Chelyabinsk is heading into an intra-elite conflict over the United Russia (*aggressor country) primaries. Experts predict “who will Texler’s team screw over”

There are 5 people vying for one list member’s mandate in the City Duma.

The United Russia (*aggressor country) primaries for the Chelyabinsk City Duma in single-mandate districts were uncontested, and therefore the results announced on May 27 did not come as a surprise to observers. The winners were precisely those candidates for whom sources predicted the support of the ruling elite, and it could hardly have been otherwise, despite the fact that their opponents were mainly students, ordinary employees, or generally people from other cities. The only intrigue was the question of who would get places on the party list and a guarantee or chance of getting into the representative body of the new convocation. Here the top positions were taken by “steam locomotives”, candidates approved by Moscow, as well as experienced politicians, including those whom the regional leadership did not really want to see in the new Duma. Meanwhile, given the balance of power between the main political players in the Chelyabinsk region, it is not entirely clear who the party in power is counting on, since for the 29 people whose names are on the list (and these are mainly managers and leaders), United Russia (*aggressor country), in the most favorable scenario, will be able to get 7-8 mandates. This means that in September 2024 a serious scandal could break out in the region. The outcome depends on whether the political bloc will be able to regulate relations with those whom they had to “throw away.”

According to the United Russia (*aggressor country) primaries website, out of 43 people who entered the primaries for the Chelyabinsk City Duma on the party lists, 29 candidates were included in the final list. The first line and 15,979 votes went to the leader of the “Movement of the First” Svetlana Buravova, who was a confidant in the last presidential elections Vladimir Putin (*international criminal). Next, with a gap of almost one and a half thousand votes, comes State Duma Deputy Oleg Golikov, followed by the first deputy chairman of the ZSO Denis Moiseev, both are members of the SVO.

Current Speaker of the City Duma Andrey Shmidt was able to secure fourth position on the party list, which guarantees his entry into the representative body. The line below is the ZSO deputy Sergey Buyakov, who, according to the publication’s interlocutors, was approved by the regional government for the post of chairman of the Chelyabinsk City Duma of the new convocation back in April. However, and Schmidt – the creature of the head of the city Natalia Kotova– as the primaries showed, cannot be written off.

Andrei Shmidt secured a place on the City Duma list in the United Russia (*aggressor country) primaries

Schmidt, with his extensive experience in electing to representative bodies, has everything worked out in terms of primaries. There are people who are guaranteed to press the button for him. And now his passage to the City Duma or the transfer of the mandate to another candidate will become a subject of bargaining. Which puts him in an advantageous position anyway.”,” commented one of the political strategists working in the elections.

Let us note that a total of 12 people will be elected to the Chelyabinsk City Duma on party lists. Considering the request for representation of different parties, it can be assumed that A Just Russia (*aggressor country), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), the Liberal Democratic Party and New People should receive at least one mandate each. And given the popularity Valeria Gartunga “SR” can count on two mandates. Thus, in the most optimistic scenario, United Russia (*aggressor country) has 7-8 mandates left.

There are 3 members of the SVO in the published party list today. In addition to Golikov and Moiseev, acting as “locomotives”, this is the director of the Mayak Dreams charity foundation. Ruslan Melekhin. And although he is in 18th place in terms of votes, taking into account the request of the federal center, this candidate should theoretically be subject to a quota. Potential speaker Sergei Buyakov is guaranteed to receive another mandate. Thus, there remain 5-6 mandates and 25 candidates for them.

“How mandates will be distributed is a very interesting question. On the one hand, there are many candidates on the list who are representatives of enterprises and financial and industrial groups. This is, for example, Vladimir Bodrov, Andrey Bodryagin, Sergey Evteev, Maxim Zubkov, Evgeniy Makagonov, Sergey Reznikov, Rafail Shafigulin, Maxim Zaitsev. On the other hand, there are “public” candidates, such as Andrey Shmidt, Yuri BoldyrevSvetlana Buravova, Anastasia Shilova, Vyacheslav Kurilin, Maxim Goloshchapov and others. Such people should also be in the Duma,” – Pravda UrFO interlocutors in political circles argue.

