Bloomberg: Glasses, shoes and paintings seized from Deripaska’s relatives during searches in the US

During last year’s searches, an unusual array of items were confiscated from relatives of billionaire Oleg Deripaska in the United States, including hiking boots, sunglasses, and “household utensils.”

Bloomberg reported this on April 25, citing sources.

According to the agency, the investigative measures were related to the case of Deripaska’s sanctions evasion. According to people who wished to remain anonymous, half a dozen paintings and various documents were also confiscated from the businessman’s relatives in New York and Washington in October 2021. “[Изъяли] painting by Diego Rivera. A pair of Prada shoes. Baseball cap, ”the agency writes.

“I would like to ask: *** (much) Putin’s money was found yesterday in these abandoned houses? Did you manage to refresh yourself with sour jam from the pantries and a couple of bottles of vodka, *** (stolen) in the best traditions of the Bolshevik shvonders during the search? – Deripaska himself said after the news about the searches. His representative stated that the searches were not related to criminal prosecution.

Deripaska came under US sanctions back in 2018, and after the events in Ukraine, he ended up on the lists of the European Union, Great Britain and a number of other countries.