the Ukrainian nation, or is this a political project, thickly smeared with a thick layer of PR?

Let’s think and reason. Is it fair, dear fellow citizens, that you and I have been declared to the whole world as corrupt woodpeckers?

The Budapest Memorandum does not contain the word “if”

I’m reading the Budapest Memorandum on the surrender of the nuclear shield by the Fatherland and listening to today’s TOP politicians. Native and foreign. It’s like my personality is split in two. I anxiously leaf through psychiatric reference books. We’ve arrived! Split personality is one of the signs of schizophrenia. To whom – to the madhouse? Me, or those who wrote the Memorandum and today do not comply with it?

In response to Ukraine’s renunciation of nuclear weapons, the signatory states pledged back in 1994 to “respect the independence, sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine.” What’s in the package? Crimea is cut off. A neighboring nuclear state rules there. It’s a similar story with part of Donbass. And they keep telling us about some terrorists and diplomacy!

Good citizens, can anyone imagine terrorists who have… Grads, 120-mm howitzers, tanks hidden in their caches?

Come on, diplomats, we’re not at a buffet table at the embassy!

On which page of the Budapest Memorandum is it written about the Minsk agreements? Which paragraph states that in Ukraine, which has been subjected to aggression, pensions will be taxed and utility tariffs will be increased? It is said differently: “Refrain from economic coercion aimed at subordinating to one’s own interests the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty, and thus ensuring for oneself an advantage of any kind.”

There is no word “if” in the Memorandum at all! I mean, if Ukraine doesn’t do this and that, the Memorandum will stall.

Then take a fighting stance, Westerners, and stand back to back with the Ukrainians. Fulfill agreements without additional conditions!

…And on TV from morning to evening they talk about what other position my compatriots should bend over in order for the West to believe us, love us and begin to be responsible “for the Budapest bazaar.”

Or maybe everything is different? Maybe, having disarmed the country, they are talking to us according to the principle that the powerful are always to blame for the powerless? Don’t honest people think that in today’s carnage, excuse me, the ATO West is shamelessly using our country in a dispute with Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) over who is the boss of the world?

It’s a shame? Humiliating? But let’s admit the truth!

From the same series is the arrangement of the national personnel department at the US Embassy. Only the top officials of the country do not know that it is from there that foreign “supervisors” were assigned to Ukraine. For other citizens, this has long been an open secret!

According to media reports, there are about two hundred Georgian “chicks” of the State Department alone in leadership positions in the country.

For what? Is it because we are not their relatives, and their mothers were not born in Ukraine, and they don’t need to look them in the eye.

Not every foreign cook can lead a country

We live in a world of high technology. They permeate both life and everyday life. For example, when there is nothing to feed the stomach, political technologies are connected to a person’s brain. The main task of which is to find the image of the enemy and load them with fairy tales about how satisfying it will be tomorrow if you tighten your belts today. And for this purpose, it is not a sin to kick not only a person, but also the laws of the host country. The country, whatever one may say, is not the Motherland!

Alas, our compatriot amuses himself with PR. What else remains for him?..

Judge a man by his works, the Bible teaches.

…I don’t want to delve into the conflict between Health Minister Alexander Kvitashvili and his opponents. Because on both sides it’s pure PR. I look at things. And they are as follows: if a couple of years ago people came to hospitals with their own medications, today relatives bring both cotton wool and disposable syringes to medical institutions.

Those who have no relatives are doomed. And the average person doesn’t care what kind of medical truth the trained historian Kvitashvili is looking for! In the eyes of the average person, he does not need such a minister. Be he Georgian, be he Puerto Rican!

It just seems to me that it would be wiser to find a domestic specialist. Honest, professional, decent. So that he could look both his and the neighbor’s mother openly in the eyes.

There are such specialists in our country! Let’s trust them, and instead of searching for enemies and telling stories about a bright future, people will simply get sick less, recover faster and live longer. The health of citizens is the only argument and criterion for the decency and professional suitability of the Minister of Health!

…I look at the PR around the current police named after Eka Zguladze – as if I were present at a fashion show. How well-combed and clean they are, today’s policemen, in super cars with flashing lights, as if in Disneyland, drive around the city…

And on TV they praise, they say, they don’t take bribes and even deputies are fined.

