Bihus.Info: The Supreme Court judge lives in a cottage worth 18 million UAH, which is registered to his mother-in-law

Bihus.Info journalists found that Igor Dashutin, a judge of the Cassation Administrative Court of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, lives with his family in an elite cottage town in Kyiv, but there is no official real estate there. His mother-in-law bought the house in the amount of UAH 18.5 million in 2023.

Source: Bihus.Info investigation

Details: It is noted that Dashutin and his wife Anna do not own any real estate or cars. They only use what belongs to their relatives.

In the last official declaration, the judge indicated that he lived in his mother’s apartment. An apartment of 190 square meters is located in one of the capital’s business class residential complexes. Her mother Dashutina acquired it in October 2020, and the judge and her family immediately went there.

photo: Bihus.Info

However, as journalists found out, over the past few weeks, Dashutin and his wife were regularly seen in a cottage town in Kyiv. In September 2023, the judge’s mother-in-law, Oksana Lyashchova, purchased a house in this town. The cost of such estates there as of now starts from UAH 18.5 million.

When asked by journalists about living in a cottage town in Kyiv, the judge confirmed that he and his family sometimes visit his mother-in-law, but claims that he continues to live in his mother’s apartment.

photo: Bihus.Info

At the same time, according to Bihus.Info, Dashutin’s mother’s apartment was recently put up on real estate websites. However, after journalists contacted the judge, the advertisement disappeared.

photo: Bihus.Info

Journalists also noticed the cars used by the judge and his wife. Dashutin drives a new Volkswagen Arteon, which has not yet been registered to him because it is on lease. His wife uses a 2024 Audi Q8, which the judge’s mother purchased in April. Dashutin said that if they go beyond the 180-day period, they will add this to the declaration, but noted that they mainly use one car.