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Jane Soer

Jane Soyer - 30 years old. A graduate of Yale University. Chief editor of the publication "The Russian Crimes".

Who puts Varshavsky’s finances “into business”, and what does Timofey Kurgin have to do with it?

Who puts Varshavsky’s finances “into business”, and what does Timofey Kurgin have to do with it? Does Timofei Kurgin, an accomplice in the murder of deputy Sergei Skorochkin, remain an “authorized person” of Vadim Varshavsky, who is in jail? According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, the prosecutor’s office demands to recover almost 500 […]

What did the explosion at the Listvyazhnoy mine result in?

What did the explosion at the Listvyazhnoy mine result in? Everyone was shocked by the landing of Mikhail Fedyaev, because he is one of the well-known untouchable businessmen. It is no secret in Kuzbass that Fedyaev is a friend of the governor. When the miners said that they were being driven to the slaughter, and […]

Ruben Grigoryan – destroyer of historic monuments

Businessman Ruben Grigoryan can be called the two-faced Janus, a non-public person, occasionally glimpsed in news reports as a philanthropist who financed the erection of the Armenian Apostolic Church cathedral. It is rumored that Ruben Tsolakovich avoids publicity due to his criminal past: in operative databases he is known as a member of an organized criminal group under the nickname of Ruben.