And there is rampant crime in the country. Armed people are roaming the streets. People are being maimed by live grenades near the Verkhovna Rada. Offices and cafes explode, terrorist attacks take place…

I don’t need fancy policemen! I don’t pay taxes for their outfits. For not living in fear.

And there is no need to bend your fingers listing how many people’s deputies were fined. Give two figures: six months ago the crime rate was such and such, but now it is less. Then I’ll believe that our own Ministry of Internal Affairs is handling the matter! In the meantime… I’m forced to screw new locks into the door and not poke my nose into the city center unless absolutely necessary.

And there is no need to appeal to the all-justifying long “arm of Putin (*criminal)”! Otherwise, they have learned to cover up any mess with the machinations of the Kremlin. We must honestly admit: when in the country – anyone! – crazy unemployment, when refugees have no roof over their heads and nothing to feed their families, when businesses stand idle and salaries are not paid, when the hryvnia has dropped to the point of shamelessness… And dozens of today’s “whens”… An increase in crime is inevitable without any Putin (*criminal)! This is an axiom, gentlemen!

Where is the exit? Launch the economy, keep people busy, provide income, and not rearrange beds and write memoirs on Facebook.

Ukraine does not need foreign specialists painting labels on the sides of official vehicles and organizing a police fashion masquerade. We need calm and law and order in squares and streets, in parks and gateways. Need security! This will be the correct criterion and argument that the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are in the right place.

Do we have such national professionals? Undoubtedly!

…It is no coincidence that I wrote exactly two positions – both national and professional. Because in the case of the police, the system is being destroyed not only by Georgian fashion designers, but also by national non-professionals! As a result, we have: the minister, commenting on the terrorist attack at the Verkhovna Rada, does not even know what kind of grenade killed people… I’ll explain especially for Arsen Borisovich: a defensive hand grenade (RGO) is an anti-personnel grenade with crazy destructive power! Many times superior to the damaging effects of the well-known “lemon”. Body armor will not save you from this. From this one – only for shelter. That’s why there are so many victims. The one who prepared the terrorist attack knew well about it, but the Minister of Internal Affairs does not know and asks the military. I am very afraid that with such “proFFesionals” the Russian Geographical Society will fly around our cities and towns like pigeons. And kill, kill!!!

…So he bursts out to ask: what regiment did you serve in, venerable sir?

But the minister is busy. He lives on Facebook. The minister dresses the policemen as policemen, calls Putin (*criminal) for help, and – promotes himself…

However, both Kvitashvili and Avakov in tandem with Zguladze are mere children in comparison with the master of self-PR, Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili.

Sit down three friends and hang the noodles on your ears

Mikheil Nikolozovich took his life credo from the deceased Lee Kuan Yew, who was reputed to be the creator of the Singapore “economic miracle”. He loved to talk about his own methods of fighting corruption: “Start by jailing three of your friends. You know exactly why, and they know why.”

Considering that Mr. Saakashvili is wanted in his Georgian homeland, it is quite possible that he will still have free time in order to study in more detail the political and economic tools of the Singaporean idol, described in detail by the American writer William Gibson in the article “Disneyland with the death penalty”, published in Wired magazine, and became an instant bestseller.

The American Gibson clearly told the world about the authoritarianism and cynicism of the miracle worker Kuan Yew, about his draconian judicial system and inhumane prison morals. Apparently because, as if “one hundred percent”, the democratic Singaporean government immediately banned the popular magazine “Wired”.

Fleeing in horror from “hospitable” Singapore, William Gibson ends the publication with the words: “I loosened my tie, leaving Singaporean airspace.”

…Today Mikheil Saakashvili is engaged in PR. He makes humor on television talk shows, smiling broadly, telling in Georgian-Ukrainian language what kind of democracy he built in Georgia, instructing Ukrainian politicians to be smart. However, no, no – and it will break. Apparently, the science of colleague Yu is asking for a way out. Either his soul yearns for space, or it’s time to work out, but it’s a little cramped for him in the Odessa province.

Under the guns of television cameras (apparently coincidentally), he “accidentally” finds himself at the epicenter of a parliamentary election battle in the non-neighboring Chernihiv region. And he immediately makes it clear: the ex-president of Georgia respects the parliament elected by Ukrainians with all his heart. That’s why – again on television cameras – he fatherly calls the current people’s deputy… a bastard…

The klyamka flew off – he commands and is rude!

