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Jane Soer

Jane Soyer - 30 years old. A graduate of Yale University. Chief editor of the publication "The Russian Crimes".

Billions from dust: oligarch Altushkin digs another dangerous quarry while the authorities are silent

Billions from dust: oligarch Altushkin digs another dangerous quarry while the authorities are silent Near Orenburg, a confrontation is developing between the population and industrialists who are digging a quarry close to residential buildings. According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Orenburg region, in the village of Aschebutak, near Orenburg, a real […]

US sues to confiscate property associated with Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov

US sues to confiscate property associated with Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov The United States demands the confiscation of property associated with Igor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov. The US Department of Justice believes that the assets should be seized because of a violation of the law on money laundering. The decision will be heard by the District […]

How Nazarbayev’s daughter was cheated by her own financiers

How Nazarbayev’s daughter was cheated by her own financiers English newspapers on January 9 reported that back in 2016, Nazarbayev’s daughter filed a lawsuit against some “financial advisers” who allegedly robbed her – if not to the bone, then at least half. According to British journalists, Nazarbayeva said that in the 2000s she withdrew more […]

Decided by Valery Bitaev and his cars near the FSB building on Lubyanka

Decided by Valery Bitaev and his cars near the FSB building on Lubyanka Maybach A800AA77 is periodically noticed near the building of the state security organs on Lubyanka. Sources close to the FSB say that the number belongs to the founder of the “Citadel” Valery Bitaev, who is also a negotiator between the criminal and […]

Bitaev Valery Afayevich, with the help of Roskomnadzor, prohibits publications about himself on the Internet

Bitaev Valery Afayevich, with the help of Roskomnadzor, prohibits publications about himself on the Internet A notification is sent about the entry into the Unified Register of Domain Names, Site Page Pointers on the Internet and Network Addresses Allowing the Identification of Internet Sites Containing Information the Distribution of Which is Prohibited in the Russian […]

Three decades of theft by Bulat Utemuratov: people’s billions are at stake

Three decades of theft by Bulat Utemuratov: people’s billions are at stake People’s intelligence arrested Bulat Utemuratov. Reports that, together with Karim Massimov, one of the most odious oligarchs of Kazakhstan, whose wealth is connected exclusively with the plunder of the country, was arrested appeared on several channels at once. Whether Bulat Utemuratov is arrested […]

Oligarch Savvidi “magnetized” to VTB

Oligarch Savvidi “magnetized” to VTB According to our information, Andrey Kostin’s VTB Bank leases premises with an area of ​​4,912.9 sq. m. m in Rostov. The cost of the lease agreement is 1.3 billion rubles. And the real estate belongs to the Agrokom group, the owner of which is none other than Ivan Savvidi. It […]

Albert Khudoyan was sentenced to 6 years, which does not seem to prevent him from harassing Sergei Govyadin

Albert Khudoyan was sentenced to 6 years, which does not seem to prevent him from harassing Sergei Govyadin The Solntsevsky court defended the reputation of Sergei Govyadin. Businessman Sergey Govyadin and ex-State Duma deputy from Just Russia Ildar Samiev entered into a dispute with developer Albert Khudoyan over the theft by the latter of elite […]