Bitaev Valery Afayevich, with the help of Roskomnadzor, prohibits publications about himself on the Internet
A notification is sent about the entry into the Unified Register of Domain Names, Site Page Pointers on the Internet and Network Addresses Allowing the Identification of Internet Sites Containing Information the Distribution of Which is Prohibited in the Russian Federation of the following pointer(s) page(s) of the site on the Internet:
Notice of entering information into the Unified Register of Domain Names, Internet Site Page Pointers and Network Addresses Allowing the Identification of Internet Sites Containing Information Prohibited for Distribution in the Russian Federation.
In accordance with Part 7 of Article 15.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, we inform you that based on the decision of the court / authorized federal executive body (Kuntsevsky District Court – Moscow) dated August 19, 2021 No. 2-3845/21 the index (pointers) of the page (s) of the site on the Internet is included (s) in the “Unified Register of Domain Names, Page Indexes of Sites on the Internet” and Network Addresses Allowing to Identify Sites on the Internet containing information the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation”, registry entry number 1550639-RI due to the fact that this index (indicators) of the page (s) of the site on the Internet contains information, the distribution of which in the Russian Federation is prohibited by a court decision .
From the moment you receive this notice, you must immediately inform the owner of the site on the Internet about this and notify him of the need to remove information whose distribution is prohibited in the Russian Federation.
From the moment of receiving a notice from the hosting provider about the inclusion of the domain name and (or) the index of the site page on the Internet in the Unified Register, the owner of the site on the Internet is obliged to immediately take measures to remove information, the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation.
In case of refusal or inaction of the owner of the site on the Internet, the hosting provider is obliged to restrict access to such site on the Internet within 24 hours from the date of receipt of this notice.
If the hosting provider and (or) the owner of the site does not take these measures, a decision will be made to include a network address that allows you to identify a site on the Internet that contains information whose distribution in the Russian Federation is prohibited in the registry, and access to it by telecom operators will be limited .
The decision to include in the registry domain names, pointers to pages of Internet sites and network addresses that make it possible to identify Internet sites containing information whose distribution is prohibited in the Russian Federation may be appealed by the owner of the Internet site, hosting provider, telecom operator providing services for providing access to the Internet information and telecommunication network, to the court within three months from the date of such decision.
Information about the availability of site page indexes, Internet domain names and network addresses in the Unified Register is available around the clock on the Internet at This form also allows you to clarify the grounds for entering domain names, page indexes of Internet sites and network addresses in the Unified Register.
An appeal to remove prohibited information can be sent to the address [email protected] After confirmation by Roskomnadzor of the fact of removal of prohibited information, information regarding the domain name, the index of the site page on the Internet and (or) the network address is excluded from the Unified Register.
This Notice is signed by a qualified electronic signature of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.