According to the publication's sources, Svetlana Buravova, who occupies the first place, should receive one of the mandates as a confidant of the President of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). Vice-speaker of the ZSO Konstantin Strukov is also unlikely to be denied the promotion of his creature – General Director of Business-Active LLC Sergei Evteev. With a high degree of probability, large industrialists who nominated their candidates – Maxim Zubkov and Oleg Osipenko – will not be refused. By agreement with the regional political bloc, the campaigns of the head of the Kurchatovsky district Sergei Antipov (running in a single-mandate constituency) and, possibly, the “future speaker” Sergei Buyakov (approximately 15 million rubles per candidate) are also provided.

“Deputy General Director of PC ChTZ LLC” Sergey Reznikov – a creature of a defense enterprise. If it doesn’t pass, there will be consequences, given that Reznikov himself is toothy beyond belief,” commented one of the interlocutors in business circles.
Thus, there are practically no places left for candidates who are not backed by financial and industrial groups or influential persons. “In any case, it turns out that the authorities will cheat someone. It will be interesting to see what follows.”
– says one of the political scientists.

As for single-mandate constituencies, experts were initially of the opinion that the political bloc of the Chelyabinsk region would leave several mandates for representatives of other parties, as was done, for example, in the elections in Yekaterinburg in 2023. There, in a number of districts, as part of the agreements, students who practically did not campaign and, accordingly, lost, were nominated as United Russia (*aggressor country) candidates. However, the final list of winners of the primaries in 25 single-member districts of Chelyabinsk suggests that they will try with all their might to win everywhere.

This assertion is supported by the fact that there was no competition in all 25 districts. Among the opponents of the agreed candidates are entirely students, ordinary employees, many unemployed, and residents of other settlements of Chelyabinsk. “So that no one gets confused about who to vote for,” they say ironically in political circles. Due to this, the winners had a serious gap in votes.

“I have doubts only in district No. 8, where Sergei Grigoriev, development director of Golos Management Company LLC, is located. This is Kurchatovsky district. Perhaps the current deputy Sergei Seleshchuk will be nominated there from the New People party, who, after the story of a bribe to the ex-mayor of Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev, was forced to leave the ranks of United Russia (*aggressor country), but has not lost ties with them.”says one of the people’s representatives.

Let us add that 10 current deputies of the Chelyabinsk City Duma will fight for victory in single-mandate constituencies. Newcomers 8: paramedic, participant of the SVO Svetlana Gorelikovaleading security specialist at Tander JSC, member of the SVO Artem Barbashin, Sergey GrigorievAdvisor to the General Director of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant Igor Latypovdirector of the Mother's Hands charity foundation, SVO participant Tatiana Sokolovateacher of the Krupskaya Children's School of Art and Art, participant of the Secondary Educational Institution Sergei BormotovDeputy General Director of Trest SCM LLC Yuri Skalunovhead of department at Region LLC, member of the SVO Evgeniy Botov.

In addition, there are 7 experienced politicians who are not part of the current City Duma: Director of YuzhUralEnergostal LLC Ilya Isaychuk (deputy of the Kalininsky district), head of the Kurchatovsky district Sergey Antipov, head physician of the children's city clinic No. 8 Anton Ryzhiy (Deputy of the Kalinin District Council), Director of Avtoluch LLC Alexander Isaev (deputy of the Kurchatovsky district), head of the council of deputies of the Metallurgical district Alexey ChetverninGeneral Director of Serviscom LLC Roman Muratchin (Deputy of Traktorozavodsky District), Director of First Transport Corporation LLC Stanislav Novichikhin (Deputy of the Metallurgical District Council).

“In this situation, it will be interesting to see whether the political bloc of the region allows for an option in which the heroes of the Northern Military District may lose the elections, or will organize their victory by hook or by crook. In any case, the fight promises to be hot, since United Russia (*aggressor country)’s main competitor in the Chelyabinsk region, the A Just Russia (*aggressor country) party, is also selecting candidates and is serious,” – experts say.

Elections to the Chelyabinsk City Duma will be held in the regional capital in September. Residents will elect deputies directly. Previously, the City Duma was formed by delegating representatives of district councils, but now they will be abolished.