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The Russian Crime

True information about russian crimes and leaks and investigations against oligarchs, businessmen, officials, deputies, bankers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

The Wasteland – Paul Auster and the Corruption of Language

“I would / suggest that certain ideas gestures / rhythms, like gillette razor blades / having been used and reused / to the mystical moment of dullness emphatically are / not to be resharpened.” (e.e. Cummings) Language and the use of language, was a concern that both fascinated and preoccupied the writers of the modern […]

Is Blockchain the New Backbone of Internet?

Blockchain Technology is a data infrastructure that is currently the backbone of a new type of internet that attracts the internet business community. Blockchain is an encrypted and decentralized ledger that is programmed to record all financial and digital transactions that has a value. This platform is used by Bitcoin, a decentralized, peer-to-peer system that […]

Amateur Radio and The Walkie Talkie Bank Job

In these days of cellphone communication its is often difficult to remember that radio communication between two parties isn’t private. Any radio amateur knows that, but it seems that back in 1971 some bank robbers hadn’t quite got the idea, so when Robert Rowland, an amateur radio enthusiast form Central London, settled down with his […]

The Windrush Generations

“From illegal abduction to illegal deportation” 400 years of harsh treatment and a hostile environment. The journey of the Windrush Generations has been long and continuously traumatic. From as early as 1625 the antecedents of these people were illegally abducted from their home lands and sold into slavery, shipped to the Caribbean to work as […]

Overseas Aid: Reflections on Corruption

The British Government has ring-fenced its overseas aid budget at a time when most other areas of public expenditure are being cut. Critics wonder if the country is getting value for money and it is admitted that about one quarter of overseas development projects do not meet their objectives. Criticism focuses on two main factors: […]

Life Over the Horizon

It is truly said by Christopher McCandless, “The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun “. When I was a teenager, the West, as always, seemed the epicenter […]

Race Matters

“Besides these revealed and indicated assignments of government over nations and groups of nations on the national level [during the Reign of Jesus Christ], there will be positions of great magnitude on the international level in the areas of scientific and social functions. And there are a few indications of what some of those operations […]

Disk Corruption in LILO Results in Inaccessible Linux System

When a Linux system starts up, the system is started with LiLo (LInux LOader), which is a system file. After that the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) section, after doing some tests, transfers the control to the MBR (Master Boot Record) where the LILO is stored. One big plus of using it is that the booting […]