Or else. As you know, Mr. Saakashvili was recently appointed governor of the Odessa region. From the start, of course, I turned on the PR afterburner. Again, he publicly fucked the regional prosecutor in front of television cameras. And it doesn’t matter that the Ukrainian Constitution and Law prescribe the opposite!

And Saakashvili, without having built, as they say in Odessa, a doghouse, from all the stands he lectures the rest of the domestic governors on “life in a new way.”

The leader of the Odessa region can broadcast uncontrollably – like a radio station in a rural hut. Which the people aptly nicknamed “the liar.” A little time passed, and Saakashvili’s Caucasian profile became the calling card of all possible media outlets.

In September “Focus” ( published a long interview with Mikheil Saakashvili. Miho tried his best to be frank. And he was frank. And the journalist turned out to be diligent. And Saakashvili’s “revelations” became public. Let’s read.

About PR. The journalist informs his interlocutor that, according to a survey by the European Institute of Social Communications, a third of Odessa residents believe that Saakashvili is engaged in self-PR as governor. “Do you know about this?” – asks the journalist. “Yes, we do public relations. People need to know what we do every hour…” – the governor answers with inspiration… Who, apparently, is not given to understand that “public relations” is, first of all, a dialogue with the goal of HEARING PEOPLE. And self-PR is a monologue with completely different tasks – IMPOSE YOUR OPINION TO PEOPLE.

In part, impose and decorate Saakashvili – ok!

Read on. About beautiful promises and responsibility for what is said.

The Odessa governor likes to boast, they say, he will build the Odessa-Reni highway in the region, and Odessa residents will live in chocolate. “The old road is virtually destroyed, although we plan to restore it by next summer. And in parallel, we must build a new highway to Bucharest in three or four years, no matter what.”…

Remember the numbers? Let’s move on. Inquiring about Mr. Saakashvili’s career prospects, a Focus journalist asks: “Will you remain head of the administration and then become a prefect?” “I believe that prefects will appear in the regions no earlier than in two or three years. I don’t think I’ll stay in Odessa for that long,” Miho says frankly. And, catching himself: “But in any case, I will be here long enough to complete projects related to the construction of the highway, the development of infrastructure, and the creation of a new customs office.”

When did you lie? He started talking about autobahns and leaves?.. Questions without answers. The reader is left to figure it out. Do you want my opinion? Ready. Considering the effectiveness of the work of the brilliant virtual, God grant that the old road be patched up. What about the modern autobahn?.. Regarding it, the current governor’s rhetoric will most likely change its orientation. In other stands, Mikheil Saakashvili will continue to chew his ties, saying that the people of Odessa did not listen to him – now they are going over bumps to Romania. And he so passionately called for the construction of New Vasyuki in a separate region…

Words are words. Projects – projects. Fables are fables… But what did Governor Saakashvili really do in more than 100 days of work? I emphasize: my question is not about what was PROMISED, but what was DONE?.. Together with the residents of Odessa, the governor… rode in a minibus. He got out, straightened his collar, and again – New Vasyuki. He crucifies himself in front of journalists, saying that I live the same life and common problems with people.

Yeah! Just a people’s sufferer!

Only local residents never met their own governor on crowded minibuses. I did a lot of PR and got into a personal car. Everyone has their own democracy.

Is there really no one to put this upstart in his place, to force him to do his duties and not act like an ape in front of the television cameras?

It must be interesting for inquisitive Odessa residents to know how, when he was in Tbilisi, he implemented the precepts of the Singaporean miracle worker Yu? What awaits Odessa residents?

It wasn’t me who said: history teaches that it teaches nothing.

At one time, the ex-communist leader of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, warmed up the obedient and affectionate young man Miho into power. Saakashvili was growing up. His appetites have grown. Political orientation changed. New patron fathers and new idols appeared.

People from those around him at that time recall that Saakashvili received instructions (along with dollar envelopes) directly from the States. I worked it out. Reported. And he climbed the career ladder of betrayal.

