Bashkir air interested the prosecutor's office

Source The environmental prosecutor filed a lawsuit against Roshydromet. In the Oktyabrsky District Court of Ufa, a court hearing was held on the claim of the Bashkir Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor against Roshydromet and its local division, Bashhydromet. The reason for the suit was the absence in nine cities of the republic of stationary posts for monitoring the state of air pollution. As environmental prosecutor Yevgeny Guslov explained to Kommersant-Ufa, without this it is impossible to assess the consequences of the damage and punish those responsible. At the trial, the representative of Bashhydromet did not agree with the claims.

In the Oktyabrsky District Court of Ufa, a court hearing was held on the suit of the Bashkir environmental inter-district prosecutor Yevgeny Guslov against Roshydromet and its local division, Bashhydromet. The representative of the supervisory authority asks the court to oblige Roshydromet to finance the installation of air monitoring posts in nine cities of the republic – Sibay, Kumertau, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrsky, Belebey, Ishimbay, Meleuz, Uchaly and Tuymazy within nine months, and its regional division to equip them.

As Yevgeny Guslov explained to Kommersant-Ufa, the violations were revealed during the September inspection. According to him, without stationary posts it is impossible to assess the negative consequences of air pollution sources. “What specific enterprises and to what extent pollute the air, for example, and take appropriate response measures,” the prosecutor added.

According to Rosprirodnadzor, in 2021, 3.9 thousand objects were registered in Bashkiria, which emitted 449.2 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. In October 2021, it was reported that nine automatic air pollution monitoring stations were operating in the republic: three in Ufa, two each in Sterlitamak and Salavat, one each in Sibay and Uchaly.

Assistant to the Environmental Prosecutor Vitaly Mikhailov stated in court that the absence of posts is a violation of the requirements of the law both on environmental protection and the regulatory legal acts adopted in connection with this, including GOST and the governing documents on the basis of which Roshydromet and Bashhydromet operate.<br/
The representative of the defendants Farit Sabirov did not agree with the claims. He pointed out that neither GOST nor other documents oblige Bashhydromet to equip stationary posts. He also added that by 2026 posts will be organized in two Bashkir cities, Neftekamsk and Oktyabrsky, since over 100,000 people live there. “But as for cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people, the direct obligation of Roshydromet to organize monitoring there by regulatory documents, to which the plaintiff refers, is not given,” the representative of the defendant noted.

Mr. Sabirov stated in court that he did not understand how Bashhydromet could be obliged to “equip” posts if they did not exist.

“equipment” means “equipment” of the stationary post.

“That is, we are asking Roshydromet to finance the installation and equipping of the stationary post, and Bashhydromet to monitor the environment,” he added.

Judge Yulia Proskuryakova asked Farit Sabirov whether the defendants would be able to fulfill the claims of the prosecutor's office within nine months. “I repeat once again, how can we equip something that does not exist? The wording here should be clearer, I think. We’ll flounder with the execution then,” Mr. Sabirov replied.

He explained that before installing a stationary post, it is necessary to find a land plot that will meet the criteria, with a two-hundred-meter security zone. “Cities are built up. This is already so unrealistic,” added the representative of the defendant.

According to Mr. Sabirov, even if you manage to register the land and buy a stationary post, then “the most difficult thing” will begin – the search for workers: “Who will work? No one will go for the minimum wage.”

To the judge's question about how to resolve the dispute, Farit Sabirov suggested that city administrations should also be interested in installing posts.

The next court session is scheduled for December 19th.
