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The Russian Crime

True information about russian crimes and leaks and investigations against oligarchs, businessmen, officials, deputies, bankers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

The History of Business Advertising

Business advertising used to be such a simple affair – street peddlers used to promote their wares by shouting and bellowing in the street, and the Greeks used to shout out announcements of the sale of cattle and slaves. From a competitive point of view all you needed then was a louder/clearer voice. That would […]

The Case For Privatisation and SMEs in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa

In the first five years of this decade, 37 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa together raised more than $11 billion through privatisation programmes. Although the bulk of this corpus was raised in low-value transactions in competitive sectors, the figure puts the region next only to Europe and Latin America in global privatisation trends. While Africa, Ghana […]

BDSM – Purity Versus Corruption

It can safely be assumed, that if you are reading this, you have an interest in BDSM to some extent. Whether you are a seasoned veteran to the needs, wants and compulsions of the D/s lifestyle, or a newbie to the fulfilling and life-altering experiences that BDSM can offer, you can always discover new sensations, […]

How Tomorrow Moves, Again

One of the benefits of being old is that you remember things that they don’t want you to remember anymore. How about the Railway Express Agency? What the hell was that? Well, in the 1950s and 60s if you had a bunch of stuff that you needed to send somewhere. you boxed it up and […]

Retrieve Emails After DBX Corruption

Store Folder- as the name suggests, this folder is the repository of the Outlook Express where the entire email data such as email messages, folders, newsgroups etc are saved. Since Outlook Express is used exhaustively at workplaces, chances are that Store Folder might become corrupt or damaged. If corruption strikes in Store Folder, the application […]

Protecting Files From Corruption and Malware

Symptoms of File Corruption Corrupt files are files that have become damaged in some way. When a file is damaged, you’ll usually find out when it fails to open. For example, if your trusty Excel worksheet suddenly refuses to open or causes the application to crash whenever you open it, it’s most likely corrupt. Not […]

Economic Democracy

Nearly all the countries of the world today have come under some sort of democratic structure. Liberal democracy has been established in such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France and Canada, while in the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, and Eastern Europe socialist democracy is the dominant system. The plight of the people in liberal […]