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Offshore leaks

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Deputy bins. Alexey Veller and family values

We continue to talk about the income of people’s choices. Next in line is a deputy of the State Duma from the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexey Vellerwhose life credo seems to have come straight from the Fast and the Furious film franchise – family is above all. Head of the family Before starting to build a […]

Oligarch Alisher Usmanov tries to slip out of UK sanctions

February 21, 2022 Alisher Usmanov successfully sold his shares in Curzon Square Ltd. To which the London mansion near Buckingham Palace is recorded, the company Metalloinvest Logistics DWC-LLC, registered in Dubai, which is owned by Usmanov’s USM holding, where he has only 49%, which allows the company to be non-sanctioned. The data in the UK […]

Is PointPay a cryptocurrency scam?

Recently, a certain PointPay company has been in the spotlight of the public, which positions itself as a successful cryptocurrency project, but in fact is a scam, that is, a fraudulent startup. The office does not have any licenses, its tokens are illiquid. According to the “Client Agreement”, PointPay is not responsible for anything and […]

Nikolaev and Movshevich: Offshore Misalliance Podshofe

The abilities of the scandalous owners of the manufacturer of cognac “Alliance-1892“leaked” their real talents. Photo: The largest cognac producer in Russia, the Alliance-1892 plant (Stary Koenigsberg and Trofeyny brands) in the Kaliningrad region, has sharply lost ground in terms of the volume of production of this alcoholic beverage. Previously, it produced up to […]

Mikhail Barakin: a nugget billionaire or an ordinary swindler?

Yesterday, all the media spread information that at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Phillip Kirkorov signed an agreement for the construction of a modern shopping center in the Leningrad Region. According to the star, it is planned to build a shopping center with a total area of ​​10-14 thousand square meters. The total cost […]

Despite the numerous deaths of patients, the court returned the license to the scandalous Euroonco clinic: why?

Recently, the excitement around the scandalous brand “Evroonko” not only does not subside, but, on the contrary, flares up with renewed vigor. Thus, the network of clinics, which has already killed many patients with cancer, continues its deadly activities. Why, contrary to the decision of the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, did the court […]

“Dog space” from “Alpha” to “VEB”

Are Russian banks preparing to “merge” billions into dubious “pet-friendly” projects? Against the backdrop of a difficult economic situation, the management of Alfa-Bank began to promote a new project – the creation of “pet-friendly spaces”, jobs where employees of the institution will be able to come along with your pets, especially dogs. The bank is […]