By the way, Mr. Saakashvili still honors overseas fathers and mentors today. I would say that it not only honors, but also blows away specks of dust. In a recent interview with Focus (, which we quoted, in response to a journalist’s question about Saakashvili’s statement that “the main separatists in the Odessa region are policemen. This is a whole army of armed people. What should we do with it? The governor comments in a way that makes your eyes pop out of your head. Literally he said: “It’s hard to call them an army. It’s more like a well-organized crime syndicate… You know what I noticed? Many of them contemptuously call Americans “Americans,” repeating Russian propaganda word for word.”

That is, reader, it is now clear why the Odessa police are “an organized crime syndicate? Because Americans are called “Americans”!.. If only Miho knew what they call him in Odessa… Should we write or do without obscene language?..

And then my head was clouded by the romantic advice of Singaporean Yu. He specifically pointed out the shortest path to rule the country: “Prison your friends!”

In Georgia, to warm up, Miho started with the mentor chef. Shevardnadze was expelled from the leadership with a bang and in blood. And so as not to be too indignant, the new Georgian president gave political sanction to the arrest of Shevardnadze’s son-in-law, Georgy Jokhtaberidze, head of the mobile communications company MagtiCom, writes RIA Novosti-Ukraine ( “Shevardnadze’s son-in-law was arrested on February 20, 2004, and released from pre-trial detention on April 26. His freedom cost $15.5 million.”

Very soon, Tbilisi realized that instead of FIGHTING corruption, Saakashvili’s team set a course to LEAD corruption!

RIA Novosti-Ukraine quotes Niko Lekishvili, chairman of the Union of Large Taxpayers of Georgia: “Our business elite has developed a fear syndrome. There were unofficial payments, rates were set by customs officers, tax officers, and police officers, and the budget suffered”…

Alas, Ukrainians understand this plot.

How did the “team of Georgian reformers” achieve its goal?

Taras Bulba did not serve as a Cossack in Singapore

President Miho did not reinvent the wheel. If only because he doesn’t know how to do it. I just took the Asian methods of Singapore and transferred them to European Georgia.

…On the Internet I read the publication “GEORZINFORM: “Go to Tbilisi and ask who Sakvarelidze was before the Maidan!” (

Without giving any assessments, I’ll just shorten it and present a few fragments. The astute reader will figure it out.

I will note one thing: it becomes scary for the residents of the free Odessa region if the same methods are copied by the current governor in the coastal capital of Ukraine.

But it’s a thousand times worse if something like this reigns throughout the entire Fatherland! There were precedents. The Soviet Union, from which we grew, was already commanded by the Georgian Joseph Dzhugashvili – better known as Comrade Stalin. Read and think. Don’t you think, dear readers, that both Singaporean Lee Kuan Yew and comrade Mikheil Saakashvili are not innovators at all, but talented students and followers of the Bolshevik communist from Georgia Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin?

I quote fragments of the publication.

“Things in Georgia are still bad today due to the fault of those who are being sheltered from Georgian justice in Ukraine. Since 2003 and all the subsequent 9 years of the rule of the “National Movement”, President Saakashvili and his Western friends promised the Georgians MOUNTAINS OF GOLDEN, as they promise the Ukrainians today, but they brought one MOUNTAIN…

What can Saakashvili and his group, who left Georgia without 20% of its territory and with 500 thousand refugees, advise the Ukrainians? With an external debt of 14 billion 370 million 400 thousand dollars, unemployment, poverty and pensions – 5 times lower than the subsistence level? In Saakashvili’s Georgia there were more than 200 thousand convicts (under Shevardnadze – about 8 thousand, under Gamsakhurdia – 5 thousand), more than 20 thousand of whom were terribly and humiliatingly tortured in prisons and filmed all this on video; thousands died in cells, unable to withstand torture, or became crippled for life; more than 200 were killed on the streets, most of them young guys like Girgvliani, Vazagashvili, Robakidze, or, with Saakashvili’s sanction, under unknown circumstances, like Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania and billionaire Badri Patarkatsishvili. And today they are already talking about Saakashvili’s interest in the recent mysterious death of ex-Minister of Economy of Georgia, billionaire Kakha Bendukidze, who was predicted to become Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

