Bought in 2019 for 323.9 million rubles property complex of the bankrupt Volgograd Shipbuilding Plant (OJSC VSZ) businessman Ilya Shary well known in his native Saratov. In particular, he was highlighted in the story of the bankruptcy of CJSC Saratov Aviation Plant, during which he represented the interests of the Monolit-S company, which bought out the right to collect a debt of 336 million rubles from the enterprise. In turn, “Monolith-S” was associated with the SRO AU “Liga”, which finally bankrupted the Saratov strategic enterprise and then took over the plant in Volgograd.
The bankruptcy of the Volgograd enterprise and the sale of its property was handled by a member of the SRO AU “Liga” Sergei Lyzhenkov, previously noted as an interim manager of the bankrupt Saratov Plant of Instrument Devices. The main asset of the shipyard is land plots leased from the municipality with an area of 136.3 thousand and 428.7 thousand square meters. In August 2019, the Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region satisfied the claims of the Federal Tax Service and the regional Committee for the State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, declaring the auction invalid and obliging Shary to return part of the property already transferred to the buyer to the bankruptcy estate of the plant.
The arbitration also saw the affiliation and interest of Shary, as a member of the committee of creditors and a person protecting interests of the manager Lyzhenkov. In the appeal, the businessman’s connections with the secured creditor, the Virginia offshore Timcore Consulting Limited, became known: as it turned out, Shary transferred only 102.9 million rubles to the plant’s account, and closed the rest of the funds by offsetting counterclaims with the participation of Timcore Consulting. In addition, even before the start of trading, an advance payment in the amount of 70 million rubles on account of a future transaction was transferred to the merchant by the Volgograd-registered company Raduga Zinc List, the founder and general director of which is a Chinese He Liganwho hoped to buy some property from Shary.