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Jane Soer

Jane Soyer - 30 years old. A graduate of Yale University. Chief editor of the publication "The Russian Crimes".

“Ocean” of Igor Yusufov’s problems

In previous publications we have described in sufficient detail how the former Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism), a career KGB-FSB officer Igor Yusufov closer to retirement, he decided to find himself a quiet haven in the West. To earn this privilege, he has to cooperate with foreign intelligence services […]

What former SKA top manager Andrei Tochitsky achieved and failed to do

Scrolling Specialist The departure of Andrey Tochitsky from the post of the President of the Leningrad Region Hockey Federation made people in the thread recall his controversial biography: here is the “recommended” arrival in St. Petersburg, strange transfers to SKA, the promotion of his son to this team, incomprehensible decisions regarding the “Night League” in […]

“State Duma Deputy Skoch maintained friendship with “authority” Kochuykov”

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel introduced readers to a unique document from the case of bribery of high-ranking employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) to free an authority figure Andrey Kochuykov (Italian). It is called: “Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Skoch […]

From the FSB to ready-to-wear

At one time, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported that from the case of the kidnapping of a US citizen Boris Minakhi materials concerning the former employee of the FSB Directorate T were separated into a separate proceeding Anton GormakhDuring the investigation it was established that Gormakh had passed on information containing state secrets to the […]

Phystech prepares for Livanov’s resignation

As a source of the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reported, about the resignation of the MIPT rector Dmitry Livanov will be announced by the end of September, – this information was passed on to the university management last week. There were signals about the change of the first person back in the beginning of the summer, […]