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The Russian Crime

True information about russian crimes and leaks and investigations against oligarchs, businessmen, officials, deputies, bankers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Corruption Is a Great Curse

Corruption is a great social evil. It indicates the activities which are quite opposite the values and norms of an organization or of the society. In the context of Bangladesh it becomes a big problem. For this problem our country is now troubled to such an extent that the existence of the country is under […]

Top Ten Money Laundering Acronyms

The world of regulations can seem like a bowl of alphabet soup at times. US money laundering regulations are no exception. We have compiled a list of the top ten money laundering acronyms and their definitions. AML – Anti money laundering is the term for activities aimed at curbing the practice of money laundering. Money […]

Living Standard in Developing Countries

Published by the Population Fund of the United Nations the report on State of World Population. 6,000,000,000 humans who, eat, drink, sleep, use public services, spend, reproduce, exchange, transport and finally, struggle all the time and everyday to survive adversity and live sixty six years on an average that lasts their fleeting existence. Of course, […]

The Commie Chronicles – Episode 4

In our last episode, we discussed the purge principle perfected by the communist Left related to Trump. In this episode, we’ll take a broader look at the focus of purging or killing careers, families, and organizations. We saw maybe the purge’s earliest signs with the Clarence Thomas hearings when he was being vetted for a […]

The Concept and Causes of Corruption

Corruption is a crime. The word means the annihilation of a society or a nation. It’s a “wrongdoing on the part of an authority or powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral, or incompatible with ethical standards”. It is the abuse of public office and resources for personal gains (Political) or on the other […]

Danger! Air Bags Aloft!

“Speak when you’re spoken to” was the maxim with which most of us grew up. I’m trying to live by it now . Don’t say anything unless there is something to say. Wait for the message. Here’s what comes today, in the form of a question: Where is the greatest danger for the Christian believer […]

African Engineers: The Age of Kalabule

In developing countries, most of the trade in everyday household necessities is conducted in what economists call the informal sector. Here every transaction is in cash, few, if any, records are kept, taxes go uncollected and most government regulations are ignored. Governments strive to control the economy by collecting all the hard currency income from […]

100 Days of Xi Jinping

Today marks 100 days since Xi Jinping assumed his full responsibilities as the President of the People’s Republic of China. So we review how his new administration preformed in these key initial few months, what was enacted and what was encountered. The world’s attention is increasingly turning to China and there is the possibility that […]

Not A Den Of Thieves, But An Excellent Partner

Kwame Mainu left Ghana in 1994 because he feared reprisals against himself and his teenage daughter, Akosua, from members of a Kumasi-based drugs cartel he had helped to incriminate, and who were being released from prison early, after serving only part of their sentences. He was hoping for an academic post at Warwick University in […]