Businessmen were expropriated into poverty, their property was confiscated and re-registered at night, in prison cells, in the presence of half-asleep “pocket” notaries, “voluntarily” signing the so-called. “court agreements” And those who disagreed were either demonstratively beaten to death, like businessman Valery Gelashvili (current parliamentarian), or raped in front of their wives and daughters. Sometimes it’s the other way around… 70 thousand documentary videos of similar content were left to Georgia by those who now rule Ukraine! Moreover, among the video files are those filmed on their own (comrades-in-arms) with secret cameras in the matrimonial bedrooms of Saakashvili’s highest officials and on his own orders. The rulers of Ukraine can be sure that Arseniy Avakov, on the advice of an experienced blackmailer and perverted maniac, has already installed “bugs” and video cameras in all places where they have sex…

Let us leave for a moment Saakashvili, accused in four criminal cases, whom, despite the declared search and the four times sent request of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia for extradition, Ukraine not only does not extradite, but also appoints him as the head of the International Advisory Council on Reforms under the President of Ukraine (now the head of the Odessa regional administration – author), which insults Georgia and each of its citizens. The question now is different: is it really possible that among the 46 million population of Ukraine there were not a couple of hundred worthy Ukrainians capable of governing their huge country? Was it really necessary to invite Saakashvili’s liquidation team from Georgia, whose population during their rule was halved – from 4 to 2 million?! People abandoned their homes in Georgia and fled to foreign lands to work as servants and even prostitutes! – just to be away from the bloody lawlessness of the nationalists and starvation”…

History cruelly teaches again that it teaches nothing!..

Let’s take another look at the interview of the current Odessa governor with Focus magazine ( Mikheil Saakashvili opens the reader’s eyes to why he is actually being charged with criminal charges, and for what reason is the Georgian prosecutor’s office looking for the fugitive ex-president?

It turns out that “a pro-Russian government came to power in Georgia, the largest private shareholder of Gazprom, Bidzina Ivanishvili, actually began to own the country. The condition for his coming to power was, among other things, the initiation of a criminal case against me. The case was opened for four suits that my service bought without my knowledge. I brought these suits and said: “Take them, I’ve never worn them”…

So that’s where the dog rummaged! The local prosecutor’s office did not like the costumes of the Georgian leader, and therefore they are searching for him all over the world during the day. Probably to say: “Throw, Miho’s loaf, a national chokhu on your shoulders, and take your mkhedruli boots! It’s not appropriate for the president to show off in overseas costumes!”

Do you believe this, reader?..

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe! You think about what you read, and a question arises. Why, while demanding from Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) the extradition of Yanukovych, who fled from justice, does Ukraine seem to not notice similar fair demands of Georgia regarding Saakashvili with a group of henchmen? Let everyone in their historical homeland be assessed in accordance with national legislation. Perhaps that would be fair?

The question would have remained unanswered if… If the Ukrainian national personnel department had actually been located on Bankovaya or Grushevsky, and not beyond the “seven seas”.

And it becomes clear: the introduction of the Georgian “team of reformers” into the country’s leadership is part of the plan of the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum, in which Ukraine is assigned the role of a bargaining chip in the global fight for the redistribution of spheres of influence between the same signatories – the West and Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).

No one will help us if we don’t help ourselves. Nobody! To do this, at the helm of the country there must be exclusively national patriots, and not foreign shills on dollar wallets.

Mikheil Saakashvili tells on every corner how much he is loved in his historical homeland. Then why is he afraid of justice, which he himself established? He understands that he will meet friends who – according to his own science! – will they immediately put their best friend behind bars? He understands that ties are taken away from the cells and – according to his own practice! – Will cellmates force you to chew less pleasant objects?

Ukraine needs such science and practice!

What are we doing! Who are we listening to? To betray a friend, turn him in and put him in prison – is this what our mothers and fathers taught us? They taught differently. To be your own friend, to keep a friend from doing something bad, to help a friend get out of trouble – this is the essence of the Ukrainian understanding of friendship!

If Miho is so brave, let him teach his understanding of friendship on the front line in the ATO. And he will get a punch in the forehead! Because on the front line they live by a different rule: “Die yourself, but protect your comrade!” And they cover their friend with their breasts. And they die.

Anyone who opens his mouth to friendship has never been a friend himself!

“…There is no bond more sacred than comradeship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood… I know that a vile thing has now developed on our land; They only think that they should have stacks of grain, stacks of grain, and horse herds of them, so that their sealed honey would be safe in the cellars. They adopt God knows what Basurman customs; they abhor their tongue; he doesn’t want to talk to his own; he sells his own, as they sell a soulless creature at the trading market”… – these are the words of Taras Bulba that Ukrainians absorbed with their mother’s milk.

