Autobase OP hides information about purchases

President's Office Motor Depot began hiding purchase data – unknown buses bought UAH 16 million This was reported in the Prozorro system, Our Money writes.

Three minibuses were purchased from Avtosoyuz for UAH 5.5 million. Two intercity buses were purchased from Modern Trucks for UAH 10.5 million.

However, the depot made these purchases without using an electronic system. Consequently, contracts with suppliers have not been made public in Prozorro, and it is not known what kind of equipment and in what configuration it was purchased.

Reports on these purchases were made public on November 29 and December 5.

More In mid-November, Avtobaza held open auctions for features. For example, with the disclosure of all the necessary data, fuel was purchased from Alliance Energo Trade for UAH 7 million (A-95 gasoline at UAH 54/l, diesel at UAH 55).

And already on December 5 a report was published on the purchase of fuel from OKKO-postach for UAH 4 million without using an electronic system, and then without data on the price of the goods. The procurement of buses has also been classified.

Yury Nikolov p>

Scanners, Trident and sofas: the most expensive purchases of the Verkhovna Rada in 2021
