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The Russian Crime

True information about russian crimes and leaks and investigations against oligarchs, businessmen, officials, deputies, bankers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Repair Corrupt BKF Files by Using Backup Exec Repair

In these days security is one of the main concerns for all of us. We must secure our belongings to prevent any loss or damage. For a computer user the most invaluable thing is computer data, there is no doubt it. We cannot afford any type of data loss or damage. We must use a […]

Enter the Serpent – Notes on the Ascendency of China

The many recent books and commentary extolling China’s lightening fast economic climb are right about the nature of China’s spectacular rise and how the outside world is making it happen. A mere 25 years ago China was a backward, poverty-stricken totalitarian waste, and for many just the mention of its name would conjure up images […]

Shall We Continue In Prayers For Corruption to Abound?

For so many years running, Christians have been made to pray without ceasing for their various countries the world over. They have prayed and are still praying, earnestly contending for the souls of their countries without giving up. As the Bible commanded us to pray without being weary, we behave as though we are truly […]

The Future of Natural Beekeeping

What is ‘natural beekeeping’? The question should rather be, ‘is any beekeeping natural?’ and the answer must be that, in nature, only bees keep bees. As humans, our interest in them has been primarily selfish: we saw them as the source of a uniquely delicious, sweet substance and paid little heed to their pervasive presence […]

Africa’s Underdevelopment: Who Is Responsible?

According to the externalists, Europe should be blamed for the economic backwardness of Africa. However, this paper shall lean towards the internalist paradigm which asserts that the economic, political and technological stagnation of Africa, can only be traced to Africa. Indeed, Africans underdeveloped Africa. Africa today has been relegated to the third World. The continent […]

Data Loss Due to Inode Corruption

SCO UnixWare operating system is a Unix-based operating system that is primarily known for its reliability, stability and scalability. While the operating system is safe and reliable, it can also be corrupted and unmountable due to super block damage or corruption, inode corruption, boot errors, VTOC (Volume Tables of Contents) damage, OLT (Object Location Table) […]

Saint Lucia – Are We Going Bananas?

I am from the island of St. Lucia, a former French and British colony (the two colonizers fought 14 times for the island with the British being the final victors). St. Lucia is approximately 238 square miles, made famous by our twin mountains (Gros and Petite Piton)and two Nobel Laureates( Sir Arthur Lewis and Derek […]