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The Russian Crime

True information about russian crimes and leaks and investigations against oligarchs, businessmen, officials, deputies, bankers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Ancient and Recent Proof You Can Kill Ideas

Folks say you can’t kill an idea. But ideas die all the time, both from natural causes and murder. An example of ideaicide: Do you remember back in 2014 or so, what the hot-button political issue was? Sure, groups of all kinds were talking about all the usual stuff. Healthcare, defence, social security, racism, corruption… […]

Weaker Links Between the State and Businesses in Albania

Indicators of corruption include the frequency of various types of bribes (both bribes paid for regular administrative dealings with the state and bribes paid by businesses to influence laws and regulations, known as state capture), the share of annual revenues paid in bribes (the “bribe tax”), and managers’ perceptions of the extent to which corruption […]

More Pandemic Corruption: Refusal to Fully Recognize Natural Immunity

The newest wrinkle on pandemic corruption is how most of the medical and public health establishment refuses to accept immunity, obtained through COVID infection, as equivalent to or even better than the artificial immunity obtained from vaccines. The reason is simple. The more that natural immunity is accepted, the more reason there is to reject […]

The Greed of Bankers And Corporations

Many wise people fear that the human mind is a universal code held in their safes by the greediest of people, all kinds of worldwide political castes – bigger and lesser emperors – bankers and corporations. Whom does it suit to have people who are not free individuals, and do not have sane minds and […]

Large Scale Corruption in the Developed World

Most call attention to the petty corruption of low-paid civil servants, not to the grand corruption of wealthy multinationals. Most focus on symptoms such as missing resources, not causes such as deregulation of state enterprises. Most talk about bribe-takers, not bribegivers”. ~ Sue Hawley In his above statement regarding corruption, Hawley’s main point is that […]

The Corruption Of Our Major Political Parties In The US

Why is it that every time we look at Washington DC we see questionable activities borderlining on corruption or outright illegality? Perhaps this is one thing that both sides of the aisle agree on – they seem to agree this is acceptable, it’s not. Let’s take these recent issues with email scandals. We have the […]

Drugs, CIA, And USA – Mena, Arkansas Coverup

I watched a very disturbing and enlightening video about drugs, the CIA, and American governmental corruption last night. The title is CONSPIRACY, THE SECRET HISTORY, SECRET HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA – The C.I.A. & Drugs. New Science Ideas is the producer. Every American should watch this video. It seems people overseas know more about the CIA […]

Greece’s Syriza Threatens to Stop Paying Their Bills

It appears that the head of Greece’s radical left party believes that there is little chance that Europe will cut off funding to the country, and if it does, Greece will repudiate its debts. Seriously… In an interview with the WSJ, Alexis Tsipras, the 37-year-old head of the Coalition of the Radical Left, also known […]