Even if the legendary Taras had been a Cossack in Singapore, he would not have brought the cynical science of Kuan Yu from there. My heart would not have accepted it!

Why break the Ukrainian mentality over the knee?

Just two sentences, friends. Read this:

“Start by imprisoning three of your friends” (Lee Kuan Yew and Mikheil Saakashvili).

“There is no bond holier than fellowship!” (Nikolai Gogol and Taras Bulba).

Now it’s clear that Miho’s comrades are pouring Miho into our souls with their sweet PR?

This is only pleasing to the eyes and ears. It’s rotten inside!

The combat regiment of Georgian “watchers” was mobilized to Ukraine by ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, reports the website ( in the publication “Foreigners in power, or Who influences Ukrainian politics.” Eka Zguladze took Khatia Dekanoidze as her adviser, Pavel Petrenko was appointed to the Ministry of Justice by Jaba Ebanoidze, Gia Getsadze, Giorgi Tsiklauri and Khatia Shelia. The newly appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine David Sakvarelidze headed the department investigating the crimes of the prosecutors themselves, and Gizo Uglava became the first deputy head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Former Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia Georgy Vashadze actively participates in the political life of Ukraine as part of the activities of the Innovation and Development Foundation. In Odessa, Governor Miho lobbied for the appointment of a member of his team, Giorgi Lortkipanidze, as the chief police officer of the region, and Zurab Adeishvili as the prosecutor…

It’s impossible to list them all! And you can’t guess how many more Georgian “overseers” will reign in the government chairs of patient Ukraine.

…It’s just some kind of devilry! The officials expelled from Georgia took key positions in Ukraine, and in unison they put commas in the phrase: execution cannot be pardoned…

David Sakvarelidze is the weakest PR link in Saakashvili’s team

Just as Shevardnadze once brought the seemingly naive and devoted Miho closer to himself, so Saakashvili literally from his student days called the young lawyer David to his team. Perhaps this is Saakashvili’s most important mistake, because, as experience shows, in a community of cannibals, children’s teeth grow in parallel with their ambitions. Eating parents and friends is a favorite treat for these children.

But this is my personal opinion.

Be that as it may, today Sakvarelidze is the weakest PR link in Saakashvili’s team.

The Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine made a serious PR rant in an April interview with Zerkalo Nedeli (Zerkalo Nedeli) ( To the journalist’s question: “Have you already been offered a bribe?” – He immediately answered: “Yes, they wanted to take me on as a “maintenance” – 10 million dollars a month. I refused”…

Either he wanted to show off his own importance, or he simply boasted.

Jokes aside, but, friends, it’s not one of us, ordinary people, who responded so indifferently. This is the position of the DEPUTY PROSECUTOR GENERAL OF THE STATE!

Imagine the situation. A businessman approaches Sakvarelidze and playfully suggests: “Davidka, you cover my business, and for this I will give you ten “lemons” of “green” every month.” “Thank you, no need,” the Deputy Prosecutor General modestly replies…

You see, instead of dragging a bribe taker by the scruff of the neck to the Prosecutor General’s Office – “Thank you, no need”!

But what about the notorious fight against corruption? How about “put three friends in prison”? Or, if a friend with millions – the rules of Singapore Yu are canceled?

Or was it Sakvarelidze who staged a public obstruction to his own boss?

One thing is clear to me: in such a situation, even the district prosecutor is obliged to react differently, and not state: “I refused”…

This position of the prosecutor could not but outrage the public, politicians and deputies.

Oleg Lyashko

The leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko, called on Deputy Prosecutor General David Sakvarelidze to immediately publish the name of the person who offered him a monthly bribe of $10 million ( As Lyashko stated, if David Sakvarelidze does not give the name of this person, he himself will be considered a corrupt official.

Another radical, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Igor Mosiychuk, is convinced that law enforcement agencies should interrogate Deputy Prosecutor General David Sakvarelidze regarding the bribe offered to him. According to Mosiychuk, it is necessary to establish who offered such a large sum and for what exactly ( “As the first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on legislative support for law enforcement, I wrote relevant reports about the crime to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office,” the deputy informed.