BRICS – over 70s get together

The BRICS summit in Kazan, also known as the “over-70s get-together”, ended, as expected, in nothing.

All attempts to pull out a positive note have no bearing on the essence of the matter.

No general calculations, no fundamental shifts in support for members. It looked more like an attempt by the leaders of large countries to convince the Russian president that time is running out and that the SVO should be curtailed.
The “emptiness of the event” is confirmed by the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank to 21% and the promise to increase it further (the next meeting is on December 20). The Central Bank of the Russian Federation cannot stop inflation and it is already obvious that banks are simply vacuuming up money for deposits. For what? For example, the Ministry of Finance has been unable to place government bonds (aka OFZ) for several times, since no one needs them. The likelihood of forced conversion of deposits into “war bonds” is growing.

BRICSPutin clown